500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 386 Truth Or Dare

"BOO!" An end table by the stairs screamed as Gilda pulled the covering off herself, and I jumped back. This was the first time that I had gotten a really good look at her, but she was very short but had a big ass and breasts!

Gilda was wearing a pink dress, and her hair was tucked in tight curls that framed her face. Her bright blue eyes sparkled as she smiled at me, and I couldn\'t help but give her a small smile back.

"Do you want to play a game?" Gilda asked us both eagerly, bounding down the stairs ahead of us.

"Gilda!" Lutha said, shaking her head and laughing. Connie laughed, too, as she pulled Gilda up by the arm before leading us downstairs to a long hallway, but there were more stars, and we ended up taking another two flights of stairs before we were four floors underground.

Each of the floors we had passed had been filled with doors that I assumed were rooms from the few doors I saw open. It made sense to have so many rooms, but from what I counted, there were more than enough rooms for everyone to have one, but then plus another ten or fifteen.

"Are you looking to expand on the number of girls you have?" I asked curiously as the four of us walked quietly down the hall to a room that was at the very end. There was a lock on this door, the first one I had seen in the entire house.

Lutha turned and smiled at me. "You have a sharp eye, my dear; yes, we are looking to expand our family. We never know who will be needing a place to call home or who might need our help in times of trouble." She then opened the door and revealed what looked like a study, but I grinned when I saw the small bar off to the side filled with glass bottles that must have alcohol in them.

"This is a nice place that you have here," I said as Lutha and Gilda came in, and Connie followed right behind her.

"Yes, it is a nice place to relax after such a busy day," she said before taking out four glasses from the bar cabinet and pouring each of us some drinks. She sat down on one of the couches as I stayed standing close to the door, not entirely sure what I should be doing.

"Well, it looks like it is time for some fun," Lutha said with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "How about a game?"

"Game? Like what? A drinking game? I don\'t really know how to play," I said, a bit hesitant.

"No, no, not that kind of game! We can play \'Truth or Dare!" Gilda suggested excitedly as she jumped up and down in her seat with anticipation.

Everyone laughed at the suggestion of the game before they agreed, waving me over to join them on the couches, which I did with a bit of reluctance. It all seemed so strange to me; why were these women doing something like playing games when they had just been discussing serious matters such as their missing daughter?

"If we are going to do this, then let\'s do it properly," Lutha said as she grabbed a notebook and pen from the table beside her. "We each take turns to ask one another questions or give someone dares, and if someone does not answer or completes the dare, then they have to down their cup!"

Everyone laughed again before agreeing that it sounded like a plan, so they all grabbed their drinks while Lutha started writing down our names on the page.

"Okay, who is going first?" she said as everyone looked around at each other before Gilda raised her hand eagerly.

"I will go first!" She said with a grin before getting up with an evil grin. "Alright, Galio... I dare you to kiss Connie on the cheek!"

"Really? That is all?" I asked, but I could feel the heat coming from Connie beside me. This was probably embarrassing for her, but maybe bringing Gilda along was Lutha\'s way to help Connie open up a bit more with me. I looked over at her and smiled before leaning in to kiss her on the cheek. Her skin was so soft, and it felt nice; she didn\'t move away, but I could tell that her cheeks were bright red.

Everyone clapped and cheered before Gilda shouted out the next dare, this time to Lutha. I laughed as Lutha scrunched up her face at Gilda\'s dare for her to do a dance around the room with a broom. Lutha acquiesced with a deep sigh before standing up and starting to dance, twirling the broom in her hands as she moved around the room.

After that, Lutha looked at me and nodded.

"Truth. What do you think of us?" She asked, and I smiled before looking around the room at all the women.

"I think that you are all very kind and welcoming people. You have a big heart, which is why it must be so hard to not know what has happened to Hilda," I said as Lutha nodded.

"I don\'t think she is dead. I think, if anything, someone is holding her until after the election is done, so Carrie wins. We are trying to find her, but there is no point in spending all our waking time worrying if we are doing what we can," Lutha said before turning her gaze to me as I took a long drink from my glass. "But thanks for caring."

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