500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 603 The Calm Before The Storm: The Tear Between Worlds

"Maybe you just got lucky, and they aren\'t interested in coming to the mortal realm?" Tallia asked, but both Nemoria and I shook our heads.

"Nemoria, you know that the demons would never give up a chance to come up here, right? You watched over the Underworld before, right?" I asked, and she nodded.

"True. There might be another portal open that might be attracting them?" She asked, but then I felt something weird, and I put up my hand to stop her as my blood ran cold.

"Both of you go to Breya and gather all the goddesses now!" I ordered, and both women looked startled, but we didn\'t have time for this.

An astral signature came from my island that wasn\'t Cancer or Fate.

Tallia opened a portal without question, and both of them left. The moment the portal shut, I opened the doors to my bedroom and stepped through.

The seal on the door was unchanged, and the girls were still sleeping, but I could smell the intruder.

"Brother! Do come and sit! We have much to talk about!" Leo shouted from the living room, and I let out a low growl. Of course, this is who Kadeon would send first!

I opened a portal and stepped out into my living room, where a man I used to consider my brother sat in one of my chairs, but this was not the same person. Leo was in his astral coating, but there were no stars, only the red chaos beasts that pressed their horrifying faces to stretch his skin, but he didn\'t notice them.

"What has Kadoen done to you?" I asked as the portal closed, my astral coating and armor covering my body.

"My little brother! Ready for battle so quickly! I thought that we might have a little talk first! I know you are excited to get your newborn, but I think you owe me at least a bit of your time, don\'t you? Haven\'t we all been your slaves for long enough?" Leo asked, and my blood started to boil. I knew Kadeon would twist things, but talking about my daughter like that was not a bright idea.

"You were not invited to this world, and you speak of my child so carelessly," I said coldly and then finally located the tear that had been made between the two realms. "I will talk to you, brother, but you are trespassing in the Mortal Realm."

Before he could reply, I grabbed him instantly and opened a portal to the rip, throwing him through. Before closing it, I opened a portal to Amanda\'s shop, where she was holding one of the energy batteries I gave her, and took it out of her hand. "Sorry, I need this," I said and closed the portal before she could speak, pumping the battery full of Negative Energy, removing almost all the positive. I shoved my hand in the tear, sucking the last drop of Negative Energy out of it.

I ripped my hand back, and the tear was sealed shut, and hopefully, it would kill Leo and send him back to Yaggisdral. The only way Kadeon would get them out of Yaggisdral was in new bodies. If I killed the bodies, they would have no way to return without waiting a year for the demons they took over to be reborn. I planned on breaking Kadeons hold on my friends before that, but that wouldn\'t be as easy as I made it sound.

Sighing, I looked around the strange island I had never been to, where the tear had been opened. I didn\'t see anyone around, so I closed the portal and sat on my couch. It was disturbing to think that Leo had known about Grace already, and now it made sense why the demons had been leaving Lexi and the girls alone. The tear would have attracted a lot more, but that would have gotten the demons riled up. That meant they would all be headed to Lexi and the others now. This would be a lot for the girls, but I believed them.

I needed to return to my goddesses, but I wanted to check on the girls first. I stood up, opened a portal to the inside of my room, and closed it after entering. Xena and Cancer were both lying asleep on the bed, so I walked over to the two of them. Both looked peaceful sleeping, so I leaned over them and kissed the tops of each of their heads. As I did, I looked over their bodies and then scanned them with magic to see if anything had been done to them, but that wasn\'t the case.

With a long sigh of relief, I straightened up and then coated the room with even more seals and barriers until the room was locked tighter than a nun\'s cunt. I had been in a few of those before and could confidently say it was a good comparison!

Once completed, I opened a portal to Breya\'s front door and strode into the house without knocking. The instant I entered, every goddess in the room turned to look with hands raised, ready to attack. Thankfully, everyone dropped them with a sigh by the time I got the door fully opened.

"What was that about?!" Goldy asked, letting out another sigh as she flopped back on the couch. "That was nail-biting! I have never felt so stressed out and worried!"

"Leo came through a tear from the Underworld but has been twisted by chaos and Kadeon. I threw him back before he could say anything and then sealed the tear with one of the energy batteries I found. What was shocking was the fact that Leo knew about Grace already. He didn\'t know her name but knew that she was born. That is troublesome," I said as Tallia and Nemoria approached me.

"Are the women all okay at your house?" Tallia asked, and I nodded, looking over at my daughter in Breya\'s arms and looking at me.

"Yes, and I sealed them up even tighter, but it looked like things would be heating up for the girls. I think we should go and check on Lexi when I come to get you in the morning. Maybe help her out because there will be an ungodly amount of demons heading her way, and most likely some of the Zodiacs. I hoped the energy battery was enough to kill Leo and send him back to Yaggisdral, but that is wishful thinking," I said, and Tallia nodded.

"Well, I think it is time that we all left and gave these two some time alone, yes?" Tallia asked, turning to the other goddesses, who had been eavesdropping from the other side of the room.

"Yes, yes! We should leave and let the parents spend time with their little girl!" Nemoria declared, stepping around her daughter. She hugged me and then looked up with a smile.

"You are going to do great things, Mr. Daddy Cat," she whispered before kissing my cheek and leaving the house with the other goddesses. "We will talk soon!" she called back before heading out.

Once they were gone, I looked down at my daughter and smiled, walking over to Breya. This had almost gotten really complicated, but I had been able to boot Leo out before he could cause trouble. The problem was that I didn\'t know how they were getting through or how Kadeon got them into the Underworld. While I could track them in the Mortal Realm, I couldn\'t do the same while in the Underworld.

"You seem to be still troubled, but I think this little one will cure that," Breya said softly as she walked over to where I was still standing and handed Grace to me.

All thoughts left my mind as I held my little girl in my arms, and Breya led me over to the couch and pulled me to sit down with her. I sighed and looked between the two beautiful creatures, a large smile creeping across my face.

"See? This little one has a calming effect like nothing that I have ever felt before!" Breya giggled and cuddled in closer to my side, and I kissed the top of her head.

"Well, this is the first time for me as well. So, even though I know everything there is to know about babies, I still think that this will be a learning process; I just wish that I didn\'t have to go away," I said, my smile slipping, but Breya pulled my face to hers, forcing me to look into her solid gold eyes.

"You are doing this so we can enjoy this time without worrying about someone trying to hurt us or mess with the world you must protect. I believe in what you are doing, and I can\'t wait for the day when people stop fighting," Breya said, and my grin came back.

"People will never stop fighting; I just want to stop the anger and hate. I personally love fighting, and it would be a pretty boring life if you never risked it every once in a while!" I laughed, and Breya rolled her eyes.

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