500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 278 The Search For More Cultists Begins!

I left the carriage and headed back into the inn. The girls were all waiting for me, but a few of them turned and gave me sour looks, Breya included.

"So you are done having your fun?" Breya asked, and I narrowed my eyes.

"Would you have just preferred to have me kill her instead? Sure I didn\'t need to have fun, but I did. I could have killed her, but I have lived with demons before, and they are not all bad," I said as I came over and sat down at the big table everyone was sitting at. "Did you all find anything new while I was busy?"

"No, we haven\'t heard anything yet," Titania said, and I nodded.

"I know where two more of the Cult members are in town, or at least who they are. I also know the names of the other demonesses that were summoned. I found out that Joselyn has more than likely gone into hiding, making her more difficult to pin down. There are a few other things that I learned as well, but that is because I didn\'t kill Grimora," I said, looking at Breya, who stared back at me with a bit of defiance.

"Fine, but you had better be ready to kill if you have to. I have dealt with demons before, and things can get quite messy if you hesitate with them. We were lucky that this creature was the more pathetic type of demoness, and they probably hoped that she would be killed," Breya said, and I nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, that trap spell was poorly constructed. It took Claire and me only a few moments to disarm it, but this new magic did make it easier," Elfina said, and Goldy turned to look at her as if she didn\'t recognize who she saw.

"Even so, we still have to head out of town to disarm the other one. I think that it would be good for Elfinia, Claire, and Goldy to head out with a guide to where Grimora was staying before to take care of that trap. I will take everyone else on a hunt around town to find Shelly and Kelly. They are the two other Cult members that Grimora mentioned being in town," I explained, but Chili gave me a strange look.

"Is it a coincidence that their names are Melly, Kelly, and Shelly?" She asked, and Eliza and Velma giggled.

"That is pretty interesting. Maybe if we find them, you could let Daphne and I question them?" Velma asked, and I raised an eyebrow.

"We will see when the time comes. To tell you the truth, I am kind of interested in seeing how this will go, but it depends on how dangerous these girls are. I am not going to get any of you hurt over this, so I need you all to listen to Titania and me," I explained, and Daphne and Velma lit up.

"We promise to be good!" They said in unison, and I couldn\'t help but chuckle.

"I know you will. Just be careful, alright? We have no idea what we are walking into with these girls, so let me do the talking for now. Once we get a feel for them, then you can start asking questions, got it?" I asked, and they both nodded.

A few hours later, we were all gathered outside the inn, getting saddles put on our horses for the girls to head out. Elfinia was riding with Claire and Goldy while everyone else was with me as we split up into our two groups. We had decided that it would be best if Elfinia tried to disarm the trap since she seemed to understand magic traps better than anyone else in our group. As for us, we were going hunting for Shelly and Kelly around town according to Grimora\'s directions.

"Where are we going to look first?!" Eliza asked excitedly as Chili, and they grabbed one of my hands each.

"First, we are going to a boot or shoe shop or something to that equivalent," I explained, and Breya gave me a strange look.

"Is that really where one of them is hiding?" She asked, but I shook my head with a smile.

"No, but everyone needs new boots and clothing. Higher dresses and leg warmers, all that jazz, and I want to get some of my own winter gear. There are heating enchantments I can put on our clothing, or I can see if Claire can take care of them. The bottom line is that it is going to get colder the further north we go," I explained, and everyone nodded.

"That is a good plan! Come on, Chili! Let\'s go ask people where the store is!" Eliza exclaimed, letting go of my hand and pulling the gray-eared cat girl over to a group of women that were looking at us.

"Sorry for earlier," Breya said, stepping in close to me, but Skylar came over to my other side to stand near me as well.

"It is fine, and I get why you had a distaste for demons, but I know them, and I have spent a few lifetimes in the Underworld. That place is another world just like this, but the rules there are much different. Still, we can\'t paint everyone the same color and expect people from different worlds to act the same as us. I had to learn that when I first came to the world. Mind you, I still do get a bit pushy," I chuckled, and Breya gave me a look.

"I heard about your little interaction with The Creator. I have always liked her, but I can see the reason for what you did. I am interested to see what you will do with the Seraphs. They are a different kind of bad, but good at the same time. It\'s hard to put a finger on them sometimes, and they cross the lines more often than not, but I will let Titania\'s Daughter have some of your time now," Breya said and leaned in for a kiss that I leaned to meet before she turned to walk over to were Titania was with her arms crossed, and not looking at me.

"Do you know my mother?" Skylar asked after a few moments, and I shrugged.

"I do, and I don\'t. I don\'t remember her yet, but I know that we have spent a lot of time together, and we were lovers at one point," I explained, and Skylar nodded, making her curly blue-green hair bounce.

"Interesting. I was just wondering that; sorry to bother you," Skylar said, and then turned to walk away, but I reached out and gently grabbed her arm, making Skylar stop.

"Would you walk with me? I have rarely got to spend any time with you," I said, and Skylar slowly looked back at me and nodded, so I linked my arm with hers as Eliza and Chili ran back from the group.

"Found one! It is on the other side of town, but it isn\'t that far!" Eliza cheered, and I grinned at her.

"If you know the way, then you will be our leader, and we will follow you!" I chuckled, and Eliza smiled brightly before coming to give me a quick kiss, and then after grabbing Chili\'s hand, she ran up to the front of the group and then turned to face us all.

"Follow me!" Eliza exclaimed and then took off running with Chili bouncing along beside her as they both laughed. Everyone else chuckled as we all started to follow after them at a more relaxed pace.

"Follow me!" Eliza exclaimed and then took off running with Chili bouncing along beside her as they both laughed. Everyone else chuckled as we all started to follow after them at a more relaxed pace.

As we walked, I couldn\'t help but notice that the group was becoming more divided. It seemed like everyone had their own little group or pairs that they stayed with. I didn\'t mind it too much, but I did wonder if it was going to become an issue later on down the road. Either way, we all made it to the store without any issues, and everyone went in to start looking for what they wanted while Skylar and I hung back a bit.

"You seem troubled," Skylar said after a few moments of silence as she looked up at me from under her lashes.

I sighed and nodded my head before explaining what was on my mind. "I am just wondering how everything is going to work out with us all being together. It seems like people are already starting to choose sides."

"That is just people\'s nature, unfortunately," Skylar said with a sigh as she crossed her arms over her chest. "You can\'t expect people not to choose sides when there are always things that people disagree on."

I nodded my head in agreement before continuing, "I know that, but I don\'t want there to be any division in the group. We are all going to need each other if we want to make it through this."

"I agree, but you can\'t force people to get along," Skylar said, and I sighed as I ran a hand through my hair.

​ "I know that, but it doesn\'t make me worry any less," I said, and Skylar moved closer to me.

"Worrying won\'t do you any good. Just take things one day at a time, and try not to stress yourself out too much," Skylar said comfortingly as we stopped outside of a store called Penumbra\'s Shoes and Such.

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