500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 91 Otherworldly Screams

\'She will have no idea that she is even doing it, but I guarantee that she is tired. I have been destroying hordes of Undead for over half an hour, and I am starting to get tired. She will be feeling much more fatigue because now she is going to have to summon something even bigger. That will cause the Undead to slow right away,\' I explained.

[How do you know that will happen?]

\'Because that is what I would have her do. That temple is probably filled with strange bones that are filled with joints, right? That is a Riftwalker, and that is what is going to explode from the building the moment that I get close. I would bet money on it; she knows that I am here, so that means that the blue in her eyes knows I am as well. Once the Undead Riftwalker is summoned, it will kill her and then start working at reviving itself. I have to stop it and save Morgana so I can find out who is controlling her,\' I said as I got closer to the large temple that I could see the Lich standing on the steps.

[Is that what that thing is in there?! I thought it was just a bunch of bones put together as decorations!] Xieus exclaimed.

\'They are horrors that should only exist in nightmares. Their voices can drive you insane, and their touch can turn you to dust that not even the strongest magic can reverse. They are interdimensional beings that feed off of negative energy, and they care about nothing but feeding their endless hunger,\' I explained as I got closer.

[That is far more than I know about them. I don\'t know if things like that were summoned before.] Xieus replied.

\'That is because this would have been a setup for the bigger plan, what we see now. Creatures that don\'t die don\'t think like us, and their plans might have been in the making for thousands of years. They also have very likely infiltrated the Goddesses, being why is turning a blind eye to this. I think that the Origin might be one of them, but I can\'t know for certain yet,\' I said as the fire dissipated from around me.

Ahead, Morgana was putting her arms out to the side, and her eyes were glowing a violent shade of red. Something was breaking out of the temple, but I didn\'t need to guess what it was.

"Accelerate!" I roared, and electrifying crackled off me as I surged forward, everything else slowing down as the temple exploded.

I flew directly at Morgana and roughly scooped her up, but the moment I did, my spell was broken with a roar of distortion. Time snapped back, and I was slapped with a bone tentacle that broke all the bones in my arm and many more all over my body.

I protected Morgana from the hit, but I was rocketed north back to the wall with incredible speed. I tried to heal my body, but my wings wouldn\'t work; something was broken inside of me, magically speaking.

I was going to miss the wall, but the best I could do was just layer spells around us to cushion the impact. My body wasn\'t correctly healing, and my pull on magic was not as strong.

Suddenly, I hit a massive net of air, and my body slowed down just as I passed over the wall. I was in a lot of pain, so there wasn\'t anything I could do to help, but my shield broke most of the fall down to the top of the wall.

"Galio! What happened?! Why do you have Morgana?!" Penny asked, but I put a hand up weakly to stop her from talking.

"I need to be healed, but everyone else needs to leave the wall, now!" I wheezed as Silvy and Karla lifted the unconscious Morgana off me.

"Leave? We can\'t leave! Who will stop the Undead?! Karla asked after setting Morgana down.

"There is only one Undead left that I just worked up. It was waiting for me, and I am the one that it wants and Morgana. While she is alive, it is forced to remain Undead, but if the Lich dies, it will start harvesting souls to revive it to its original form. We don\'t have time to talk about it; I just need you all to listen to me and do exactly what I say," I groaned as I slowly sat up, taking stock of my body.

Their strike from the monster had disrupted my internal connection to magic, and now I had to repair them. That was going to take time, but I needed to do this, or I was fighting at less than half of my strength.

"What have you stumbled into?" A familiar voice asked me as Tallia stepped out of a portal of light.

"You don\'t know what that thing is?" I asked in confusion.

"I know what those things were, but what I can figure out is how it is even here. I was a new Goddess when the extermination of the Blood Witches happened. There shouldn\'t be anything left from then," Tallia explained.

​ *Otherworldly Screams*

"Looks like you missed some of them. Since you are here, do you mind being a dear and playing connect the dots for me?" I asked. "That thing messed up all my channels when it hit me, and I really don\'t have time to do it."

"Since this is something that shouldn\'t be in this world, you have my full support. I will heal you and support you, but the others refuse to help," Tallia explained, and I narrowed my eyes.

"Isn\'t that convenient? I don\'t think that I have to say what is obvious," I growled, and Tallia nodded, turning to the women.

"You are all ordered to retreat and fall back to Northwall. There are to be no questions; just go!" Tallia ordered, and the woman snapped to attention and started to move.

"Wow, I wish people listened to me like that!" I chuckled but then groaned in pain.

"Perks of being a Goddess," Tallia said with a smile as she turned back to me.

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