500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 4 Exhibit

The tent didn\'t have much inside of it except for some beds and a few shelves with clothing. There were also some large pillows on the ground, so I took a seat on one of them.

Elder lily and her two followers were already sitting down across from me, so Renna sat down beside me. The place smelled like flowers, but I couldn\'t put my finger on the exact scent.

"So, you appeared in the woods, but you have no memory of how you got to this place, right?" Elder Lily asked.

"True, and I also don\'t know my name, but I have a question before you ask me anything else. What does the word Man mean to you? Everyone here is calling me a woman, but I am not," I explained, and the Elder gave me a strange look.

"Man? Is that your race? I do agree you are strange-looking, and your breasts seem much different," Lily explained, and I sighed.

"True! I have felt them, and they are like rock, but they still have a roundness to them, even if flat. There is also something else! She has a growth between her legs!" Renna declared from beside me, and I groaned.

"What?! I hate to be so forward, but I feel like this is something that I should examine!" Lily said, standing up fast, belying her age.

Great, now I am going to become a view exhibit! Still, I asked to come here, and I should have expected something like this to happen, so I sighed and stood up.

I took all my clothes off and then stood proudly with my hands on my hips. While I might not have any memories, I was sure to leave these women with some they would not forget so easily.

"What a magnificent body you have. I have never seen anything like that before, and the small growth between your legs is peculiar," Lily said as she walked around me, but mostly looking at my cock.

"It was much bigger before! It is strange that it is like that, and what is the pouch below holding? It almost looks like you have been turned inside out!" Renna exclaimed, and Lilly and the other woman nodded, making me slap a hand over my face in frustration.

"This is my penis, and it gets bigger and harder when I get excited. This is the thing that makes me a man. If you feel my chest, I should actually have one more rib than all of you, and my muscles can become much harder than yours," I explained, and Lily nodded.

"Very interesting. I will have to admit, this is the first time that I have even seen someone of your kind. I had a portion of my life that I even explored off the continent, but I have never seen what I see now," Elder Lily explained, and I nodded my head.

"As I assumed. I thought all of this to be very strange, but now it is starting to make sense. What still doesn\'t make sense is why I am here? What brought me to this world? Do I have a purpose?" I asked as I tried to dig into my past, but there was nothing to find.

I was a blank slate without even a name in a world that is only known to women.

I really needed to start looking on the bright side of things, but I also needed to be wary. There could be evil women in the world that would probably love to lock me away, and others might want to study me and run tests.

"Maybe you were sent here as a gift?" Renna asked, and I looked down at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Gift? I don\'t know about that, but if you all would let me stay here, I will teach you what I know. In return, I just would like to have a place to stay until I can build a house," I explained, and Lily nodded.

"Certainly. I would also like to have many more talks with you about this penis of yours. I would like to know the purpose of it and many other things," Elder Lily said to me with a serious face, and I nodded.

Something about how calm everyone was with me being naked made me feel comfortable. It was like I was talking to men almost.

"Yes, I can agree to that. Now I am going to go speak with Cindy," I said, starting to put my clothes back on.

"You are wasting your time with her; that one won\'t listen to anyone, " Elder Lily explained, but I shrugged.

"Possibly, or she might just listen to someone like me. I will never know if I don\'t try, and I am partially to blame for her running off. Quick question, are there any monsters or beasts I should worry about?" I asked, trying my pants.

"Nothing that a person such as yourself can\'t handle. Renna, I suggest that you leave this to our new friend if you care about Cindy," Elder Lily warned, and Renna nodded.

I turned to leave, and Renna got up to leave with me. I held the flap for her, and she didn\'t wait, making me smile this time.

"She probably went to the palace that I found you, but be careful. There are monsters in the forest, but most aren\'t that dangerous, " Renna explained as we walked out of the village with everyone else in sight watching us.

"I should be fine. I don\'t have my memories, but this body remembers how to fight. I promise I will be back with her," I said and then patted her head.

Renna smiled up at me, and I grinned back. Then I turned and started to run to the forest.

It felt good to run like it was something my body was used to, and it probably was to be in as good of shape as I was. There was nothing wrong with a good run to get the heart pumping, but that was when I realized something I had been overlooking this entire time.

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