Ghoul King's Harem

Chapter 55 [Bonus ] 55: Staring Into The Void!

Valulaela guided Alex out of the main room; they came to a strange gateway, like the huge blue one inside the village square, but fewer people entered, and the weird portal-like silky water was pink, and the image inside was clear.

"Don\'t worry, follow me~ big sister will show you a wonderful new world, fufu."

Alex wasn\'t one to fear the unknown, his body stepping forward with a long stride, although to Valulaela, it was a regular step, as she wrapped her arm around his hip, pulling him forward as they almost jumped into the portal.

Instantly it was like his entire vision distorted; the world would spin and contort as he almost felt like vomiting, and then a moment later, Alex was spat out into a strange area; the huge world expanded before his face, and below him, an arena like building floating on a strange massive piece of land, while the world seemed to be half destroyed as strange energy seemed to be holding countless of these huge floating continents in place.

"Come on; you look so cute." Valulaela teased him momentarily as she pulled his body down to the ground, landing on the stone floor of the arena\'s spectating seats.

Honestly, he was amazed; the sights were beyond his wildest dreams, the aurora that was barely visible in his former world now floating around the sky, like a fantasy MMO game he would play during summer, the vivid colours almost like someone added one of those phone filter\'s to real life.

Alex watched from the stands as Stella stepped into the arena, her lithe frame contrasting the hulking seven-foot beastman wielding a massive axe. The arena was a massive structure with towering walls that seemed to loom over the combatants below. The air was thick with the scent of sweat and blood, and Alex could feel his heart racing in his chest as he looked around.

\'She looks confident.\' Alex thought, seeing her shadowy black mantle, filled with tendrils and a strange mist, swaying like a graceful dress, the sleeves forming various shapes to hide her limbs, her legs and body movements hidden from sight.

He could feel the floor was made of a strange smooth stone, nothing like his own world, while around the ground were a series of circles and lines that seemed to indicate specific zones for combat. Surrounding the floor were tiers upon seating, filled to the brim with spectators eager to witness the carnage about to unfold.

At first, Alex wondered why there were so many people, but suddenly two powerful hands tapped his shoulders, grasping his muscles as her long fingers began to massage his flesh. The Vamura already identified her prey as the surrounding women of strange races, some with bizarre lower bodies made of tentacles or fleshy appendages.

However, unlike the humanoid women Alex was used to, they still carried a strange and mysterious beauty.

A warm breath left the pink lips of Valulaela as she hugged his back, her strong arms with more muscle than Alex, "Did you notice? Most viewers are not actually from the Forsaken town; the training arenas are connected to a single world, and the small gate you passed through transferred you to a world thousands of lightyears from your home planet. Isn\'t that amazing?"

Her antennae began to stroke his cheeks, abdomen and back slowly; the customs of alien races were much different to humans; some would catch and violate their prey after confirming fertilisation, then eat the male, while other\'s would slowly stalk their prey, entrapping him and causing him to be enamoured with her sultry and passionate affection.

\'This boy is good; he better not die~ I am looking forward to my future rival... or maybe sister? She was quite polite and cute!\' Valulaela thought to herself, watching with her narrowed eyes, switching from a blue colour to a neon purple as she watched the fight as if she stood beside them, her eyes magnified by 10 times.

"It\'s amazing... I would never have thought something this crazy existed..." Alex tried to sound as composed as possible, but in his mind, despite the ghoul\'s bonus to resisting mental effects, he began to worry about being stranded in another world; what if they couldn\'t go back? Will Stella be alright... Why is this huge woman still molesting me!?

Detecting the feelings through her antennae, Valulaela pressed his shoulders down as she slipped underneath his body, her soft but firm muscular thighs cushioning his ass as she held both antennae to his temples, hugging him close to her body.

A thick scent of strange fruits and flavours that Alex had never smelt before, a mixture of a sour allure and sweet attraction that alternated the moment his nose began to adapt towards the scent while feeling the extremely hot breath blowing down the back of his neck.

Alex was about to complain before a sudden jolt struck his head, the two antennae causing a strange pulsation across his forehead pain filled his eyes, the green orbs aching. \'What the fuck!?\'

He was going to swat her away before he noticed something amazing! His vision could see Stella as if she was standing less than a metre away; when he thought about seeing the entire battle, it automatically zoomed to a more 3rd personal overhead view with a high FoV; somehow, it was like when playing games on his computer.


"Amazing, right...? I can do much more with these cute girls~ fufu!" Valulaela\'s sensual voice echoed in his mind as her lips traced along the back of his neck, almost taking his entire attention from Stella, her sharp teeth sometimes nicking his flesh, causing small cuts to form, his blood dribbling into her soft lips.

"Keep watching; enjoy the fight~ my cute little Lamora."

(Lamora is a lamb-type creature from the Vamuran\'s home world. Cute and very shy, normally eaten daily by Valulaela and her kin. Sometimes used for a less dominant sexual partner and a word of endearment.)

\'One day I\'ll make this woman treat beg me for mercy... damn... I don\'t know why being treated like a submissive man is irritating; how do those simps live like that!\'


Suddenly, Valulaela\'s hand slid into his crotch before pressing her lips to his ears, "oh, what is this simp? Fufu ~ be careful of your shallow thoughts... I can hear them. Hehe, you want to make me beg for mercy? Is that with this thing?" Her long fingers began to stroke over his pants, his thick meat club unable to resist her charms and now more than 80% erect, causing her eyes to narrow into happy little crescents.

"Maybe I will look forward to that day..." Her head moved once more, the tips of her antennae stroking across his temples in a slow circle, the slight furry tips causing his body to shudder as a strange feeling of pleasure throbbed through his brain. "For now... you\'re my little Lamora, understand?"

"ammn~" her soft lips wrapped around the back of his neck as she began to bite into his flesh, enjoying Alex\'s strange, exotic taste.

Vamoran females were sometimes known for their nibble desires like the ancient ancestors of their races; only the strongest live to procreate.

Unable to beat her mentally or physically, Alex allowed the pleasure to erupt through his body, instead fixing his eyes on the arena as the fight began.

The arena was dark and peaceful, with torches flickering along the walls and casting long shadows across the floor. The atmosphere was tense, with the crowd murmuring amongst themselves and the occasional roar of excitement or fear rising from below.

"Hmmmm, little girl, do you want to fight me? I am very powerful; I would hate to hurt you!" Mabelon teased Stella, his axe relaxed on the ground, before the referee had already explained there were no rules as this was a training exhibition and a sense of grudge between the pair.

"On the count of three, you are free to start. Remember, if the opposition submits, you are free to accept it or kill them, although if they do submit, the loser has to accept one demand from the winner. Understood?" The old lion-headed man said as he looked between the pair, his eye glowing with a faint golden light.

As Stella faced off against the beastman, Alex could see the sweat beading on her forehead and the determination in her eyes. He could feel how serious she was; that look as if she were a banshee was too beautiful, although many human males might find it eerie, macabre or ugly.

Alex thought she was the most beautiful at this moment; as her eyes closed, several seconds passed before she replied. The slight worry in her eyes was replaced with belief, her eyes looking towards his location before showing a crooked smile only for Alex.


"Of course!"

\'I will make her cry, beg for mercy, then make her spend the night with me, unable ever to forget my huge python\'s taste!\' Mabelon thought to himself while Stella\'s body vanished into thin air like dark misty smoke.

He knew the arena was a place for testing new adventurers and mercenaries where the strong were separated from the weak and the skilled from the inexperienced. It was a place of danger and opportunity, where one misstep could mean the difference between life and death.

"You care for that girl, huh? Well... don\'t worry; even if she submits, I will ensure that trash doesn\'t touch a hair on her head... Will you reward me? Fufu ~ what should I ask for?"

Despite the foreboding atmosphere, Alex could not help but be drawn in by the excitement of the arena. He knew that Stella was a capable fighter, and he could not wait to see what she was capable of in this hallowed ground of battle.

Alex\'s looked down at the ground; the fight was moments away as his eyes began to turn a dark red, her face even more twisted as he grasped the hand of Valuleala that was stroking his member, pulling her away with all of his power, forcing his veins to bulge from his arms, sweat to pour from his head, as he clasped her hand tightly, twisting his body to face her, a mouth full of sharp teeth and long tongue over 20 centimetres long dripping with his blood.

It should have been an eerie, maybe fearful sight, but Alex didn\'t falter or drawback; his face leaned forward, her black triangular nose squished flat by his pink fleshy nose. Her eyes opened wide, huge cylinders with a strange colour, from neon purple to swirling blue and red, a dilated pupil in the centre with a strange star shape floating inside.

"Oh? What\'s the matter..."

"Let\'s make a bet, woman," Alex spoke with a deep, magnetic voice, ignoring the pressure from her aura with sheer will and reckless abandon; this woman thought Stella would lose; that felt insulting! His vesta would never lose against such a pathetic opponent!

He would never let even this woman, who could crush him as a bug, speak negatively of Stella, even if it was a jest or joke to her. Stella was important to him; the link between his thoughts was interrupted as Valuleala couldn\'t understand his muddle thoughts or his strange change.

"Bet...? What could you offer me... someone, who stands at the top of the myriad of broken worlds?"

"Nothing." His honest words came in reply, shrugging his shoulders.

Valuleala began to frown, thinking this boy was maybe a misfire. Did he get a little cheeky because she showed him some affection? Why not just kill him and that girl now? No... The rules forbid that, still she felt irritated before the shallow thoughts of Alex entered her mind as her eyes widened and a huge, distorted smile filled her face ear to ear.

"Oh? Are you willing to bet yourself to become my pet if she loses? Are you sure... I won\'t share with you if you are my pet! That\'s not the same as a lover...."

Her hand stroked over his face, pulled on his soft cheeks, sliding down his chin, neck and chest.... before her cruel whisper sounded, "I will eat your flesh and devour you while you are still alive! Really? Are you going to bet such a wonderful thing with me?"

Not even a second passed by before his face also distorted, like two demons at the bottom of hell embracing each other, suddenly the area around them was void of all other people, some shivering from the intense aura from Valulaela while many terrified by the distorted and eerie faces of the pair, like a pair of abyssal friends.

"If she wins, I want you to offer your protection and guidance to my various women and me while they visit the Forsaken village for the next year."

Alex didn\'t want to bite off more than he could chew; he planned to have Mildred, the girls who were violated and the weaker girls trained by this woman, he didn\'t trust her, but along the way to the guild, something was interesting, that caused him to feel confident.

"Oh? Then, are you going to make a soul pact with me? You know if it\'s broken, you will be obliterated, right? You can\'t escape even if you hide in that world and pretend to follow the terms, right?" Valulaela\'s strong voice, her lips pressing against his as she spoke, to others, it was like a romantic kiss between two beasts, while for Alex, it was a dance with death.

This woman would love him eternally if a lover or ravaged and devoured him as a pet... either way, she wouldn\'t leave him alone. So why not take advantage of her strange mentality and racial customs?

His gaze turned cold and hard, his lips pressed together, his jaw tensing up as his hands gripped hers tightly.

"Ah, let\'s sign one right away."


\'This boy~ ah, a pet on the one hand, a wonderful male on the other~ he cannot win... helping a few of his other women become stronger? Protect them? Who can go against me...? What a stupid boy... He could have asked for more... I hope she wins; I pray she wins!\'

Valulaela released his body, her right hand moving inside her breast pocket and rummaging inside her space storage before she found the item she was looking for; a long cylinder with two holes at the bottom as her finger traced along the long cylinder, two sets of writing appeared.

The terms that Alex agreed to, in both her language and his.

"This item is an S-Tier soul elixir; the moment we drink from each end, our souls, hearts and fates will be entwined for eternity, no matter who wins, even after one of us dies. Our souls will never be parted; even if the year passes, my soul will reside within yours, yours within mine. Is a bond closer than any other woman you ever meet~ fufu? Are you sure? Sure? You\'re sure, right?"

Her lips salivated as she pressed the bottom hole against his lips, roughly as it squished her lips, before she leaned forward, a strange excitement filling her body as she pressed her lips against the other side, pressing so hard, it entered her mouth completely as the pair were almost kissing, a strange pink glow filling her eyes as the red and blue swirls completely merged and were no longer vigilant.

\'Come~ Let\'s accept the contract!\' Valulaela\'s voice sounded in his mind as her Antennae wrapped around his head and held him in place before the cylinder began to glow a dark crimson, vibrating in his mouth.

She pressed her lips further, sealing the deal with a strange kiss as his mouth was filled with the bitter taste of the cylinder, the red fluid that began to ooze into his mouth and the soft feel of her cold yet squishy lips.

- Gained title: Tempter of Fate, Yandere collector.

Tempter of Fate: When you stare into the Abyss, the Abyss stares back. (Beware! Beware!)

Yandrere Collector: Make three or more women with questionable mental states take an interest in you. (Run! Escape!)

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