500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 412 Finding Hilda

It seemed like Hilda had been taken far away from the Richmer Farm, which meant that she was either being hidden or kept under house arrest. Either way, it was up to me to rescue her and bring her back home safely.

"I shouldn\'t be too long, but where can I find you after?" I asked Breya after Sabrina was taken away, and Breya nodded.

"I will just wait here with the girls for you. I have been up at strange hours lately, so I don\'t mind waiting up for you. I just noticed this thing yesterday, but I knew that you were still busy," Breya said as we both stood up. "I was just bothered when I saw the image on the egg."

I smiled and kissed her. I had an inkling of what might be going on.

"Does the thing in the image almost look like it could be a person that wasn\'t fully developed? Like maybe it was in the image of what a person might look like?" I asked curiously, and Breya frowned at me.

"Possibly, but the face just looks alien to me. Do you know what it is?" Breya asked as the frown left her face for a more hopeful one, and I sighed.

If this was what I thought it was, it would change everything, but there was no point in counting my chickens before they hatched, but from Breya\'s description, I was pretty sure. "I think that it might be our child, but I am not explaining this right now, nor am I doing it alone!"

"Who else will know about this?!" Breya asked in shock, and I grinned as I opened a portal to the location that I had been shown.

I had used my portal to get Sabrina to point out the area exactly from above since there was nothing notable enough in the cabin, according to her. I knew with Breya\'s Angel Power, Sabrina couldn\'t lie, so things should go good from here, and then I could get back to deal with... whatever this was going to be.

"The other goddesses might know about this, but we will have to see when I get back," I said, and then stepped out into the crisp but warm air of the middle section of the continent into a forest. The portal closed behind me as I looked at the old shack that sat alone not too far from the shore of a lake.

The area was eerily quiet, and I couldn\'t even detect any noises from animals. I stepped forward slowly, feeling my heart beat faster as I hoped that Hilda was here and safe. The house, if you could call it that, was just a single room with a fireplace in the corner and enough space for three people.

I stepped inside after knocking on the door and saw Hilda sitting near the fire, looking at me from under hooded eyes. She seemed to be unharmed but was scared out of her mind. When I approached her, she backed away until she hit the far wall, shaking even harder than before as tears rolled silently down her cheeks.

"Oh, Hilda... it\'s alright; I\'m here now," I said gently, and she looked up at me with scared eyes. "My name is Galio, and I have been looking for you."

The fear in her eyes seemed to fade away as I spoke to her, calming myself and taking slow steps toward Hilda until I was close enough to touch her. She looked at me with an expression of tiredness, frustration, and relief, all mixed together, but she managed a small smile.

"Thank you for coming," she said softly before wrapping me in a hug that nearly brought tears to my eyes.

After what felt like an eternity, we both stepped back; Hilda\'s face was now more relaxed than ever before, as if some kind of weight had been lifted off of it even though the situation still wasn\'t ideal.

"I have Sabrina and Meeta in custody, so you don\'t have to worry about that. I have also had a chance to meet with all five of the families in Torrain. I can see that even if you do take your place as the ruler over the city and surrounding area, most of the women are still going to give you trouble," I said, and Hilda nodded. She had red hair, but the clothing that she was in was old and dirty. The woman also smelled like it had been a few days since the last time she had bathed.

"That is relieving to hear about Sabrina... I assume you know why she did this?" Hilda asked, getting slightly embarrassed, and I nodded.

"She confessed to you, but you told her that you were waiting for me. My question is if you ever considered her as your partner?" I asked, and Hilda shook her head right away.

That gave me a bit of relief, but I had expected as much. Anyone willing to do this wasn\'t right in the head and was suffering from delusional thoughts.

"Sabrina was always pushy and wanted to try to tell me what to do, but I am my own woman. I don\'t want a partner, and I know that you aren\'t looking for more. I have a lot planned for the city of Torrain, but she wanted me to stop trying, saying the mothers would just keep me as a figurehead, and nothing would change. I told her that she was wrong, and you were already proof of change," Hilda said in a tired voice, and I raised an eyebrow, gesturing for two chairs to grow from the floor.

"You really believed that I was going to come and change things before I even knew I was?" I asked curiously but then put up a hand for her to wait before sitting down. "You look like you could use some freshening, and I kind of like this little place. Just give me a moment, and I will make us much more comfortable."

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