Ghoul King's Harem

Chapter 263 263: An Undesirable Reality...

Chapter 263 263: An Undesirable Reality...

\'Well, some are quite interesting.\' 

Some of them just wanted to have sex for an entire day, not leaving the bed even to eat just once a year... Others wanted to experience a love-love date before spending the knight together like lovers.

There were even a few cute ones that wanted to act as a married couple like Elanor.

\'Can I make this work? With all the women I have already, these women will protect Stella using her special ability and become practically defenceless...\'

"Are you alright, Alexander?" Claudia was confused at why it was taking so long, with many women and succubi sitting outside the inner circle watching him with their dreamy eyes.

Seeing the girls in armour and matching them to their desires was even more fun.

"Ah... I am trying to read all their desires and requests before accepting. Before I satisfy these girls, I have more than 30 women in my previous group to ensure they are happy, satisfied and loved. This isn\'t something I can just say yet, too, without proper consideration."

"Oh?" Stella\'s mother showed a shocked look; she believed he would just happily accept, then push Elanor down on the table and start going for gold. Her eyes narrowed, watching him read every sheet before he turned not to her but to the 24 succubus knights for the first group.

There might be more in the future, but he wanted to look at them all well, blue skin, red skin, pink skin, pale skin, lovely girls, mature women, plump milf types.

He saw Elanor looking at him with her shimmering eyes, sitting at the very front, silently holding her hands against her chest.

\'She looks so nervous and lovely if she wasn\'t there. I believe the chances of my accepting were lower...\' Even the green haired girl who got dragged away when I first came here was part of the group.

"I\'ll do it. Starting from Elanor in three nights time. Then, for the schedule and desires, please let the knights vote for a leader and sub-leader to arrange the best times for all the girls and myself while contacting my other women to ensure the dates don\'t clash."

"Hmmm? In three days. Is there a reason for the delay?" 

"Tonight, I am holding one of my cute followers for the first time; tomorrow, I plan to sleep with my three most beloved women and on the third night, I\'ll spend sleeping with a minotaur and a fairy," Alexander revealed his plans, causing Claudia to choke on air... \'Holding one?! Sleeping with three!! Sleeping with a Minotaur and Fairy?! How did they get luckier than my daughter?!!\'

Feeling envious, jealous and interested herself... Stella\'s mother scowled and cursed him while Alexander stood up calmly and thanked the girls before stepping past Elanor and kissing her forehead softly, his hand caressing her soft hips as he greeted each of the succubi with the same greeting.

He kissed their hands for those who wanted a more romantic date. The ones that wanted him to punish them, her slipped his hand into their armour, enjoying how excited their eyes became and then left the tower with 24 thirsty succubi, all desperate to mount and devour his essence.

Once the door slammed, Claudia stood up and looked at the excited and charmed women, "So, how was it?" The women began discussing excitedly and sensually spoke of Alexander touching their skin and how warm his lips were; they couldn\'t stop squealing like teenage girls falling in love.

Claudia frowned; Stella lucked out to get a partner that made even the succubus knights go crazy for him. \'Though Elanor is special, she adores him more than the rest.... but she hid it well until today. Alex, my cute son-in-law... you stirred up the hornet\'s nest... these girls will eat you alive.\'


Alexander didn\'t mind. He was more into exploring the city; he aimed to meet the old man Mc Alister again to see his progress on the anti-zombie weapons, defences and tools on the walls.

Along the way, he could see many smiling people laughing, having drinks at the tavern, eating in the market or just enjoying the peace while knowing soon... They would either live or die.

\'I want to protect this place, even if I have to fall further into the darkness of my race... Their happy faces are like before the fall of humanity... elves, dwarfs, undead, ghouls and other creatures all getting along together... it was like a fantasy novel.\'

Sapphira didn\'t respond to his thoughts of saving these people, but he could feel her gentle presence, always like a warming and soothing light that helped keep his mind focused and out of the darkness...

"It\'s so nice to see how far you\'ve come since we first spoke, Alex." Her divine voice flickered in my mind, seemingly closer than ever... as if she was walking beside me.

"Thanks for meeting Qilana, the girls in that country and speaking to you while training to awaken. You also gave me the strength to move forwards and free those girls... Rather... It felt like I was the one that seemed to have been freed from that limited mind that only cared about myself." Alexander honestly expressed his appreciation. \'Without Sapphira and Kayne\'s guidance in the early stages, I might have stayed stagnant or been even weaker...\'

The goddess hummed happily before she laughed softly; it sounded clear as glass bells in his ears; his body trembled when he heard the Goddess\'s holy laughter, nothing like her usual mocking or angry voice... it made his heart tremble as something warm leaned against his shoulder... was it his imagination? It was like someone held his right arm and leaned against his shoulder as they walked towards the dwarven district in a warm silence.

\'Is she with me?\'

"I told you... I am always beside you, especially since I fell for you and lost my father. I just cannot materialise until this world has another wave of invasions... maybe the one after, depending on how dangerous the planet deems me to be, fufu." Sapphira answered his question seriously before giggling playfully.

Alexander thought that even if she could appear, it may cause problems; a goddess was beyond the Stage System... If forces here realised, there might be struggles with trash wanting Sapphira under their control...

Should this happen, he wouldn\'t hesitate to protect her with his life; she made him what he was today and deserved such a reward...

\'Even though I know she could solve them with a snap of her fingers... I feel like massacre is something I never want Sapphira to perform or become burdened with...\'

"Ah~ my kind hero, what would a girl goddess do without you? Haha." Sapphira joked warmly... it seemed she read his mind clearly but felt flattered and moved that Alexander tried to protect her image even mentally...

It showed his feelings had changed from the past and began growing into love—not lust, like how he did the same to Amy in the past... Making her crazy about him rather than his blood and body.

Suddenly, Alexander felt her press against his neck, the soft feeling of something similar to lips kissing the nape before it faded when he recovered from the strange dream-like state... five old dwarven men were hammering a huge metal bar together... in perfect synchronisation.

Their skills reminded Alexander of professional symphony performances... Each beat was on time... hammer after hammer... the shape moulding perfectly until it was placed on the water barrel before steam poured forth... revealing a metal recurve for the ballistae, forged without any scratches...

The metal was dark grey-coloured, shining with magical runes, and the craftsmanship looked superior to anything he had ever seen; even McAllister noticed him watching and put on an ugly expression.

"Oi... why are you here, laddie.... don\'t be watchin\' our performance with such a strange face," Alexander smirked; the old dwarf grumbled after seeing Alexander but stopped working.

McAlister walked over, carrying four heavy plates filled with iron ingots, dumping them into a water tank filled with runes before moving over to him... his smell was a little whiffy because he hadn\'t showered due to constant hard labour with the boys, and that damn old wolf girl wouldn\'t stop clinging to him to seduce the lad...

"Is that for those heavy repeaters you mentioned? To shoot down the giants before they approach?"

Alexander pointed at the strange tool; McAllister nodded proudly before heading to the forge again; even though the old dwarf treated Alexander roughly, it was because he had faith in his adopted son and the ladies he called wives...

Thus, he was strict with the lad he treated as an adopted son... "Though we will only have twelve at maximum until the last shipment arrives and the second workshop opens."

The blacksmith rubbed his thick white beard full of dirt and soot as if he enjoyed such work.


"Oh... this is a capital city, so the portal leads to a special place with something like a market board where you ask for items, and then they send them in a package a few days later. These special portals never corrupt or break, but only goods and natives can enter and exit." McAllister explained how unique their city was compared to the others.

"Do you need any money? I have millions on me?" 

"Foolish lad... why would I want yer money!" 

However, the blacksmiths behind looked at Alex like a god with puppy eyes, so he took out a huge box and placed it on the table with a bang as golden coins clattered.

"Stop being annoying, old man; use this to craft the tools for the city and the stuff you want to build! Have fun, and life is too short to limit ourselves now."

McAllister stared angrily but grabbed the money, "Tsk... cheeky bugger! Hehehe, it looks like we\'re avin\' the expensive ale tonight, boys!" Alex waved to the dwarves and turned back. 

Tonight was Ayumi\'s night, and he remembered there were things she liked... so he would buy them before returning to his room.

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