500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 619 Something I Didn't Know

Approaching her cautiously, I tried to exude an air of calm and understanding. "Cestia," I began softly, "we need to talk honestly and openly."

She glanced up at me, her eyes filled with pain and anger but also a glimmer of hope. "What is there to say? You know everything now, and I am just a jealous idiot. That asshole laughed at me when I came back from your rejection. Kadeon told me this was all our punishment to watch you with no memories. I was so angry that I decided to blame it all on you rather than think you could be so easily controlled by the same man you so soundly defeated."

I sat down next to her, my heart aching at her words. "Cestia, I\'m sorry that I never realized what was happening between us before now. Unfortunately, it took losing memories and gaining a completely different perception of you to see the truth."

Cestia looked away, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "So, what now? You know all our history; you know how stupid I\'ve lashed out at you because I didn\'t understand the real reasons behind your actions. What does this change?"

I reached out carefully, lightly resting my hand on hers. "It changes the fact that we can begin to heal, Cestia. We have so much hurt and pain in our past, but now that everything is out in the open, we can work through this together."

She sighed, finally looking back at me, tears streaming down her face. "But as Virgo said... we have more important things to deal with now. Can we even afford to take the time for this?"

I squeezed her hand reassuringly. "We may not be able to put everything else on hold while we resolve our issues, but that doesn\'t mean we can\'t try to make progress along the way. Our bond and friendship shouldn\'t suffer just because we\'re dealing with so many other problems. In fact, supporting each other and facing these challenges together will only strengthen us."

Cestia closed her eyes, allowing herself to lean into my touch. "I hope you\'re right, Galio. Sometimes it feels like everything\'s falling apart around us. Those monsters have controlled our lives for so long, but maybe we still have a chance at fixing ourselves amidst all this chaos."

"We do," I affirmed, folding her into a heartfelt embrace. "This isn\'t the end, Cestia. It\'s another step on our journey towards healing and understanding one another better. But we need to trust in each other and be open, even when it\'s uncomfortable or painful."

Cestia clung to me, her body shaking with sobs. "I suppose that\'s all we can do... take things one step at a time and try to heal the rift between us."

I held her, stroking her hair, but then shook my head. It was time to lighten the mood.

"You know? I am still blown away by this all with the Flower Guard," I said out loud, and Cestia\'s sobs started to slow down. "While I have all my memories about them now, I just have a hard time understanding how they were able to keep it together? These Zodiacs don\'t act like their former selves, right?" I asked, and Cestia slowly looked up at me as she wiped her eyes and sniffled.

"Kadeon changed all of them, just like all the women. He broke us down and manipulated us, but we... the Zodiacs, connected on an emotional level more than just physically. We relied on each other for strength," Cestia said softly.

"I can imagine how difficult it must have been for all of you to maintain your relationships while going through so much change and turmoil," I replied understandingly.

Cestia nodded and managed a weak smile. "That\'s why... when this is all over... I want to find our way back to that connection that made all of us stronger together."

I squeezed her hand again, cementing my commitment to our healing process. "So do I, Cestia. So do I."

With renewed purpose and determination, Cestia and I returned to Virgo, ready to face the upcoming challenges as a united front. Together, we would tackle the problems in Diabon Alley, secure the alliance with Harissa and Erisa, and continue searching for the rest of the Zodiacs.

Our personal journey might not be complete, but every step in the right direction counted, and today - despite its trials and tribulations - had ultimately brought us closer to rebuilding the bonds that Kadeon had worked so hard to sever.

As we rejoined Virgo, who wore a proud smile, knowing that progress had been made, the three of us looked into the uncertain future ahead. We prepared to brave the storms together, standing firm against the darkness and never giving up until our mission was accomplished and our hope restored.

"So? What is the next step in the plan? Are you going to go give the demons what they asked for?" Virgo asked, giving me a nudge with a playful grin on her face.

A sense of dread accompanied her words, reminding me that I had made deals with Harissa and Erisa to secure their alliance - intimate deals that I couldn\'t take back. However, they were necessary for the safety of the Underworld and our mission\'s success.

"Unfortunately, yes," I admitted, trying to sound nonchalant. "But first, we need to arrange a meeting between the two demons so they can discuss their alliance without any misunderstandings or issues arising."

Cestia chimed in with a more determined expression. "After that, we continue our search for the other Zodiacs and bring them together to help us confront Kadeon and his forces once and for all."

I nodded. "Yes. This is more crucial than ever, now that I know... hm?"

I suddenly started to get dizzy, and a wave of intensity, like a rush of blood, rose up my body, and I fell to the floor.

My eyes opened, and I looked at a copy of myself, or an outline, to be more precise.

"Do you want to know something interesting?" Truth asked me, and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"It had better be about why I passed out and ended up here! I was having a revelation about everything, and you rudely interrupted me!" I growled, and Truth nodded.

"Yes, I know; I have it along with you!"

"What?" I asked, my expression going blank.

"I am also just learning about the man-lover guards! Fascinating stuff! Can you believe that? I didn\'t know!" Truth explained I began to laugh like a child in pure bliss, but this was impossible.

"What do you mean you didn\'t know about it?! You know everything!" I snapped, but that only made him laugh even harder.

"Seems that is the case! I can not tell you how happy I am to have picked you! I could have never seen this coming, even if I tried! Beautiful! Amazing!" The four-dimensional being laughed.

"Are you trying to say that Matthias is stronger than you?!" I asked, unsure if I would like the answer to this question.

"Stronger? No, but this is not a measurement of strength. This is a measurement of what Matthias has figured out using the power I gave both of you. My power is still only a fraction of what I am. He has figured out how to remove memories from you and, in part, removed them from me without my knowledge at Kadeon\'s behest. Think about what other secrets could be hidden from us?!" Truth explained, almost giddy with excitement, but I put my hand up.

"Hold on! Why can\'t you just reverse what he did?!" I demanded, but Truth looked at me like an idiot.

"You do realize why I picked you, right?" Truth asked and then continued without me answering. "I chose you because you are unpredictable. Your choices altered my view slightly like no other, but now, this is something I didn\'t foresee! Do you not understand how exciting this is for a being that knows everything that has happened and everything that can?!"

I frowned, my concern outweighing any excitement Truth might feel. "It\'s all good that you\'re enjoying this sudden revelation, but I have people to save and problems to deal with in the Underworld. Rediscovering lost memories may help us better understand one another, but right now, we should focus on stopping Kadeon and his plans."

Truth just gave me a look like it was not his problem. "I hardly see why your problems are my problems? You did take my power. I am merely just a spectator! An excited one at that!"

Suddenly, Truth looked like he was a super fan about to go to a football game, but the team was me.

I sighed, realizing there would be no reasoning with him in his current state. "Alright then, can you at least tell me how to recover from this fatigue and return to my task?"

Truth\'s face grew serious. "Why? It is not like time moves, and I thought we could enjoy this revelation together!"

I shook my head, trying to remain patient despite the urgency of our situation. "Truth, I know this is fascinating and exciting for you, but people are relying on me right now. Our discoveries can wait until we\'ve dealt with Kadeon and recovered the other Zodiacs. Please understand."

Truth stared at me for a moment before sighing in resignation. "Fine. Despite this new knowledge, your determination and focus are awe-inspiring, Galio. To return from here, simply will yourself back to reality. Your body should be able to handle it, given your enhanced nature."

With a nod, I willed myself back into reality, my senses returning just in time to hear Virgo\'s concerned voice calling my name.

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