500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 408 Bleh!

I stepped out from behind the bar, feeling a sense of relief that I had gotten what I came for and Sonya was alright. Now, it was time to take on Meeta Guildsmaier and Sabrina Wright. If they were working together, then they needed to be stopped before things got worse; it seemed like these two had some sort of master plan in mind.

It may have been too late already, but luckily, I still had plenty of Cat God Juice left over from my last venture with Kyra, and that could come in handy if things got tough enough!

"Cat God!" Brindle yelled over to me, looking around the room as if expecting something, but it was clear that she was quiet drunk. She was bumping into people as she made she way over, but she kept her drink stead somehow.

"Yes, Brindle?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

The woman stumbled over to me, gesturing with her hands as she spoke. "Hey, there, Cat God... err... Yeah, this is you, right?"

I reached out and caught the big woman as she was about to stumble right past me.

"Yeah, I am me. Is that you?" I asked with a smirk.

Brindle sighed and then smiled. "It\'s me, Brindle. I just wanted to tell you that if there is anything that I can do to help you, then I am your woman!"

She tried to kiss me, but even if I hadn\'t just fucked the barmaid\'s brains out, I would have still dodged Brindle, but thank god I did.

Just as I moved my face, Brindle\'s mouth closed quickly as her eyes bulged, and her cheeks puffed out.

"Bleh!" Brindle spewed as vomit poured out of the woman in a violent stream, just barely missing me as I helped her. I pulled back her hair as Brindle wretched like a drunk gremlin.

"Guess that took care of it," I said with a smirk, patting the big woman down before helping her up. Brindle groaned and started to walk away but stumbled, so I grabbed her hand. "Do you have someone to help you get home?"

"I don\'t-" Brindle started to say, but she stepped on her own foot and tried to walk with the other, forcing me to catch her again. This time I scooped her up, but I froze when Brindle looked like she was going puke again, but she just grinned up at me once it subsided. "So, you are coming home to show me a good time?"

I looked around the room and noticed that there were a few other women that looked to be in rough shape. There was an argument going on that caught my attention, and it was between two women; one was Sabrina, which surprised me that she would be here after how I saw her earlier. It was obviously an act, and the other was a woman dressed in the same shop clothes as Brindle.

"Actually," I started slowly, "I think we need to take care of this situation first. Looks like my targets, Sabrina and Meeta, have been found."

Brindle sighed and then nodded. "Yeah, that does sound more important than getting me home safely. Alright then, Cat God-- lead on!"

I walked over with Brindle in my arms as Sadie tried to calm the two women down, but both seemed not to notice me approaching, so I waited back a bit to listen. There were still a good number of women in the bar, so I could keep out of the direct line of sight even with the bigger woman in my arms.

"We have to stop this! We need to cut our losses, and you need to put an end to this!" The woman, I assume to be Meeta snapped, but Sabrina slammed her hands down on the table, and I saw Sadie put up her hands.

"You two need to calm down, or you are going to get cut off. Got it?" Sadie warned, and I heard Sabrina growl but nod. This was much different than the poor heartbroken girl from before.

I still didn\'t think that Mother Shallot had anything to do with this because when we had supper, everyone on the farm had been at the table. There is no way for anyone but a Blood Witch, from what I knew, could hide their mana, but they weren\'t hiding it; they just didn\'t have any.

Sadie left the table, and I waited for a moment before they started talking again.

"We will stop when I say we do. You are the one that suggested it, so if you try to back out, I will just say that you forced me to do it and that you got rid of her!" Sabrina hissed, and I cast two binding spells to secure both of my targets to their chairs.

I had heard more than enough.

Both girls cried out, and the bar suddenly went quiet as everyone turned to the girls that were struggling in their chairs as I pushed through the crowd to stand before the two girls. I could see that they had both been drinking heavily, but it was still hard to believe that they could be so stupid, but I was angry now.

"My name is Galio, and I am an emissary sent by your Goddess, Tallia, to watch over Hilda. I am also the Cat God, and you had better hope that Hilda is still alive," I said with a dangerous edge to my voice that made both girls stop crying out.

"She is alive!" Meeta shrieked, and I nodded and then gestured for a portal to open under her to in the jail at Northwall, making her scream as she fell through.

The portal closed and cut her off, and I turned back to Sabrina, who was glaring at me.

"She was supposed to be mine, you beast! I told her how I felt, and do you know what she said? She wanted to wait for you, you cowardly dog!" Sabrina screamed, and I scoffed.

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