500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 457 What The Fuck Did I Just Agree To?

"He is a man now, but when we go down, I will make him into something super cute that you can\'t even resist, and It will make it easy!" Karma said, and I looked around at the others for help.

"Come on, help me out here!" I complained. This was much worse than I could have ever dreamed the question to be!

Cancer cleared her throat. "If you do this, then you will be making an even bigger statement about how much you care about Fate and the love between you two. It is a huge risk, but if you trust him and yourself enough... then go for it."

"What?!" I gaped.

I was still stunned, but then Aries spoke up. "It\'s actually kind of sweet and also sounds like a lot more fun than bickering. You both already fight like you are married, so just stick it in already."

"WAIT! Cock suckers! You all are supposed to be on my side here!" I said, tossing my hands up.

"But, Ophiuchus," Luck said while batting her eyes innocently. "We are. We think you should do it!"

I groaned and dropped my head into my hands. What the hell have I just gotten myself into?

Nothing! I will just refuse!

"No, fuck that noise. That little bastard hates my guts, and I share the sentiment!" I declared, and Luck laughed.

"That just means you guys will have great angry sex!" She giggled, and Murphy put up his hand.

"You can have me if you want. I am sure there is a great number of things that could go wrong with it, so it sounds like fun," Murphy said in a slightly interested voice.

"No one asked you!" I snapped, but then Karma leaned to whisper in my ear.

"You could have all of us at once. All the Winds of Fate to do what you wanted with," She said, and then pulled back with a look that said she assumed this was a killing blow, but I rolled my eyes.

"Not to discount how amazingly beautiful you girls are, but there is an entire world of women," I said, and Karma sighed in defeat, but then Destiny finally spoke up. She was always so shy, so she would surely be the voice of reason for all these other crazy women!

"Ophiuchus, I think Karma just wants you to try it. She knows we all like you, and she just wants the best for Fate," Destiny said, causing the other girls to go silent and wait for my answer.


I looked at them all and then sighed. "Fine, I will consider it. If this is what you want to try, then I will give it a shot. But only because you all asked me to."

"Yay!" The girls all cheered excitedly, and then Fate burst out from my room, sending the door flying with a face that looked like he had seen a ghost.

"What the hell is going on?!" He demanded, obviously trying to save some face.

"Nothing for you to worry about," Aries said smugly and then winked at me. "Now, we just need to decide when Ophiuchus is going to make his move."

"Oh, you have got to be shitting me!" I snapped as I glared at Aries. "You and this fucking talking shit."

The others laughed, but then Fate crossed his arms over his chest. "You will not be hitting on my beloved sister while I am still here!" He declared firmly.

Like that was the real problem here, but the dipshit had no clue what was going on. I also had no clue what was going on. Like, what the fuck did I just agree to?

I sighed and then looked over at Karma, who was looking back with an expectant look. "Look, I will try this out and see if it works out. But I am not making any promises," I said, and Fate huffed but stayed quiet.

Karma smiled brightly and then winked. "It\'s okay, Ophiuchus. I know you won\'t let me down."

"I think I have had enough Astral islands for one day or year. I am going to go back and go to bed so I can hopefully wake up from this nightmare," I groaned as soon as I got up, but Fate jumped up.

"You are leaving us here again?! You are such a useless god! You say you are going to take us to the lower realm, but you always leave! You are never around for us when we need you most!" He shouted, making me sigh.

I wanted to yell at the little shit, but he was still in a position to fuck with me while up here. I just had to bide my time, and then I would get HER. Fate would be her, and I was going to... fuck, this was stupid.

"You don\'t know the half of it," I muttered under my breath, but then looked at them all. "I promise that I will be back soon enough. Until then, I want you all to relax and not stir up any problems among yourselves. Goodbye."

With that, I closed my eyes and then slammed back into my body back in the moonlike of Snowy\'s garden.

Well, that was not quite how I expected my day on the Astral Islands to end, but at least it ended on a semi-positive note. Now, here\'s hoping that when Karma made the switch with Fate\'s sex that things don\'t go terribly wrong.

I shook my head and opened a portal to the room that my goddess was sleeping in. I quietly stepped into the room, closing my portal, and then I opened another to Tallia\'s room. I gently picked her off the bed and walked through the portal.

Once it was closed, I set Tallia in bed and then undressed her before doing the same to get into bed with her. The day had been fun and crazy, filled with many moments that I wouldn\'t forget for a long time.

When I was finally comfortable in bed, Tallia moaned softly and then cuddled into my arms. I kissed her forehead and then closed my eyes as I drifted off.

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