Emperor's Reckoning

Chapter 752: Challenge

“Domain, the power exclusive to a True God,” muttered one cultivator. “However, not at that size, that’s a whole new level.”

“Well, those three never said that they are True Gods, they are above that realms for sure,” added one another after a gulp.

“What kind of monsters did this city hide…”

Lyon furrowed his brows as he looked at the armored paladins. “Damn, they really want to kill me, huh.”

“It’s your own fault to go and conquered two whole realms before even having some lunch,” Cecile commented as she slightly raised her nose as she leered at her husband beside him.

“Hahaha, hey! That’s an amazing feat you know, tell me, who else can do that,” Lyon laughed.

“Selena did it once.”

“Eh? She did?” Lyon darted with his brows reaching the ceiling before he gulped. “Really?”

“Yeah, she did,” Cecile nodded. “She might be a bit intimidating but there is a solid strength behind that.”

“Oof, she sounds really dangerous, and you’re not the type to exaggerate things,” Lyon sighed. “How did I even get her to my bed, must be a grand tale.”

“It’s pretty simple, she hates you, you became her rival, then you slept with her,” Cecile jested with a chuckle.

“Yeah, I think we missed some minor details there,” Lyon laughed before a clash of metal hitting each other echoed. He frowned, “Huh, why can I hear them despite they are in Assid’s domain?”

“The space is sealed Lyon, that doesn’t mean sounds cannot travel outside.”

“Oh, I see, OH! So that’s what it means! You are a True God in your own domain, ah yes, that’s what this realm is all about—though, is that really Kesya?” Lyon frowned before seeing the paladin having a hard time contending with her barrage of speed.

“I told you before, didn’t I? That she is half-blooded.”

“I know that, but, I never thought that she could full-blown become a dark elf and slightly taller too,” Lyon gulped.

“She is a bit uncontrollable though, at least in the past,” Cecile smiled as she reminisced in her own reverie.

“Alright, I will need to know what happened,” Lyon crossed his arms. “Though, I bet you’re gonna say.”

“You need to experience it yourself,” Cecile smiled as she darted at her husband and a sparking blow with an eerie laugh followed suit.

Lyon sighed before he shook his head with his eyes closed then turned up a smile as he looked at the auburn beauty right within his reach. “You know, how ravishing you are right now?”

Cecile snorted out a smile before she chuckled with her hand clutching her stomach, “Hahaha!”

“Eh?” Lyon raised one of his brows before Yunesia added from the side.

“Young master, Lyon, I think you should know that this balcony doesn’t belong to only the two of you.”

“Ah yes, the beautiful witch with purple lips, and her little sister witch with a dual personality.”

“Oh, my,” Yunesia was startled, “You know about my sister’s circumstance?”

“She didn’t hide it well, but, I always confused her with the other.”

“It’s a shame,” Yunesia sighed. “But I did it too sometimes though.”

Lyon snorted a smile before darting his eyes back at his loved one. “I can’t wait to remember all of it too.”

Cecile gave him a faint smile. “You know that not all memories are good right?”

“I figure that much,” Lyon darted back to the battle above. “However, I hope it’s not that bad.”

Cecile opened her lips but her words stopped at her throat. She closed her eyelids before looking at his husband permeating a spark that overlays her memories.

“It’s a nice wind,” Lyon’s hair fluttered as he crossed his arms.

“It’s a nice wind… Cecile, stop being so vigilant, would you… hahaha!” his words echoed as Cecile’s mind was taken to a vast meadow. She was standing alone with nothing but a basic adventure garment worn on her body. A plain blade by her waist and a lone man gazing upon the horizon.

There was nothing grand on the young man’s garment, no pieces of jewelry, nothing but worn-out shoes and a dull sword by his waist. Yet, he was smiling even when the world seemed to went against him. He had nothing, she was there, he had something, she was shared. The two adventurers with nothing but crackling woods of burning monster-sized meat being grilled at the side.

Her pupils had shrunk to a pea-size. Her eyes shook as a single stroke of warm tear coursed her cheek before she was sent back to reality.

“I wonder why my eyelids are getting heavy…” Lyon muttered as he let out one last smirk before he fell to the side.

“You have done well,” Cecile muttered as she embraced her husband. “Thank you for being a huge part of my life.” she stroked his black hair and felt the thump of her heart beating against his ears.

“You two are really mysterious,” Yunesia smiled wryly before she darted at the sky. “And quite lacking of awareness of the situation you’re in.”

“There is no need to worry about their capabilities in protecting this city,” Cecile answered. “The three of them are more than enough to handle such worthless challenge.”

“Worthless challenge eh?” Yunesia had her smile twitched as she heard the auburn beauty’s words. “Perhaps you are the only person that could say that and actually have some capabilities to back it up.”

“It’s not that important whether I have the capabilities or not,” Cecile’s eyes turned sharp as her jaws tightened. “They shall pay for what they have done… Paradise and Purgatory, both of them shall tremble upon his return.”

“His return…?!” Yunesia muttered before darting her purple eyes against the sleeping young man. She gulped. It would be nothing but a bull if someone else had said it, however, she knew the auburn woman hardly made a joke with her eyes like she could shred the very firmament with a blink.

Cecile looked up against the battle above before carrying Lyon with her back.

Yunesia was about to make a joke at the sight, but Cecile’s gaze prevented her from even letting a word out.

Lyon’s head was hanging on her shoulder before his nose twitched. His face slowly moved to the side and snuggled against her face. Cecile was a bit startled before she glanced over at her husband. His eyelids still covered his consciousness and his breathing was as calm as the waves at noon.

Cecile made her way out walking. She soon met Lumina on the way out before meeting Luna as well. The both of them could only stand at the side as they watched her carry him to the city.

Everyone was gawking at the grand battle above. The occasional blows were deafening and the presence of the three people above was suffocating the heaven itself. They failed to notice the beautiful woman carrying her husband on her back.

Cecile carried him to the market where fresh veggies were on display, fresh meats were hanging, and freshly grounded seasoning permeated the air. The store clerks and merchants alike were startled by her visit, however, she made sure that they kept their mouths shut with a gesture. They couldn’t help but gulp and do as they were told. She paid them a bead each, Imperial Bead, which was substantially more than what they originally cost. Thus she left the market with the merchants wishing nothing but the best for the sweet couple.

Cecile returned to the huge mansion with her husband on her back and bags of cooking supplies in her hand.

“Die Die Die! Is that all you got?! Hahahaha!” Kesya laughed out loud with her claws ripping out the armor of the paladin to bits of mana.

Assid was standing at the sidelines. “This is truly nothing but bullying, three of us against two brainless paladins.”

Graham was dodging the blade from the spear effortlessly despite the initial contact that made them tremble. It was after a hundred or so strike from the armored tribulations before Graham managed to land a critical blow against its chest. The armor shattered to bits before revealing a gaping hole.

The immense strength of that one blow left the people astonished but only for a moment before Kesya trembled the entire domain. Unlike her fellow general, she was not leaving any chance for the armored paladin to strike back before its entirety of being was annulled.

“Nice work, you two,” Assid nodded before he pulled his domain.

“Ah~ That was a great session,” Kesya stretched her arms against the sun before she yawned. “Assid, I’m hungry.”

“I know, I can hear it from here,” said Assid as he put on his glasses back.

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