500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 230 Overkill

Tallia and I slammed back into our bodies, but she stumbled a bit, so I caught her. She looked up at me with a bewildered look as I helped her in my arms.

"Galio... what in the goddess just happened back there?!" Tallia asked me, and I pursed my lips with a slight grin and raised an eyebrow.

"I have no fucking clue. Honestly, I was just as surprised as you were," I said with a chuckle, and Tallia rolled her eyes but then hugged into my chest.

"I could feel that you cared about me, and I have always had dreams about you, but I had no idea what you gave up to have me in your life. I am sorry if I have been mean or rude to you, but I just had no idea," Tallia said, and I hugged her close, wrapping my tail around her.

"There is no path too long or the enemy too strong. My love will always be true, and I will always find you. You are my goddess, and you are by far the hottest... ouch! Dammit, don\'t bite me! I was on a roll!" I growled as Tallia bit me and then giggled.

"You should have stopped after the first two! Don\'t we have some preparations to make?" Tallia teased, looking up at me with her beautiful smile, and I leaned down to kiss it.

"Yes, we do," I said, and Tallia pulled away from me, but I kept her in my arms.

"Galio, let me go!" Tallia said, and I smiled.

"I think I\'ll keep you in my arms," I said as I flipped her over and kissed her neck.

"You are the sexiest, most beautiful woman I have ever seen, and I believe you are meant to be mine," I said as I nibbled on her neck, and Tallia squirmed in my arms.

"Galio, stop it!" Tallia said, but she laughed as she said it, and I grinned.

"Why? I enjoy it, and you seem to as well," I said, and Tallia squirmed again.

"You are insatiable," Tallia said, and I chuckled.

"Only for you, my goddess," I said, and then I kissed her neck again, but she finally broke free and backed away from me like a wary cat.

"Enough games, Cat God! Go do your things! I am going to check on the women on the wall!" Tallia growled, gesturing for a portal to open that she jumped through, making it snap closed behind her.

I chuckled and looked around the wasteland, starting to pull in massive amounts of Pure Magic. Tallia was right, and I did need to get to work. Riftwalker could dispel my spell circles with its roar, but only if I actively cast them. The workaround was to place the spell on the ground so that I could trigger it. It was not likely to work, but I would take any advantage I could get at this point.

If this was overkill, then that just meant that I was adequately prepared. There was no point and doing any less than my very best at this point because I didn\'t want to have anyone die today.

I placed a series of spell circles around the perimeter of the massive summoning circle and then started peppering the area with more, rising up in the air. I formed the spells and then flung them at the ground, concentrating on the between the wall and summoning circle. By the time I was done, I had placed a few hundred around the summoning circle and thousands around the perimeter and between here and the wall. I had little hope of them killing the creature, but the series of spells would keep the main body busy.

I placed a few hundred more in strategic locations closer to the wall and then started to work on the ones on the perimeter. Once done there, I flew to the wall where I saw many women, including Tallia, watching me. I flew along the wall, pouring in more magic and layering on shields and barriers directly to the wall.

When I was finally done, I flew back up to the top of the wall where Tallia was waiting for me.

"That was quite the display," Tallia said, and I grinned.

"I just wanted to ensure that I was properly prepared," I said, and Tallia snorted.

"You are always prepared, Galio. You are just too cautious sometimes," Tallia said, and I shrugged.

"It has kept me alive this long," I said, and Tallia chuckled.

"Yes, it has. I am glad you are on our side," Tallia said, and I grinned.

"I would never fight against you, my goddess. You are worth more to me than anything in this world," I said, and Tallia blushed.

"Flatterer," Tallia said, and I chuckled.

"I speak the truth, as always," I said, and Tallia shook her head.

"I am going to go check on the others. I will see you soon," Tallia said, and I nodded.

"I will be here," I said, and Tallia smiled.

"I know," Tallia said, and then she turned and walked away.

I watched her go and then turned my attention back to the preparations. Once Tallia was gone, I turned around to find a pair of familiar troublemaking un-undead.

"Is there anything that you need us to do?" Daphne asked with Velma beside her.

"Not really; I am going to take a walk down that wall to check on everyone and improve the cannons. I really don\'t think I can place any more spells out there at this point," I chuckled, looking over my shoulder and wall down at the wasteland covered in spell circles.

"Watching you out there was really amazing! You really are a God! I mean, not that I doubted you before, but I tried to recreate one of your barrier spells, but mine was nothing like what you created!" Velma exclaimed, and Daphne moved forward to take my right hand.

"Do you mind if we walk with you? We won\'t be pests, but we want to see your work up close! You are the only person who can do the things you can, so maybe if we stay close, we might learn something, right?" Daphne asked, and I chuckled as I started to walk.

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