Dread Sovereign: Monster Girl Harem

Chapter 221 40: The Flame Lord's Regret

Chapter 221 40: The Flame Lord\'s Regret

Even if it was a mistake and just happened by coincidence.

Raven didn\'t care.

*Brrr* *Brrr*

"Eh? Lord Raven, we are just about to start researching what\'s wrong?"

Gale\'s voice sounded as Raven held his phone, with a smile on his lips that felt constructed and fake yet perfectly natural the same.

"Come to the coordinates I send you, bring Adam. We will have some fun in the lord of fire\'s domain."

"Wanna come and play?"

"L-Lord Raven!? Really! I\'ll be there, wait for me! Don\'t start without me, you hear?"

Gale was quite amusing and adorable. Once he heard Raven\'s words like a puppy, hearing his owner was going for a walk, his voice became higher pitch, the shouting and complaints of Adam in the background causing Raven\'s lips to curve into a smile.

\'Haha, these two are such good friends.\'

Their nonsense helped to quell part of Raven\'s rage.

"N-no... Oi! Gale, I cannot fly. Why are you jumping off the third... ahhhh!?"

*Thud* *Bzzzt*

The phone cut out with Adam\'s pitiful cry and the sound of a loud crash.

"Well, those two are really in the mood."

"Shirone, how is their guard?"

He didn\'t know if it would escalate to him destroying their entire dungeon and wiping them out, but behind his calm, joking visage, a boiling rage caused even the jovial Shirone to feel terrified each time she looked him in the eyes.

\'This place is surprisingly close to our dungeon. Is this a coincidence that the three lords of equal strength are so close?\'

  The dungeon of the Lord of Flames was hot, extremely hot, as the walls seemed to burn red with heat and below their feet was a bubbling river of magma and flame. 

"Ugh, master, it\'s so hot... There seems to be a small hole in their defence due to those lizards being wiped out, but there are flame spirits and strange dogs that spit magma in the other directions."


"Good girl, don\'t worry. I am not ignoring your efforts. I know everything."

"You are also desperate to impress me and gain my affection." 

Raven\'s hand brushed through the soft, silky threads of Shirone\'s hair, smoothing his fingertips through her twin tails with a smile as the old woman of countless thousands of years looked more like a cute girl in her twenties when he stroked her hair.

\'Forgive me, but I am one man, not a god. The women I love are numerous, and I cannot put out my hand so easily anymore.\'

Raven sighed inwardly while Shirone blushed, closing her eyes as Raven caressed her hair lovingly; she wanted to turn to jelly each time he touched her.

"My lord is so handsome, wise, kind, gentle, cruel, domineering, sadistic... Ah~ my lord, please touch me more."

Shirone moaned softly as Raven stroked her hair, kissing her forehead, "Don\'t forget smart and genius."

"Of course, my lord is perfect in every way, a man among men!"




The two played around for a few moments before the eager Gale appeared like a flash of lightning; poor Adam looked nauseous and knelt, vomiting for several minutes with tears in his eyes.

"Oh, good you\'re here." Raven praised Gale while Adam trembled.

"Lord Raven, what do you need me to do?" Gale was pumped up like a dog; he seemed to have a tail wagging behind him as he clenched his fists.

"Look where we are, then tell me how you want to do things. Do we go in guns blazing and beat them down, or sneak past and see their boss?"

Adam trembled as Gale grinned, "Let\'s smash them!"

"Please let us sneak..." Adam whimpered before Gale slapped his head and ignored the poor mage\'s opinion.

Raven chuckled, "Fine, let\'s do both; me and Gale will go in guns blazing. Adam, help Shirone search for anything valuable. Gale, follow me; let\'s destroy this trash dungeon."



"Let\'s go, Lord!!!" Gale cheered while Adam sighed, following Shirone deeper into the dungeon of flames, knowing they needed to be exceedingly careful.

He looked back at his partner with clenched fists, seeming jealous or wanting to be like Gale somewhere in his heart as they vanished with a greater invisibility spell, leaving no sense of their existence behind.

"Adam, don\'t lower your guard even a second when we jump down."


\'This guy, why is he so cute now? When we fought, he tried to blind me in the first attack!\' 

The dungeon was like a deep basin of fire; if Raven were to imagine what hell looked like in the past, this would be it.

Countless salamanders walked about with flame spirits and hounds that breathed magma. The walls were now oozing with magma as the pair stepped off the upper level, dropping like two deadly, world-ending meteors.

Raven\'s black wings fluttered powerfully, causing even the magma and rivers of flame to part with their heavy flapping.

Gale flew next to Raven, silent and serious, unlike his usual cheerful demeanour, his eyes filled with bloodlust as his mana billowed out, clenching his fists tightly.

Salamanders rushed towards them, swords of fire drawn as Raven smiled, "Want to try hitting them with a single punch?"

Gale grinned wildly, "Of course, Lord!"

"Then I\'ll use a single finger!" 

Raven teased with a smile as he flicked his wrist while Gale\'s right arm began to glow brightly, his veins bulging as mana surged, turning into a bright silver colour.

*Dudum* *Dudum* *Dudum*

Gale\'s speed was explosive, charging towards the salamanders while Raven casually floated down, his fingers pointed forward, like a spear tip, aimed at the centre salamander.

*Bang* *Crunch*

Gale smashed his fist into a salamander\'s helmet, smashing straight through his skull as the male\'s body exploded, leaving only chunks of meat and bone fragments splattered everywhere as a bright silver aura covered Gale\'s fist.

*Creak* *Crush*

Raven\'s finger stabbed into the chest of a salamander, his body exploding, the armour and bone shattering as if hit by a mortar, blood spraying, but it missed Raven\'s handsome face as he landed, tilting his head before poking into the forehead of a second salamander the feeling like those soft, squishy putty things that make farting sounds as brains and blood began to ooze and boggle from the hole.

"Hmmm, interesting." Raven mused while Gale charged into another group, smashing through them effortlessly, the silver aura growing brighter as his mana increased, his speed explosively fast as salamanders screamed in horror.

"Help, the intruders are here!!!!"

"Shit! They killed two Flame Knights without a weapon, run, flee!!!"

The salamanders began to panic as Raven casually strolled, his fingers stabbing into salamanders and flame spirits alike, causing explosions as Gale punched through them, his speed like lightning as he destroyed dozens within seconds, his aura growing stronger, becoming blinding as Raven mused.

"Seems to be pretty good. Shirone said he calls it Silver light or something childish."

Gale roared, "Silver Tempest Fist Style!!!"

"Oh? You named it already; that\'s impressive; it looks cool, too." Raven praised while Gale blushed with pride and embarrassment because he forgot Raven was there.

Suddenly, there was a strange shift in the atmosphere as a low-grown groan sounded from all around them. It seemed to emanate from every corner of the dungeon.

"Oh, a new lord and his vermin dare trespass into the domain of fire? Are you foolish or that certain of your abilities, new lord of dread?"

A majestic voice echoed as Raven tilted his head, looking around, "Are you talking to me?"

"Of course, disgusting hybrid lord! Your invasion ends here; you will be buried beneath our flames and left to rot!"

Raven laughed while Gale finished killing the remaining salamanders, "Lord Raven, shall we find the boss?"

It seemed that Gale couldn\'t hear this lord\'s voice. Was the lord shy, or maybe Gale was too into his battle to notice as the strange creatures began to rush in their direction?

"Gale, deal with the enemies; I will take on their lord."

"Eh? Their boss is here?" Gale was confused since Raven wasn\'t looking anywhere, but his lord\'s senses were extraordinary.

"Yeah, he talks big but doesn\'t even show himself; deal with his minions; I\'m bored now."

Raven yawned while Gale grinned, "Leave it to me, Lord!"

Gale charged off like a bolt of lightning as Raven spread his wings, flying upwards towards the top of the dungeon, which was a large volcano.

"Show yourself; I want to crush a cockroach lord." Raven mused while the volcano began to rumble, lava flowing violently as a giant figure of flames burst from the molten rock, his scales glowing fiery red, his eyes bright yellow, and his body almost five times larger than Raven\'s.

"Disgusting halfbreed, insect lord of dread, you think your strength is enough to challenge me, the lord of flames? I will melt your body and drink your blood, turning it into molten wine!!"

"How many times is that now, you\'ve called me halfbreed? When you just look like a moving rock that is burning?"

Raven\'s neon eyes glistened before darkness enveloped him; he didn\'t mess around, instantly transforming into his manticore form, close to three metres tall but still shorted than the huge flaming spirit. 

"Rockman, don\'t worry. I do not stand opposite you as the lord of dread but as the lover of my cute arachne that your vermin attacked."

"Arachne!? Halfbreeds, disgusting abominations of nature... ah... that explains why my men went missing."

Flames billowed as the creature sneered, "So, you killed them all; you will pay for stepping foot in my domain and attacking my men. Die, hybrid lord!"

Fire spirits and salamanders rushed towards Raven, but he did not move, "The names, Raven." 

He held Mor\'Vaal in his right hand, stepping forward; with a brutal cleave, the entire dungeon shook, the attack cleaving all the useless monsters in half as Raven grinned, his aura billowing as he vanished, appearing above the Rockman, striking downwards with Mor\'Vaal glowing brightly, coated in darkness, his eyes sinister.

"And I am proud to be both orc and human!"

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