500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 438 Sorry, You Lose

My adrenaline kicked on as my blood started to pump, and my Mana Runes flipped on. There were Goddesses all over the yard, hiding in strange places, and there were some other normal people as well with them. This was clearly an elaborate prank, but with the collaboration of at least five other goddesses, it felt much more like a trap and what was about to be a royal rumble where it was everyone vs. me.

Then the back door opened, and Senna came out with Eliza, who had her arms crossed and glared at Senna. I could only assume she was angry because she couldn\'t come straight over to me.

"So! You have finally arrived!" Senna said dramatically with a flourish of her hand as she walked out to the patio.

"Yes, and it looks like you enlisted more help this time! So, what is the deal this time? There has to be some catch here, right?" I asked, and Senna laughed like some stage villain.

"Oh, you will love this one! We are all here to give you a... test!" Senna said before turning to Eliza, who rolled her eyes.

"Please save me, Cat God. You are the only one..." Eliza droned, but then she sucked in a big breath of air. "NOW, HURRY! I want to relax, but Senna wants to play, so kick all their butts and get over here and cuddle me!"

"Yes, beautiful," I smiled and then looked at Senna. "Let\'s go then!"

Instantly, Orchalla and O\'lea were on me, jumping from cover nearby. Both Orc Woman and Goddess fought with me with languid movements like water, but I was ready for them, blocking their attacks and countering.

The other Goddesses that had been hiding all around the yard ran out, and then we were in a full-out brawl. The mortals watched as I fought with all of them at once, and I felt my strength increase with each hit. I was able to dodge most attacks and parry some of them, while others I just blocked with my arms.

Finally, I was able to take down Orchalla and O\'lea, but no sooner did I get them down did Cherry and Draconia come at me from both sides. The Dragon women hit even harder, but they didn\'t work together like the Orcs. Cherry was the first to go down, but then Draconia leaped into the air and started to transform, but I raised a hand to her.

"That is breaking the rule, woman," I called up, and cast thirty high-level binding spells.

Bands of light snapped around the Dragon Goddess to cover every part of her body from her neck down, and she was forced to transform back into her humanoid form. Then she promptly fell to the ground with a light thump.

"Fight me like a real man, Cat God!" Draconia snapped as she wiggled futility, but I didn\'t have time for that as magical arrows started to rain down on me.

Listenia and Elfinia were both using special bows that the two must have made together. Even if Listenia couldn\'t aim that well, she was getting very good with magic so the arrows would always be true. Kind of annoying for me as I leaped and bounded out of the way, having to switch back into cat form every once and a while to avoid getting hit.

I started to make my way closer to the Elves, but they tossed their bow to the sides and spread out as I did. Each of them pulled out dual short blades and then rushed me with battle cries.

I coated the tips of my fingers with my Astral Coating and blocked each strike from both women with just one hand. Then when Listenia got close, I pressed a hand to her stomach lightly and then blasted her with a burst of Wind Magic that sent her flying thirty feet back into the air. I ducked right after and then reached backward with a single finger and cast sleep on Elfinia right after her sword passed over my head.

The Elf Goddess crumpled to the ground like a sack of potatoes and started snoring as they stood up.

I looked around, and there was one pair left standing, and that was Breya and Claire. Claire had nothing in her hand, but Breya had a single piece of cake on a plate. Suspicious!

"Breya, you don\'t actually think that I am so stupid as to fall for a cake trap, do you?" I asked, and Breya shrugged.

"Not at all! I just wanted to see if you would be able to resist the temptation of cake," Breya smiled and then pointed down at Claire. "Claire, here was the one that said you would go for it, but you resisted. I knew you were no ordinary Cat God."

"I can\'t turn down cake, but I can turn down temptation," I said, and then Claire shrugged and poked my stomach.

"Sorry, you lose," Claire said with the most innocent look. So much so that I didn\'t realize what had just been done to me, but then it hit me like an overwhelming wave.

"What did... Oh, Shit!" I cried as my inside started to move, and my brows knit together almost as one. Then my eyes bulged, and Breya burst out laughing as I doubled over.

Little did I know, but Claire had just turned everything in my intestines to liquid, and it was starting to move through my body at alarming speeds. I should have been able to cast a spell, but even with my adrenaline increase and time slowed, I couldn\'t. My body was about to pop a cap into, and most straight through the back of my pants, but I couldn\'t form spells even in my mind!

"Galio, you are looking a bit pale... are you feeling okay?" Breya asked as she took a bite out of the cake that had been on the plate.

"What did you do to me?!" I asked through gritted teeth, trying to figure out what I was going to do.

"Liquified your insides! I think that you had best find a bathroom fast!" Breya laughed as sweat poured down my face.

"Sorry, Breya told me to do it," Claire said innocently, and I glared at Breya but couldn\'t hold it because my insides lurched again. My eyes tried to squeeze out of my head again, and I braced one hand on my knee.

I needed to think fast!

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