Peerless Medicine God

Chapter 1 - 1: Can This Thing Even Be Eaten?

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Can This Thing Even Be Eaten?

Chapter 1: Can This Thing Even Be Eaten? . . .

On a sandalwood bed with an antique design, a frail youth lay prone, suddenly seized by violent coughing fits.

It seemed as though he wouldn\'t cease until he expelled his very lungs.

The youth\'s lips had taken on a purplish hue, and his complexion was pallid—an unmistakable indication that his time on this earth was limited. Yet, his relentless coughing sent the young lady beside him into a state of panic.

The young lady appeared to be around thirty years old, still retaining a graceful charm despite being past her prime. In this critical moment, the furrowed brows that had been tightly locked finally eased, and she hastily clasped the hand of the ailing youth.

"Yuan-er! You\'re finally awake! You frightened Mother to death! Ah! Hurry and summon the head of the family back. Yuan-er has awakened, so our immediate concern is to attend to him. We can settle the matter with the Wan Family later!"

Promptly following the young lady\'s orders, a servant hurriedly left.

However, the youth paid no attention to these instructions, solely focused on the incessant coughing.

Suddenly, a sound—puhwark! A spurt of black blood ejected from his mouth, swiftly corroding a significant hole in the bedding. Evidently, the substance was highly toxic.

Following the expulsion of this dark blood, the youth appeared to relax completely.

He glanced at the anxious young lady, sensing a peculiar yet familiar sentiment welling up within him.

Struggling to recall who this woman was, a piercing headache engulfed him.

"Yuan-er, what\'s the matter? Is the Intestine Rupturing Grass Poison acting up again? Quick! Fetch a high-grade Detoxification Pill for Young Master!" the young lady urged, her expression filled with concern.

Another servant departed to fulfill the request.

Capitalizing on this opportunity, the youth began to organize the myriad memories in his mind, finally recollecting the identity of the woman before him.

This woman was none other than his biological mother, Ren Hongling. And he, or more precisely, the original inhabitant of this body, was named Ye Yuan.

Ye Yuan hailed from one of the foremost Alchemy families in the State of Qin. The family patriarch, Ye Hang, also happened to be Ye Yuan\'s father—a low-grade Alchemy Grandmaster who held a prominent position in the State of Qin.

However, Ye Hang\'s son, Ye Yuan, was a disappointment. A wastrel who caused trouble daily and harmed virtuous women, he had not even achieved the status of an Alchemy Apprentice. This disgraceful existence prompted Ye Hang to go to great lengths to secure admission for Ye Yuan into the prestigious Dan Wu Academy, hoping he might learn something. Little did he know that Ye Yuan, driven by jealousy over a woman, would recklessly challenge someone to a detoxification competition, ultimately poisoning himself to death.

After assimilating the memories of his predecessor, Ye Yuan sighed softly. The original occupant of this body was undoubtedly unique—a person who possessed the audacity and intellect to take his own life in such a manner.

Regardless, Qingyun Zi, a dignified Alchemy Emperor successor, found himself transmigrated into the body of a ne\'er-do-well. Yet, blessed by the heavens with a second chance, Qingyun Zi vowed to avenge his father and himself, eliminating the treacherous traitor with his own hands.

Contemplating this, Ye Yuan\'s countenance turned fierce, eyes brimming with intent to kill.

Ren Hongling evidently detected Ye Yuan\'s expression and, thinking he harbored resentment toward the Wan Family for harming him, hastily tried to console him. "Son, patience is a virtue. We will undoubtedly settle the score with the Wan Family. For now, focus on recuperating. Future matters can be discussed later."

Touched by Ren Hongling\'s maternal affection, Ye Yuan felt a surge of emotion.

Inheriting this body meant inheriting its emotions. Regardless of Ye Yuan\'s outwardly troublesome nature, he cared deeply for the parents who loved him.

"Mother, I apologize for causing you worry."

Ren Hongling was taken aback by her son\'s words. This troublemaker had almost shattered her heart countless times, yet she had never heard such sincere words from him. Something seemed amiss.

Could it be that this incident prompted him to awaken to reality?

After a brief moment of astonishment, Ren Hongling\'s joy overflowed, tears welling in her eyes. "As long as you\'re safe."

Suddenly, the door to the room swung open with a resounding bam!

"You\'re not dead yet, you rascal? You truly scared your old man!"

A thunderous voice echoed, causing Ye Yuan\'s eardrums to throb. While the words lacked pleasantness, the underlying concern and joy were unmistakable. It was none other than the family head, Ye Hang, who had arrived.

Ye Hang, despite his noble status as an Alchemy Grandmaster, appeared rather coarse. He bore no resemblance to the refined image associated with such a title and instead seemed like a rugged mountain man.

Upon hearing her husband\'s words, Ren Hongling turned and glared. "Yuan-er just escaped death. Can\'t you say something more comforting?"

Unperturbed, Ye Hang cast a glance at the black blood before chuckling. "Seems like my son, Ye Hang\'s son, has a charmed life. Surviving this ordeal is no small feat! Come, swallow this Detoxification Pill quickly and rid your body of residual toxins. You\'ll be fine afterward."

Ye Hang nonchalantly produced a medicinal pill, poised to administer it to Ye Yuan.

Witnessing this, Ye Yuan recoiled in horror, quickly retreating into his bed.

"Can this thing even be consumed?" he exclaimed in shock.

Glaring at him with frustration, Ye Hang snapped, "You little rascal, did the poison fry your brain? Have you forgotten your father\'s standing?"

Ren Hongling, suspecting Ye Yuan had reservations about the pill, swiftly intervened. "Yuan-er, your father is an Alchemy Grandmaster. Even if His Majesty were to meet him, he would show respect. Besides, he\'s your father. Would he ever harm you?"

Ye Yuan\'s mouth twitched, choosing to remain silent.

Aware that the medicinal pill in his father\'s hand was indeed a Detoxification Pill, Ye Yuan couldn\'t help but find its quality somewhat lacking. In his previous life, Qingyun Zi\'s father held the esteemed title of Alchemy Emperor, and Qingyun Zi himself had grown up consuming medicinal pills as casually as jelly beans. Recognizing a commonplace Detoxification Pill was, therefore, a given.

While the pill could help contain the toxins within his body, its efficacy fell short, incapable of thoroughly eliminating all residual toxins. Though beyond the detection of most alchemists, these lingering toxins posed a potential burden on Ye Yuan\'s future health. Furthermore, they could impede his progress in the Martial Path.

To Ye Yuan, the Intestine Rupturing Grass was inconsequential. Even in Ye Hang\'s eyes, it held little value. Yet, when Ye Yuan returned home, the poison had already spread extensively, rendering him unable to ingest the Detoxification Pill. Helpless, Ye Hang had been preparing to confront the Wan Family in a battle.

In his previous life, Qingyun Zi had attained the standard of an Alchemy Emperor before his demise, making him well-versed in medicinal theories. His understanding far surpassed that of an Alchemy Grandmaster like Ye Hang.

Observing his son\'s expression, Ye Hang felt provoked. "You little rascal! How dare you question your father\'s pill refinement standards!"

Helplessly eyeing the lackluster black pill in his father\'s hand, Ye Yuan sighed and spoke, "Red Abalone Grass exceeded by two parts, and Green Snake Gall fell short by one part. It appears there was a deficiency in control during pill refinement. The major mistake, however, was the addition of iron sulfate to the Detoxification Pill. Far from enhancing its medicinal effects, it disrupted the pill\'s composition. Father, if Tier 3 medicinal pill refinement proves challenging, perhaps consider adjusting your standards."

Ye Hang\'s expression underwent a fascinating transformation—from anger to astonishment and finally settling into dumbfoundedness. As the pill\'s creator, he was intimately familiar with its properties. Ye Yuan

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