Dread Sovereign: Monster Girl Harem

Chapter 8 8: Entwined Past, Into Darkness!

The bus\'s loud engine began to vibrate as it came to a full stop.

Raven\'s body stepped from the lowered ramp, his first steps below the fabled monolith, a frigid wind blowing past, blocking the sound of the old man\'s final words.

"Oi, take this! You\'ll need it. The dungeon doesn\'t give weapons for nothing, fool."

·ƈθm "Good luck," The old man looked down, his sharp eyes seeing the adventurer\'s identification with the name [Raven] printed, a wry smile that became one of joy filling his face.

\'So you will truly take the mantle of those two on your back, good lad? They would be proud.\'


With the snap of his wrist, the old man\'s hand sent a small ring from his hand as if by magic, the arc perfect as Raven turned around, his hands catching the small silver ring with a beautiful purple gem affixed to the top.

"Thank\'s old man... how can I repay you?" Raven asked, his face sincere as the ring began to enlarge to fit his thick, orcish fingers.

He slowly traced a strange pattern across the silver band, seeming to be engraved.

"Keep your wits about you; a mere goblin can kill even the most heroic adventurers; never trust the dungeons or believe you are truly alone, alright lad?"

Raven\'s eyes watched as the old man\'s wrinkled face scrunched up, a big smile on his face as he nodded the old man\'s words, knowing from his mother\'s teaching that they weren\'t a simple place to play around.

"Don\'t die..."

The doors of the bus began to make a loud squeak before slamming shut, the concerned eyes of the old man watching him for the longest time while Raven merely examined the ring, his body no longer feeling the cold from the wind, as if protected from it somehow.

"Whose ring was this..."

With careful movements, he began to inspect the ring, brushing his fingers across the cold, smooth surface before feeling the engravement again.

"....Lillim.... Fortuna?"

\'This sounds familiar... but it\'s a little too farfetched to be related, right?\' His thoughts instantly linked the beautiful purple gemstone, an amethyst that looked identical to the eyes and marking of Lilith, the similar names...

His eyes even noticed that the silver band also had a tribal marking similar to Lilith\'s that wrapped around the gemstone on the centre of the ring, a manticore\'s pattern.

\'Lilith... Lilim, there has to be some connection; let\'s confirm this with her and the old man when I\'m done here... If this is truly related to her, once I have enough money for a new item ring, I\'ll return this to the rightful owner.\'

Raven put this event back in his mind, shaking his head as he once again marvelled at the sight of the monolith before him.

Tall, like a black spire reaching into the heavens, huge in size, the aura emanating from above enough to make his body feel sluggish as he approached, and this was a mere low-level beginners dungeon with no true dungeon master.


Flicking the ring into the air, it spun around like a dancing sphere before landing on his right hand, growing to suit his shape and size perfectly, as the brilliant amethyst stone started to shine brightly, a series of information filling Raven\'s mind as he stepped closer to the huge monolith, with deep breaths releasing icy air around him.

Sheer excitement?


He couldn\'t deny both; the first time in over ten years that his path diverted to something other than an office worker caused his body to scream in delight as if its true purpose was about to be achieved, the orc blood in him surging as his neon-eyes almost illuminated his path.

Raven stood still, the wind blowing his black hair, while the strange blue portal swirled and rotated before him; inside the ring was a series of valuable items, seemingly prepared for him specifically, which was quite strange and confusing.

"Who is that old man...?"

\'Well, whatever... Not like I can find out easily; let\'s check this ring\'s contents and head inside.\'

His hand lifted, the shimmering amethyst glowing as he took out a long box with a black casing; it was around 200cm long and quite narrow, only 40 cm at most, with golden trimmings around the edges with a black raven embossed in the centre near the opening latch.

The initials


printed in a gothic silver font.


Raven\'s heart became unsettled; the initials shape of the case and the raven imprint caused him to feel his heart begin to speed up, the deep thudding inside his chest, a dry sensation in his throat as he swallowed several times, now lowering himself onto one knee, to rest the box on the floor, opening the case slowly, as a burst of dusty air flowed out as the velvet red inside\'s cushioned various items that were illuminated by the blue portal\'s light.



He stayed in silence, staring at the main item inside the box.

A beautifully crafted black handle, with black lather grips along the huge shaft, a massive axe that seemed able to cleave worlds with it\'s mighty presence.

180cm long, his hands grasped the cold steel shaft, tensing his biceps with effort as it seemed to weigh more than 60Kg, with a huge hammer on one side of the blade, jagged edges along the surface, as if to caused terrible damage from the hammer\'s blow, ripping the flesh as the user pulls it away from the victim.

Raven\'s eyes seemed to glow, the silver blade on the other side of the axe glimmering from the moon\'s faint reflection, as the long and brutal executioners style axe came into sight, sharp with a long blonde over 40cm down the handle and shaft.

Finally, at the bottom of the axe\'s shaft was a spear-like tip, where the counterweight should be, likely a brutal and deadly way to confirm kills easier or protect from back attacks.


"Just the way Mother liked it..."

Tightly, with wet eyes, Raven grasped the colossal axe in one arm and gripped it as if to crush the metal into his flesh.

This was his mother\'s first axe, the one she would show him as a young boy; many times had he held this axe, letting it drop to the ground as he desperately wanted to be like his mother, only when he finally grew enough to wield it, neither she nor the axe remained.

Locked in a mirage of nostalgia, the feeling as if she was standing watching him like the past, seeing him lift the axe, nodding with her proud and beautiful face, those little tusks moving with her subtle lip movements.

"Who is that old man!"

Raven spoke with conviction and slight bitterness as he browsed the rest of the box, not releasing the axe for a moment, refusing to let it touch the ground lest it gets dirty.

Inside the box, apart from his mother\'s memento, were six bottles of healing potions, useful item that was created from herbs and items found in the dungeons and would restore a person\'s condition quite well.

\'Mother said many things wouldn\'t make sense until I entered the dungeon in the future... Maybe this is one of them.\'

Two mana vials, something completely foreign to Raven, would restore a portion of mana, but mana wasn\'t something you could measure accurately; he lacked skill, spell or ability to see it.

Placing the potions and two vials inside his black leather belt, an identical copy of something his mother bought him over 10 years ago, it had twelve slots that allowed the potions to barely squeeze inside, now clanging slightly on his belt each time he moved.

Lastly, a pair of cloth gloves with padded material over the fingers and hands, likely to help grip his weapon, with a black metal shield on the bottom of the red velvet.

It wasn\'t a large shield, but rather a small, angled shield that seemed to be useful for parrying, deflection rather than soaking up damage; on the inside of the shield was a small inscription, with the words [Mol\'Grana\'s Raven Shield]

\'Mother, why is your handwriting so horrible...\'

These items were for sure ones that she used in the distant past, the slight damage and markings on both the axe and shield were deep and told the tales of many battles before she became the S rank adventurer Raven idolised her for.

"Oh... what\'s this black shirt with leather armour? Mother wouldn\'t wear something....."

Raven\'s eyes widened, seeing this shirt in full view.

How could the old man have these things? Why did he have a ring that seemed linked to that slum girl, while the contents are related to his mother and father?

\'I have to find out tomorrow...\'

Determined to get some answers from the old man, all the small oddities formed a theory in his mind, the fact he only appeared after his parent\'s passing, for some reason he always drove the same bus, never another like the other drivers would.

\'Old man... can you tell me things the bureau won\'t?\'

Standing up, he placed the axe into the silver ring, along with the shield, while quickly looking around to check for anyone passing by before unbuttoning his expensive silken white shirt, sliding it off and putting it into the ring with the box.

Now holding the black tunic, with light leather armour across the chest, abdomen and back, the soft feel was comforting, as the shirt automatically lengthened to match his size, as his father\'s body was lean and shorter.

\'Although I cannot identify the items now, once I enter, some details should become available to me... Thanks, old man, dad.... mother... I will take your gifts and use them well.\'

Raven stood tall, his mother\'s axe and shield in hand, stepping forward in a handsome, tightly fitted black tunic; whatever happened in the past was something he would have to face eventually, but for now, he needed to complete the first floor and collect his first reward chest.

Determined, he walked into the blue, water-like portal, entering the monolith for the wailing caverns with a stoic but focused face.

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