Emperor's Reckoning

Chapter 852

Chapter 852: Motherly Embrace

“Look, they are fighting again….” A distant but familiar voice echoed in the darkness.

“That poor baby, they always do this,” a defeated sigh was heard. “See, I told you we shouldn’t keep the baby near these two.”

“That’s a powerless human baby, why are they still going at it near him is beyond me.”

A loud clash was heard as two beings moved in which no eyes could follow, even the full moon hardly kept up with the two of them. Space was distorting and trees were falling left and right as they broke the barrier of sound every time they moved.

The relentless pursuit between the two of them was determined. A hunter versus a hunter. The air was suffocating but the baby under the lunar’s grace was giggling inside the basket, on top of a stone. His feet were kicking and his cute little mouth continuously revealed the teeth that he got none of yet. His thin hair was combed through by the gale of the clash but the baby felt nothing but a joyful heart.

“How ridiculous, if they both wanted to be his mother, just be the damn mother!” a rough cold voice was heard before steps against the grass of the steppe were heard.

“Oof, he got mad, better stay clear, hohoho,” a voice that carried out wisdom was heard.

“You sure Bapho? You want to miss the fight between two legends?”

“I don’t think this would be the last fight between them since the little boy will be hanging around with us for more than a decade.”

“Oh man, I’m gonna need my wine.”

“Monkey! Share me a glass!”

“Make your own legendary catfish wine from a catfish piss or something,” said Sun as he left the area.

The clash continued without one side ever dominating the other. The stars shifted as they share glares. The land trembled as they stomped and the wind galed as they shouted profanities. However, the moment the amber eyes met the white ones and their hands could reach each other throats, they paused in midair.

Both of them landed on their feet against the short grass. Their ankles turned a warmer color before the sun frightenedly peeked into its shift.

Below both of their knees were shredded outfits and they shared a nick of blood each. The power of both was equal until a soft breath of a sinless being stopped all of their attacks against each other.

They both glanced down. The baby had his eyes closed shut and his empty hands knuckling. He was covered with nothing but a piece of a blanket from the chest below. His nose suddenly twitched before his brows furrowed.

Both of them squatted at the same time with their eyes sunken deep. However, both of them immediately caught one another panicking before refusing to address it unanimously.

The one with the amber eyes had a light brown complexion. Her skin was gleaming like bronze and her eyes were amber like a gem. Her ears were that of a hare, and her delicate hands hovered around the baby’s forehead before she used her utmost gentle nature to comb the baby’s hair.

The baby’s face slowly relaxed as she kept her warm hand on his forehead and above. The gentle rub made the baby lick his own lips as if it was seeing something delicious.

“There, there, sleep soundly my child ♪♪♪”

She sang a soothing tune, and notes after note that she hit, calmed his heartbeat. She slowly reached out her arms toward the back of the baby before lifting him out of the basket. Her motherly warmth made the baby drool on her shoulder but she still smiled as she shared her warm cheeks before kissing the baby’s head.

The woman standing in front of her, the one that had just shared her sharp fangs had turned around. The latter left the place after muttering, “Tomorrow is my turn to hold him.”

Meanwhile, the amber-eyed woman took the baby away from the steppe before arriving at the highest peak where she kept cherishing on the baby boy, with her feet sitting crossed leg. She looked at the rising sun where the baby faced it with his back.

“Hey, Lyon, when you get older, I wonder how handsome you’ll become. I’m sure that you would best anyone that stays in your way, despite you being talentless according to that stupid meowing freak, I’m sure! I’m really sure! That you will even make the sun look up to you!!” she grinned. “Don’t worry, the mother will always be there on every step that you make.”


“?!” her eyes sunken before she looked at his face. The baby was still sleeping with his eyes closed, undisturbed by the warmth of the sun and the loud gale from the height of the peak. She tilted her head but the anticipation didn’t come, the baby had his lips sealed for his own good.

The woman let out a huge sigh before she gently placed his head back on her shoulder.

“Heh,” she smirked. “As a baby and you already tease a woman like me.”

She gently placed his head back on her shoulder before she smiled and spoke softly.

“Lyon, when you grow up, I know you will break hearts, but try to break less for me,”

“Huu~” the baby slept soundly.

“Heh, I know you’re a smart little man,” the woman smiled.

“Ngh…?” Lyon’s eyes fluttered before his nostrils immediately picked up the smell of burnt meat coming out from the Great Ivory Wyrm’s corpse. The head was crisp with no eyeballs in the socket. He calmly stood up before stretching his arms up and down.

He looked down at his hands. “Looks like it would need more than a vial to heal the present’s soul.”

He slapped his cheeks, “Alright now, let’s focus on the task at hand.”

Lyon looked around but the view was still the same as prior before he went to slumber. He tried to look for clues, but there were none. He pondered after sitting cross-legged. “Hmm… she was never good with riddles, so much of her poem should be the truth rather than a trick, but why isn’t she here?”

“Wait a minute!” his eyes opened wide before a grin was on his face. “That’s it! This is not the highest peak in Dark Continent!”

He clapped his hands together before laughing at the sky, “Hahaha, of course! It’s really obvious!”

He shook his head before his aura changed like that of a dragon. The bright jade mana around his figure further enhanced his being before he made a huge leap that pierced the thick combusting clouds.

“So where is it then?” muttered Lyon as he made his way back toward the city where he believed the other had waited for him. He landed his feet on the outskirts of the town where nobody had noticed him yet. He rubbed his chin as he made his way toward the main road of Farvan City before noticing a luxurious carriage passing him by. It had a familiar symbol of a flame that had been nauseating him for the past few days.

“Ugh, it’s the Flame Guild,” Lyon muttered with his shoulders slouched before his brows raised the moment he saw the carriage make an abrupt stop and his ears caught the horses neighing with their hind legs raised. “It’s stopped?”

The door of the carriage was opened before revealing a figure that made Lyon smirk.

“Heh, never thought that I would meet you here in the middle of the road, Di,” said Lyon.

“Hm?” Di raised one of his brows. ( He called me by my actual name? Odd ) thought Di before he washed away any weird assumptions. He approached Lyon with a smile before asking, “I can say the same to you. I never thought that I would pass you as soon as I’m back, fate truly embraces you to her heart.”

“Looks like you’re here with very pleasing news,” said Lyon before he crossed his arms.

Di smiled and nodded, “I need your end of the bargain, I trust that you wouldn’t betray your own words?”

“It’s just hunting an oversized chicken,” said Lyon with a chuckle. “I will have Assid conjure up a guide for you.”

“I have prepared it, young master.”

Di had his eyes sunk before he glanced to his right and saw a paper being served to his face. ( W-What the?! I didn’t even sense him! ).

“What’s wrong? Take it, I won’t lie and pit you in a life and death situation with a cock,” said Lyon before shrugging his shoulder.

Di slowly took the paper out of Assid’s hand.

“Alright, continue what you’re about to say,” said Lyon.

“Huh? Oh right,” Di hardly come back to his senses, “You can meet her, but—”

“But? That’s something,” said Lyon as he raised one of his brows. “What is it?”

“You can only meet her in a banquet, in two more days, in Myriad Devils,” said Di.

“Heh,” Lyon smirked. “She wants to test me? Well, this ought to be interesting.”

Di immediately being shrouded with unease as he saw the smirk that Lyon showed.

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