500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 511 Was I Really Happy?

I made my way back to my house and was created by Cancer, who was at the door, waiting for me.

"Welcome back, Galio! How did the group fare?" She asked, and I smiled.

"They were doing well. They were exploring part of the island, and they seemed to be having a lot of fun. I think that they have found a new hobby of exploring the island and its creatures," I said, and Cancer nodded.

"That is good to hear. I think that they needed to take a break from the monotony of the city. This kind of exploration is also great for them to learn more about who you really are. You never know what kind of effects it might have going forward. You spend so much time doing things for others that I don\'t think you give yourself much in the way of consideration," Cancer said as we walked inside, and I shrugged.

"It is my job to take care of problems, and it is not like I don\'t have fun. I just fucked a werewolf, and I get an endless stream of choices if I want them. Things aren\'t that bad for me," I said as we walked into my living room, but I went straight for the coffee pot.

"Is that really all for you, or are you just entertaining others\' needs? Do you really enjoy sleeping with random women all the time? Not that I have anything against it, but I have always wondered if you were really happy," Cancer said as I made us both cups, adding a bit more milk to hers.

As I stirred the drinks, I thought about her words and considered them.

Was I really happy?

I mean, the experience with Penny was not something I would say didn\'t make me happy, but then again, we had spent a lot of small bouts together. There was the first fight in Eliza\'s backyard, and then her giving me a ride out to the wall and watching her fight. I enjoyed all those things, and when we finally did do it, it was terrific.

That was good, but thinking about some of the other women that I had slept with started to make me question myself. Many of the women had just been a spur of the moment, and I would probably hardly ever see them again. Then there were the monster girls, and things with them could be fun like no other girls.

"That is a really complicated question, you know," I said as I walked over with our coffees and handed Cancer hers before sitting down beside her. "I do enjoy it, but I do find myself getting sucked into random beds more than necessary. Considering how there are some women that I claim to love, but I hardly even give them the time of day."

Saying that out loud made me feel heavy. I really hadn\'t been giving the women I should have my time!

"Stop!" Cancer said, and I blinked at her.

"What? Stop what?" I asked in confusion, and Cancer rolled her eyes at me, making me flinch back in shock. She never had acted so flippantly to me in the past, so the eye roll caught me off-guard.

"I know what you are thinking right now," Cancer said in a sad tone and then switched to a deeper tone to mimic me, I supposed. "I need to spend more time with the ones that are important to me!" Cancer mocked but then shook her head, her voice returning to normal. "You just need to keep moving forward. It\'s been less than a month since you got here, and look at everything you have done! Stop trying to make everyone happy, and just do what you need to do. Take time for yourself, and do the things you want, but stop sleeping with women just because they give you food. I was watching from Yaggisdral when then a woman approached you with the croissant."

I flinched back again but then laughed as she smiled at me. She had a point, but putting it that way made me sound like some beast that could be incited into bed by cooking or the sweet smell of a hot and ready woman!

...Maybe she wasn\'t entirely wrong...

"Well, you do have a point," I said, and Cancer smiled.

"Of course I do. And I know that sometimes you just need to let loose and be the beast you are. Just do it with the ones that you already have a relationship with. That way, it isn\'t so random, and you can take the time to enjoy the experience," Cancer said, and I nodded.

"That does sound like a good way to go about it. I guess I just need to find some new ways to entertain myself. Maybe I can look for some other activities to do that are more than just sleeping around," I said, and Cancer smiled.

"I think that is a great idea. Besides, you wouldn\'t want to become too predictable. Variety is the spice of life and all that," Cancer said, and I nodded.

"Thanks, Cancer. I really appreciate it. I think I am going to go see someone for a bit on your advice. I think everything is good for right now, so I will take some time for myself," I said after giving Cancer a kiss.

Cancer blushed a bit but then smiled as she watched me leave.

"Have fun, Galio!" She called out, and I waved before opening a portal away.

I decided to go see Trina\'s mother, who was the elder of the first village that I had visited. I was also curious to see how the two girls were doing, but instead of going straight to the village, I had the portal take me to the place where I had first arrived at.

Stepping out into the forest, I felt the dappled light coming down from above and took in a deep breath as the portal closed behind me. The place smelled like the earth, and I could feel the energy coming off of the trees like a living pulse. I could hear the birds chirping and the leaves rustling, and I lowered myself down to lay down on the mossy floor on my back.

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