500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 251 The Contract

"You-you can\'t just dictate terms like that to me! I am a goddess!" The Creator snapped, and I held up a hand to stop her.

"If you want my help, then this is the price," I said firmly before walking over to one of the shelves and grabbing a thick book, and starting to cast a binding contract of the right spell to convert it to what I needed. "This will have everything that we agreed on inside it. You can sign it with your own blood or use ink; it doesn\'t matter to me."

The Creator\'s eyes widened as she stared at the book in my hands while Rexa just looked between us both, clearly not knowing what was going on.

"Oh, by the way," I continued as an afterthought before turning back around to face The Creator again, who still hadn\'t moved from where she was standing. "I am also going to be setting up weekly check-ins for you so we can go over any concerns that either party might have about this contract."

The Creator didn\'t say anything for several minutes as she just stood there staring at me with wide eyes while Rexa continued looking between us both confusedly. Eventually, The Creator nodded before reaching for a small knife on her workbench, using it to slice open her palm, letting some of her golden blood drips onto the first page of the book, which caused words in an unknown language to start appearing on all subsequent pages until it was filled.

"Wait?! You are actually going to sign it?!" Rexa exclaimed, only now realizing what just happened.

"What choice do I have?! Do you think that anyone could force me to come to them?! Do you think that a mortal could have survived that attack?! My options are to do as I am told or lose everything that I am working for!" The Creator snapped, but I patted her on the head.

"Be mad all you want, but you know this is the right way to do things. When I come back, you can tell me all about yours and other concerns about the contract, but do not test my patience. All testing and imprisoning ends before the end of today, or you will be coming with me, and you will be forced to give yourself up to me," I said, but I didn\'t want to do things this way. I wish I could have given her a chance to change on her own, but it was clear that she wasn\'t going to, so this was the compromise.

The Creator just grumbled something under her breath before going back to work on whatever it was that she was working on, ignoring us both, but I didn\'t really care. As long as this worked out for the best, then that is all that matters, even if it wasn\'t exactly how I wanted things to go.

"Come on, Rexa, let\'s go," I said after a few minutes when The Creator showed no signs of acknowledging our existence any longer. "Let\'s get going back."

Rexa nodded before following me out and back outside the golden portal that snapped behind us, where we were blasted with cold air, but neither of us really cared since we had bigger things to worry about at the moment.

"I don\'t understand what happened there? You just told my goddess what to do, and she listened to you?" Rexa asked in confusion, and I shrugged.

"I just used a little bit of Positive Energy to help her see the error of her ways. I also cast a spell on that book so she can\'t go back on our agreement, and I will be coming by every week to check up on things," I explained as we flew back down towards the city, and Rexa was quiet for several minutes.

"You are different than what The Creator told me," Rexa said eventually, and I chuckled. "She told me that you were some sort of evil monster that enslaved mortals for your own amusement."

"That\'s not entirely inaccurate," I said, and Rexa looked at me with wide eyes. "I am a monster, but I am not evil. As for the mortals, I am your protector until you are the one that needs to be protected from."

Rexa was quiet again for several minutes as she thought over what I had said before eventually nodding her head in understanding. We didn\'t really talk much after that as we flew back down into the city to Eliza\'s Manor, but that was when she spoke up.

"Why are you taking me to the manor?" Rexa asked, and I grinned.

"I hope you don\'t mind, but I would like for you to come on a little trip with me and some girls. I think that the Care House will be fine for now, and I would like to spend some time with you if you don\'t mind?" I asked, and Rexa gave me a surprised look.

"Are you sure? I am not a good person, just a smart one. I only did what was best for everyone after I knew that I couldn\'t do what The Creator had ordered of me," Rexa exclaimed as we sat down, and the manor door opened. Eliza came running out, looking excited to see me.

"You\'re back! You\'re back!" Eliza exclaimed as she threw herself at me, and I chuckled as I caught her. "I was so worried about you."

"I told you that I would be okay," I said gently before setting her down and ruffling her hair. "Listen, do you mind if we bring Rexa to go on the trip with us?"

Eliza\'s eyes widened in excitement before she started to jump up and down, nodding her head energetically. Then she turned to Rexa, who was still standing there quietly, looking between us both confusedly like she didn\'t quite understand what was going on.

"Well? Aren\'t you going to say something?" Eliza asked, but Rexa just continued staring at us both for several more minutes before eventually shaking her head slightly.

"I don\'t understand what is happening, but I will go with you," Rexa said eventually, and Eliza squealed in delight before quickly running back into the manor.

"Come on, let\'s go get packed," I said as I started to walk towards the manor with Rexa following close behind me, still looking a bit confused about everything that was going on.

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