Dread Sovereign: Monster Girl Harem

Chapter 210 Chapter 29: Clearing His Head

"My husband, it\'s embarrassing that you found our trees..."

They spoke with an identical voice to Emily and Nene, but he could see their feet were rooted into the ground, and surrounding the portal was a thick dirt with lots of flowers and lovely flora. It was beautiful, like a mystical fairy garden.

"Are you?" Raven questioned, approaching the two flower maidens as his hand touched Emily\'s copy\'s cheek. She smiled while leaning forward to kiss him. "I am Emily, her tree, a living plant connected to her soul... We are one, like an engine and the body."

Nene giggled while moving closer, kissing Raven as she hugged him. "And I\'m Nene, her engine, if you may call it that... Her emotions, thoughts and mana source for growth and change... My energy gives her life, but our thoughts reveal our personality. Thanks to your thick and special nutrients, Nene can recover from her old wounds soon. Thank you, my beloved husband."

Raven nodded while hugging both flower girls, smelling the sweet scent of flowers all over their bodies. They even smelled just like Emily, though he felt that there wasn\'t anything different about them despite being a plant and wooden puppet.

"You feel so real... How is this possible? Where did the roots come from, too? Your trees couldn\'t fit inside Emily without tearing apart her body."

Both plant maidens kissed Raven while giggling softly at his confusion. They understood since Emily was still trying to explain everything to Raven. "We live inside her body... You might be thinking how, but that isn\'t something we can reveal, darling. Please understand." They replied, looking sad while touching his chest with their hands.

"One day"

"We will both reside here and be forever bound to you."

Their voices alternated as the black portal turned bright green, like vines and flora were protruding from within the entire area filled with roses, lilies, carnations and other flowers. The two trees blushed bright red upon touching Raven\'s chest as the huge amounts of Aura and his Essence flooded their bodies, sap oozing from their lips.

"Are you both okay?"

Emily\'s tree laughed while touching his chest again. "Yes, my love... It\'s just that our bodies react to you excessively. We aren\'t used to your Aura yet... It makes us want you, darling. Or rather, now I understand why the other me is always masturbating when thinking about you... Such a powerful life force... I want to become one with you forever!"

"Mmmm... My husband is the best, but Nene pretends she\'s fine! Please accept us when the time comes... We also love you dearly..."

Raven felt confused as he expected their trees to be huge but then considered that if a tree were alive, maybe it would be like this... "Can I think of you as twins... for now? I don\'t want to think you are the same because you might have your characteristics that make you unique... For example, Emily has a sweet scent with a hint of lavender... but you smell like strawberries and vanilla... While Nene has a sweet scent upstairs, it\'s a fruity and charming scent like a fresh spring."

Suddenly, both women turned bright red as countless flowers bloomed on their bodies and heads just like the two above, except he could feel their intense emotions as their eyes began to fill with tears.

He didn\'t know that the largest part of a dryad wedding and the biggest obstacle was the groom accepting the other part of a dryad because they were also part tree... His words clearly stated, from the beginning, that he would see their dryad selves as women, too.

To dryads, their scent and flowers were the greatest compliment you could use... Raven just accidentally charmed both TreesTree\'s with his honest feelings,

Emily and Nenerana smiled while hugging Raven tightly before kissing him on both cheeks, whispering into his ear.

"Darling, that\'s the nicest thing anyone ever said to me..."

"My husband is the best... Mmmm... I love you! But let\'s wait until our trees are ready... If we fuse with you now, we might end up hurting you because of our excessive desire... Our roots and branches are wild right now!"

Raven chuckled as Emily pinched his buttocks while Nenerana touched his crotch. "Okay... Just tell me when it\'s fine, alright? I\'ll accept you both wholeheartedly." Raven responded as the tree maids kissed him passionately. Their sap tasted incredibly sweet and refreshing; his mouth felt energized while sucking it.

His eyes noticed something strange—a faint scent of rotting... and small black marks on their fingertips and bodies that seemed to be the source.

He didn\'t mention this due to feeling it would be impolite... But he wanted to know why, a knot in his chest slowly tightening as he enjoyed their embrace.

Afterwards, both dryad plants helped him go through the portal to return home since Emily\'s connection was weaker than Nenerana\'s tree core, meaning she could travel back to Earth better than Emily. Both dryads waved goodbye while crying happy tears.

Raven landed in the middle of a huge forest, with winding trees and vines and a small dirt path leading forward; behind him were two beautiful trees, tree\'s one with strawberries and white roses fluttering all over the branches and trunk, the other a beautiful green with the scent of berries and the feeling of a fine spring day.

"Goodbye, darling... I love you... Take care until next time..."

"I can\'t wait until I become yours..."

Raven waved back while walking away, leaving the two trees alone as their voices seemed to whisper support to him along the blowing winds. It was strange, but he felt warmth in his chest. Wind magic may have transmitted their feelings since dryads were nature spirits.

"I hope they\'re alright... It was strange seeing their trees..." Raven sighed while walking through the woods, wondering how big their trees would be when they merged with him...

<nulli>\'Let\'s focus on the dungeon.\'

He looked around and didn\'t see any monsters, but it was likely the two trees would either scare them off or maybe have some protective barrier, as just outside the area, the forest became dark... eerie, and the trees started to die and wither.

<nulli>\'Will this affect them if they find no mate?\'

Raven wondered while running forwards, arriving near a river after a few minutes. He took his shirt off, placed it on a nearby branch, and proceeded to wash his face, hair and chest using the cool water before taking out a towel and drying his skin before changing into his fighting gear.

At first, he was going to do it before opening the portal.

Yet, when he started to undress, Nene held his hand tight, saying she would explode with happiness if he got naked.

Thus, he was forced to wait.

"Silly women... Why do they make my heart tremble so much." Raven mumbled while drying his wet hair, stretching his arms before swinging his huge axe that caused a howl of wind before he headed into the dark forest in his black bodysuit covered with a strange black armour created by Zentia.

"Time to hunt..." Raven whispered as a wicked grin appeared on his face.

Like a gust of wind, his body dashed through the forest to find strange black creatures eating the wood; there were around five in the group. They had long jaws with sharp black teeth and flat molars to crush the tree branches and trunk, and then their large claws would dig through the ground, tearing up the tree roots.

His Axe struck one creature, and the blade cut through the creature easily as The sound of metal cutting meat reverberated in the air, turning everyone\'s attention to him.

Five small creatures, around one hundred and fifty centimetres tall, stood up with their elongated arms and legs with sharp claws and a body of pure darkness. They rushed towards him. However, Raven swung his axe twice, cutting down three more creatures effortlessly; his strength was too high compared to these weak beings.

With a kick, he kicked one monster, breaking its spine before pulling the other by the neck, twisting it until its head tore off from the rest of its body.

Raven laughed loudly while picking the last one by the tail, lifting it before slamming it multiple times into the ground, causing cracks and tremors before smashing its head against a hard rock, killing it instantly.

"Dare to destroy my wife\'s garden? Make their beautiful flowers wilt and rotten?!?" His bellow was so loud, there was no doubt it spread to the two trees in the distance, as the entire forest before the darkness bloomed with wonderful flowers and trees full of vibrance as the darkness seemed to slowly be pushed back, only to where he stood...

But the tree they were eating slowly began to recover... Raven\'s eyes narrowed, looking at the huge world of darkness. He realized why Nene and Emily didn\'t want him to come here...

They DID have their dungeon...

But some creatures had taken control and started to defile and make their world rot slowly...

<nulli>\'Does this cause them pain? Do they hurt when the trees are crushed, eaten and devoured?\'

In retaliation to his intense anger, grief, and worry, a dark mantle coated his entire body, making the creatures of darkness in this world look like children compared to the raven-black abyss that wrapped around his body as he stepped forward.

<nulli>\'Die... All of you...!\'

Raven roared before dashing, his eyes taking in the sight of ALL the damage done, seeing the destroyed trees and bushes that had dried out and turned grey before returning to life once he passed...

He was filled with an endless rage as he rushed into the darkness.

AN: About Dryads!

The human form and tree form are the same person; however, being separated makes a slight difference in personality.

Only their thoughts and feelings are constant. Thus, Emily\'s deep love for Raven had been poured into the tree from Emily for months, and now, with her carrying his children, this was the next step.

Once the Dryad meets a partner they trust, love and wish to be with until death. 

The tree form will shrink down and enter the male or female body, forming a protective guard for their heart while linking the two together forever.

The partner also gains part of the Dryad\'s longevity and many other benefits.

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