500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 60 Typical Answers

"What?! No! Why would you think that I am a spy?!" The Dwarf squeaked.

"That sounds like something a spy would say," I said suspiciously.

"I just came here to visit my cousin!"

"Typical cover story. I like your tenacity, but I still don\'t believe you. I am going to take you to the barracks for questioning!" I declared, and the Dwarf really started to squirm around. "For someone who is not a spy, you seem quite squeamish about going to see the authorities. If you have nothing to hide, then you shouldn\'t be worried, right?"

"When my cousin finds out about this, you are going to be in a lot of trouble!"

"Who is this cousin of yours? If you say Gwenth, I am going to hang you by one foot!"




"Likely story. You just happen to be related to the one person that I am going to see! Now we are getting somewhere! This actually saves me a trip to the barracks, and Gwenth will tell me if you are a spy!" I laughed, and the Dwarf scowled at me. "So, Which way to her shop?"


"You are joking, right?"

"She didn\'t tell anyone where she moved! How am I supposed to know where she lives? Do you plan on stopping every Dwarf you meet and accusing them of being a spy?! You know this is rude, right?"

"Ah, yes, deflect back at me, and make me the problem here. Typical spy behavior, and now we are back to going to the barracks. I will give you the benefit of the doubt for now and not turn you over until I have talked to Gwenth," I said, and then the Dwarfs stomach growled. "Hungry, eh?"

"No! I have no money; that is why I am trying to find my cousin!"

"Really? Well, from your ragged clothing and gaunt expression, I can tell you are telling the truth about that much. Luckily, a devilish Angel ate my lunch, so I guess I will get us some lunch. Hard to find people on an empty stomach," I said and then lifted and spun the woman around to sit behind my head.

"I am not a child!"

"Would you prefer I put you under my arm? If you keep complaining, I will be eating alone while you watch," I growled, and the small woman went quiet as I turned to the market. "Do you have a name?"

"Wispy. What about you?"

"Galio, I am new in town. I assume you came from Dwarf island?" I asked as I started to walk, spotting a shop with meal sticks.

I had wanted to get something with some carbs or rice if I could find it, but a couple sticks of protein would have to do for now. I was sure that Trina would have something nice for supper, but maybe I could get back early and help out a bit.

Once I bought nearly all the meat sticks from the stand; Wispy above me, gobbling them down like they were the last meal, we started moving again. I dread to think what the back of my head looked like because I had felt the sticky stuff touch it more than once.

"Thank you. I hadn\'t eaten in a couple days. Sorry about getting it on your hair," Wispy said, and I shrugged, lifting her slightly.

"I will have a bath when I get home. I am sure that Eliza will want to join me," I explained as I started to walk north to the barracks.

"Eliza? Like Countess Eliza? How do you know her?" Wispy asked.

"Nope, until I know if you are a spy or not, I can\'t tell you anything more than my name. Now, let\'s go see if we can find where Gwenth is. She is probably worried and thinking that I forgot her," I said as I walked up to the front doors of the barracks.

Opening the front door, I ducked inside, and the last person I wanted to see was sitting behind the booth.

"Fancy seeing you in a place like this," I said, narrowing my eyes.

"I work here, idiot. How is my daughter treating you? Are you done playing with her?" Nyala asked me.

"No, I am not, Alley Cat. I had a great sleep with her last night; she is quite the cuddler and very cute. Unlike some old puss that is sour that she lost to the younger and better-looking version of herself!" I snapped back.

"Figures that she would go for some deformed creature like yourself. I probably dodged a bullet by making a scene last night! You are just a thing that doesn\'t belong in this world!" Nyala retorted.

"You two should definitely have sex or something, but didn\'t we come here for something, Galio?" Wispy asked.

"Let that monster be between my legs? He had his chance but chose a child instead!" Nyala screamed.

"Holy lady, don\'t have to tell me your sexually frustrated life story. We are just here to find out where Gwenth\'s shop is," Wispy replied, and I burst out laughing.

"What is all… Oh, it\'s you! Small thing!" Kali shouted once she saw me from the other side of the gate.

"Yes, do you know where Gwenth\'s shop is?" I asked. "I don\'t think this drowned cat is going to tell us anything."

"You will regret this! Everyone likes you here, but they won\'t put up with you on Nine! I promise that they will hunt you from the moment-"

I lifted my hand, pulled in some magic to create a water spell, and then blasted it into the booth that Nyala was inside. It wasn\'t hard, but it did make her scream and flail and us laugh, Kali included.

"You are funny, small one! I will take you to see the tiny one! We better get going before she gets back up to yell!" Kali giggled, but it came out heavy, making her sound a bit slow, but her good looks made up for it.

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