500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 453 Karma

"I think that is a great idea, but how will you decide who works for what position? And why add assistants? I mean, most goddesses here are very capable of taking care of their own duties," Snowy said, and then I stopped walking as we came to a fountain in the middle.

The fountain was filled with water and had a few fish swimming around it. There was also a small platform where I could stand, so I hopped up onto it and looked back at Snowy.

"I want them to have nothing to do most of the time. The point of having helpers is to prevent backlogs of people needing help. These Goddesses are people as well. They are going to want to have breaks from time to time, so I want each of them to have some help when they do. That way, those who are not on a break can do the extra work and make sure that no one is left behind," I said, and then Snowy hopped up next to me, looking up at the stars above.

"You seem to be thinking in the long run here, something that the gods are not usually willing to do. All of your ideas make a lot of sense, though, so we\'ll just have to see how it goes," she said,

​ We stayed there for a while, talking and watching the stars, until Snowy finally had to go to bed. As I watched her walk away, I couldn\'t help but feel a little bit proud. I was really glad that my girls were smart enough to realize that I wasn\'t just pushing them away. I wanted them by my side, but I wanted them to learn that they could still be goddesses without having to worry about their duties all day, every day.

After Snowy left, I looked back up at the stars above once more and spotted my constellation. Scorpio was to the west, and Sagittarius to the east, and that reminded me about the Winds of Change.

I sighed but then drew the summoning circle with my finger. If I didn\'t check on them, I would never hear the end of it.

Once I was finished, it lit up, and then it stopped at Aries again.

"Oh, for fucks sake!" I snapped as I ripped out of my body.

I slammed down On Aries Astral Isle, but I had never been here to this place before. I immediately felt something appear in my pocket, but I was confused about where I was, so I didn\'t check it at first.

I looked around and explored, expecting to see Fate or Murphy, but instead, there was nothing.

The place was a forest, but it was a section of Aries\'s home that I had never been to, but that wasn\'t saying much. She was just as hard-headed as me, so the two of us never really saw eye to eye, but I didn\'t get why I was called here.

I reached into my pocket, and there was another card, so I pulled it out and frowned.


Well, it could have been Murphy, but that didn\'t mean that it was a good thing to get Karma. I flipped the card over, but it was blank. That meant that something was going to happen that would give me some type of choice. How I dealt with it was most likely going to be the deciding factor in what I got from Karma, but I had no idea what it was.

I pocketed the card and started walking, hoping that, eventually, I would find something that could point me in the right direction. It didn\'t take long until I came across a small shrine. There was a carved female figure with a large spear in one hand and a strange shield in the other.

The figure looked oddly familiar, so I approached it and realized who it was. The figure was Aries, and she looked like she was deep in thought. Strange thing to have, and not like her to put a statue of herself out here.

"Fancy seeing you here, Ophiuchus," A soft feminine voice asked me, but I knew it was a man, or I was pretty sure Piccolo was.

"Yeah, I thought I might stop by and have some tea with my good friend Aries," I laughed sarcastically as I turned around to see the androgynistic Pisces twin.

Piccolo was more feminine than male, but that was the type she preferred. Again, more assumptions because I really didn\'t know the first thing about Aries.

The man was wearing a soft green kimono with a golden pattern along the sleeves and a thin belt.

"Tea? I would love some; it has been so long since I have had a relaxing cup of tea with anyone," Piccolo said, and we both walked towards a bench in front of the statue. He looked around, enjoying the tranquility of the forest as he took a seat, crossing his legs before looking back at me. "I heard you were here trying to collect the Winds of Change. Why don\'t you tell me what is going on?"

"I guess they are bored, and they want to come down to visit. Not like I don\'t have enough to deal with, but what about you? What are you doing way out here? Missing your sister?" I asked, and Piccolo laughed softly.

"My sister is just as bad as Aries, so it is not me missing Cesta. No, Aries has been in a rut since she lost against that little goddess of yours. Then her devastating defeat from you has her locked in her room most of the time, drinking. The rest of the time, she picks fights with me and the others, but Cesta won\'t give her the time of day. Her and Scorpio are a perfect match in my opinion, but now it feels like Aries isn\'t just happy with me," Piccolo explained, and I opened a portal to my island to get some tea from my pot that never emptied and was always fresh, but I stopped when I saw Cancer there.

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