500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 26 Feeling Tired

When the two of us headed back to the front, Eliza was waiting for us with Chili, who was hiding behind her.

"What is that Alley Cat doing in my shop again?!" Listenia growled, and Chili tried to make herself smaller.

"She is with me and won\'t bother you this time or next, I hope. Where did you take my Partner?" Eliza asked with an edge in her voice.

"Don\'t worry, Countess. I know how things work, and I will wait for you to spend time with him. I can wait as his Personal Smith now; I am sure we will spend more than enough time together in the future," Listenia explained, and Eliza nodded in surprise.

"Really?! You have never offered that to anyone! Not even Kalli!" Eliza exclaimed, and Listenia shrugged.

"She knows nothing about quality. This one is different, but I am sure you always know this," Listenia said, and Eliza nodded.

I was turning into a giant pie that everyone seemed to want a piece of and didn\'t mind sharing forks! I wasn\'t sure if this was a good thing, but I knew that it wasn\'t bad!

"I get it, and I am glad you think so highly of Galio. That just makes this that much more special for me! Maybe I should take him around to the other prominent women of the city? I could get Galio to catch all their eyes and make them want to bed him, but they would all have to wait for me!" Eliza said with too much excitement, but I grabbed her hand, dragging her from the store, and Chili in my other.

"Please have the weapons delivered to Eliza Manor, and I will be by tomorrow," I said as I dragged the girls out of the shop.

As much fun as that sounded, I was getting tired, and it was barely after lunch. I had awoken in the morning, and a lot had happened since then.

"Do you think that we could head back for a bit? I am starting to get tired after everything that happened today. If we are going to go out tonight with the girls, I would like to get a quick power nap in," I said, and Eliza nodded.

"Yes, let\'s go back! I will have a nap with you!" Eliza said with too much excitement.

"Can I nap with you guys?" Chili asked.

"Tonight, you can have a sleepover with us, but I want to spend some alone time with Galio. Meet us at Tulips bar at around eight, and you can come drinking with us," Eliza said, and Chili let go of my hand, breaking away from me to run off.

Sleepover? I mean, yes, please!

"Sounds good! See you then!" Chili called as she ran off, and Eliza waved to her.

"How do you know, Chili? You two seem pretty good friends?" I asked, and Eliza nodded as we started to head back north.

"You already met her mother earlier, Nyala. She is one of the fifteen that watches the wall, so we have been friends since we were young. I will have to introduce you to my other friends, but I am sure they will pop in tomorrow. They have probably heard about you already, but they know to wait before they come to bug us," Eliza said, hugging my arm as we walked.

"Is this normal? Like the way that all of you are so ready to share me? I am not going to lie; even though I am not complaining, it just seems weird to me," I said, finally bringing up the glaring point I had not mentioned but constantly thought about.

"Sharing is normal, but it is usually with close friends, only if they are interested. Nothing about the number of women interested in you is normal, but neither are you. You seem to be able to best everyone you meet, and without hardly trying. On top of that, you don\'t brag or insult others; you stand up for the weak; You protect everyone. Honestly, I don\'t think this world is ready for you," Eliza explained as we neared the manor.

"Interesting. I guess that makes me feel better about all this. Still, I hope I don\'t disappoint all these women. I have no clue if I will be any good at it," I laughed, and Eliza gave me a look.

"If that is the one thing that you do bad, I am sure that everyone will be more than willing to teach you," Eliza laughed, and I joined her as we walked through the gateway.

"Did the two of you have a good time?" Lady Katarina asked as we walked around the fountain.

"Yes, we saw Chili, and Madam Listenia is now Galio\'s Personal Smith!" Eliza said with a smile.

"Why am I not surprised? After tomorrow, I am sure that Galio will half the city working for her!" Lady Katarina laughed, then asked, "What brings you back so early?"

"I am feeling tired after the day and wanted to take a nap to revitalize for this event. I am sure I will be able to do a full day tomorrow," I said with a sigh.

That was what I hoped, but I was genuinely exhausted right now, and I was worried that it might persist tomorrow. No point in getting worked up about it right now, but it was something.

Considering how smoothly everything had gone so far, it wouldn\'t surprise me if I had some kind of condition that might restrict me.

"That is understandable. I will leave the two of you, but tomorrow I will need the Countess for most of the day. She has classes, and she is behind. I am sure that she will put in much more of an effort if I dangle you in front of her as the carrot," Lady Katarina laughed, opening the door for us.

"That\'s not fair! I will work hard, and then I can spend time with Galio! You aren\'t going to recognize me tomorrow in class!" Eliza declared, and Katarina laughed.

"I already have to squint and tilt my head!"

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