500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 43 Goddesses Incoming!

Breya and I leapt off the clouds, and my wings caught wind as we glided down to the ground. The women were watching for us, and they all cheered as we came down with Breya carrying her golden eggs.

What surprised me the most was the size of the golden egg she was carrying. It was no more than the size of my fist, and I was sure that a baby would get larger than that.

"Wow! How did you get that?!" Eliza asked as we walked over to join the excited looking group.

Breya came over with me, and we sat back down on the couch with O\'lee, who was eyeing up the golden egg.

"You made egg. That was a nice sound. I want one of those," O\'lee said, pointing over me Breya\'s hands.

"The Holy Beholder came and delivered me this, but she was much more interested in Galio. She is on her way here now. I assume she will be here soon," Breya said, looking to the west.

"Wait, the Holy Beholder is coming here?!" Lady Katarina exclaimed, and both Vampires shot up.

"We can\'t be here!" Asha cried.

"The Holy Beholder hates undead creatures like us and will most likely try to kill us if she sees us!" Seraphina cried, but Penny grabbed them both by the shoulders and sat them back down.

This was something that I didn\'t know, but it would just be added to the ever-growing list. Regardless of what this Beholder thought, she would not be harming any of my friends here, but I didn\'t get how the creature could fly all the way from another continent so fast.

"How is she going to get here so fast? Isn\'t she a good distance away?" I asked Breya, and she nodded.

"Yes, but One, the Angels Island is on the opposite side from the Dwarves, so not too far away. Still, she is called a Goddess for a reason, and with her four wings, she can crack the air when she flys, and level two just by flying through them!" Breya explained, and then everyone looked up in the air.

I had really just wanted to have a peaceful get-together with the girls, but this was starting to get out of hand. I should have expected something like this to happen, but a mouthy Goddess that was racist was not something I had planned for.

There was a loud noise coming from high up in the sky, and it was getting louder by the second. Nothing about this sounded like it was going to be good, but then I saw the ball of golden light high above.

"EVERYONE BEHIND ME!" I yelled suddenly as I realized that this creature was not slowing down.

Pure Magic pulled to me as I got up and hopped over the couch, putting my hand in front of me. I started to rattle off every barrier and enhancement spell I could think of and prepared something special.

The impact was like a meteor hitting the ground as the golden ball slammed into the backyard where Penny and I had fought. My massive shields cracked, and layers shattered off one at a time, but I was able to hold.

More shields snapped up around the blast zone at the moment of impact and were able to contain all the debris. Not only stopping it from hitting the girls, the manor, and the rest of the town, but the backyard was a crater now.

"Is everyone okay?!" I called, looking back as my final spell started, targeting the Holy Beholder.

I got confirmation from everyone, so I turned back to focus on the glowing creature at the center of the crater. She was not something I could just seal away, but I knew of another creature like this one that relied on its eyes.

"So, you are a powerful sorcerer as well? That makes you that much more interesting, and I must have you!" The Holy Beholder called from the crater\'s center, but that was when my spell was ready.

"Unholy Darkial Bindus!" I chanted, and black chains surrounded the creature.

"What do you think you are doing?! Do you believe you can hold me on your own, child?!" The Holy Beholder laughed, but a golden form appeared just outside the ball of black chains.

"He may not be able to hold you alone, but he can with my help," One of the most beautiful women I had ever seen said.

"Tallia! What are you doing here?!" The Holy Beholder exclaimed, actually sounding worried.

"Really? Did you think I would just sit back ideally after you tried to level one of the most important cities in this world? You are lucky that Galio was here to stop you from killing and hurting many people in your greed. Whatever he chooses to do with you, I will approve," The woman said, looking over at me, making my heart pound.

Who was this woman, and why did she make me feel like I was looking at the only thing in this world that mattered? Something about her made me yearn for her touch, even just to talk to her; anything.

I jumped down as black chains pinned the Holy Beholder to the ground, locking up hands, arms, wings, and even her eye-like hair. The creature was begging with the radiant woman staring at me as I walked over to her.

"So, as the first man to ever step foot in this world, how do you feel?" Tallia asked me as I stopped before her.

There was an energy that I could almost taste in the air as I looked into her spectral eyes. I was five feet away from her, but I could smell the sweetest scent from her, like the Goddess was pressed in my arms.

I wasn\'t sure what was happening here, but she had just called me a man. This was the first time that had happened, and now this indescribable connection that no words could adequately capture pulled me to her, but I was frozen in place.

"Interesting could hardly describe what I have witnessed so far, but you are the first to recognize me as a man. Something about you also is pulling at me, but I can\'t figure it out. Just who are you?" I asked.

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