500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 108 [Bonus Chapter] The Power Of Positive Energy

"Yup, that is what I am here for. First, a question. Where are the rest of the women? There has to be more than what fits in this building, right?" I asked, and Rexa nodded.

"The ones that didn\'t need to be restrained are across the street in the theater. The ones that are here are the worst," Rexa explained. "What is wrong with them? I can\'t find anything physically wrong with them, but this is affecting races that shouldn\'t be able to get sick."

"That is the problem. There is nothing wrong with them. The screams of the Riftwalker are just heavy doses of Negative Energy. So, in all rights, there is nothing physically wrong with them, but they have had the Positive Energy replaced with Negative. Basically sucked the happiness out of them and replaced them with negative thoughts. This is something that happens normally; we fluctuate in our levels, but losing all Positive Energy isn\'t normal. Without the Positive, our minds will tear us apart from the inside out," I explained and gestured to the women in the room that were crying, screaming, or both. "That is what is happening now."

Rexa put a hand to her chin, and it looked like she was processing what I had just said.

"Interesting. This is something that I have studied, the invisible diseases that affect all races, even if they don\'t admit to it. If there is nothing wrong with them, then how does one cure a person like this?" Rexa asked.

"We have to give them what they are missing. Unfortunately, there is only one other person that can help with this type of thing, but I think she is busy," I said with a sigh but then whirled around to a smirking Tallia.

"You are starting to get better at this game," Tallia said and pushed past me. "So, you need my help again? This is starting to be an ongoing thing. I am starting to wonder if you are really as amazing as these women make you out to be!"

"I am just going to pretend that you came here because you wanted to help and not just to annoy me," I said with a sigh.

"I am here to help my people, not you. Unlike you, I don\'t need to yell at people to get them to do what I want!" Tallia said as she walked over to a crying elf.

The woman had longer ears than Listenia and Silvy, and her eyes were more oval than round, with long brown hair matted to the side of her face. I wanted to snap back at Tallia, but that would just be playing into her hands, and I had better things to be doing right now.

The woman was bound to the bed, but Tallia sat on the edge of it and started to untie the wrists of the woman.

"I don\'t think that is a good idea. She was bound because she tried to take her own life," Rexa explained, but Tallia didn\'t stop.

"These children need their Goddesses\' love, and I cannot give it to them when they are tied down. I do not need help from a machine. I suggest that you help Galio," Tallia said, effectively dismissing Rexa.

This woman. She could have been a bit nicer, and there was no reason to talk to her like that.

"Rexa, come over here with me. I will teach you how to do what we are doing," I explained, and Rexa nodded.

I wanted to give Tallia a piece of my mind, but another wave of dread washed over me, and I staggered.

"Are you alright? Have you also been inflicted like the women?" Rexa asked as she rushed over to me, and Senna came to my other side.

"This happened to her outside. I am not sure what it is, but Galio said not to worry about it," Senna explained, and I nodded.

"Consider this a self-inflicted illness. It keeps me from making a complete asshole of myself, in a way. Like a reminder that everyone operates differently, but it hits me like a sickness," I explained.

"Interesting. I would like to study with you in the future. I have heard much about you and that you have different parts than everyone else. Very interesting, but hardly a topic for right now," Rexa explained, and that made me smile as I straightened up.

I looked over, and Tallia was hugging the crying girl, but the girls looked better now.

I turned to the first person that I had seen and squatted down beside a human woman with orange hair. She had been operating the trap doors in the wall that launched the girls out into the fighting.

"I don\'t want to do this anymore. Just let me die! It hurts too much to keep going! The voices won\'t stop!" The woman cried, and I burned off the bonds that were holding her.

The women had shot up, but I grabbed them, and I could feel that Senna had flinched, but Rexa was unflappable. I took the woman\'s arms into one hand and pulled her into my chest, sending my positive Energy into her body directly.

What I was doing wasn\'t like when I defended against the screams. That was me using my rage as Positive Energy, but this was me using my love for all the women of this world and my desire to protect them.

Almost instantly, the woman relaxed, and she began to softly cry into my chest. This wouldn\'t fix everything, but with enough Positive Energy treatments like this, they would all get better.

"Are you telling me that you are not using magic? How is that possible? You are sending your happy feelings, and that is all it takes to cure them?!" Rexa exclaimed, sounding more human this time from the stress in her voice.

"This is still magic. Anything that is too advanced for you to understand is magic. Positive Energy is just as real as what you call magic, but without seeing it, you have to believe it\'s real. These women need our love, care, and good feelings. So, go and start hugging people and telling them everything is going to be alright, and believe it. If you don\'t, then neither will they," I explained, and Rexa nodded and left my side to go help others.

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