500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 622 An Unwelcome Intrusion

Slowly, I began to work my magic, my words laced with promises of unparalleled pleasures and shared prosperity. With every well-placed compliment and daring promise, I watched their defenses crumble, replaced by fascinated interest and a hint of begrudging respect for each other.

As the dynamics in the room continued to shift towards my favor, I pushed my luck further, sliding my hands up Harissa\'s leather-clad back, my fingers expertly untangling her wild fiery mane. Erisa was not left out either, my other hand carefully loosening the fastenings of her form-hugging outfit. They looked at each other, caught between their rivalry and shared interest in me.

Their outfits slipped, dropping from their forms, and they gasped, their voluptuous figures exposed under the dim light. Their usual fierce demeanor distracted as they took in each other, scrutinizing and fleeting admiration in their gaze. I watched the brief moment of tolerance between the two and knew that the plan was working. I let out a sigh of relief. The first hurdle had been crossed.

However, the moment was short-lived. The precarious peace was shattered when the doors of the chamber abruptly swung open. In strutted Kadeon, a sardonic grin adorning his face, his aura looming large and ominous against the intimate backdrop. His mirth-filled laughter echoed across the room, transforming pleasure into dread.

"Ha! You Thought you were going to fuck the brains out of these vile women, but it is I! Kadeon! Here to ruin your plans!" The False God cackled as he walked into the room in a pristine white suit and round sunglasses.

"You look like an idiot," I said flatly, masking the boiling anger that was boiling up for an uncountable number of reasons.

"Oh? You look mad. Did I interrupt something? You weren\'t going to mate with these disgusting creatures, were you?" Kadeon asked, but then put his hand to his forehead and tipped his head back. "Of course you were, you disgusting animal!" The False God\'s head snapped back as his calm demeanor disappeared. "Where are my girls that you stole from me?"

Black flames instantly covered Harissa and Erisa in a dome as I stood up straight. "They are my women, along with the rest of them. You aren\'t even worth calling a villain. You are just a sad puppet waiting to be devoured by Mathias, just like everything else he touches."

My eyes never left Kadeon, but I could see Erisa and Harissa exchanging glances as they pulled their discarded outfits back on under the shelter of my shield. A flicker of unity passed between them - a silent agreement to join forces against the shared enemy.

"Is that so? Interesting words coming from a supposed God," Kadeon retorted, the amusement seeping from his voice. "But you forget who truly holds the reins in this situation."

As he spoke, the doors burst open again, and Sagittarius came lumbering in, unrecognizable in his grotesque demonic form. His eyes were vacant, save for an unfamiliar insidious glint. His presence struck a chord deep within me, flaming the embers of my wrath. Kadeon had turned my faithful follower into a beastly puppet.

"Such a touching reunion, don\'t you think? Poor Sagittarius. Used, discarded, and now, remade. He\'s more obedient now, serving me," Kadeon gloated, his eyes flaring with manic delight as he flaunted his power.

"After all, who cares about loyalty and protection when you hold the whip?"

My anger roared as I raised my hand, directing the dark flames of Umbramancy from the shield around the demon women to form a barrier between myself and Kadeon. I had already dodged the metaphorical whip once today - this time, I intended to yank it out of his grasp and give him a taste of his own medicine.

"Sagittarius, if there is any remnant of your will left, attack Kadeon," I commanded firmly.

For a moment, he walked slowly toward me, and I felt no hostility coming from him. I even noticed his eyes seeming to return to normal, but it was a brief and fleeting moment.

"I... Sorry."

"Enough playing. Kill him, and I will look for the girls while you do that."

Before I could react, the horseman\'s fist crashed into me harder than I have been hit in a very long time. My body was sent flying through building after building, nothing seems to stop me. My body carved a path through the stone structures of the Underworld, I couldn\'t help but wince at the shock of the impact. Sagittarius, once a loyal ally, had just delivered a powerful blow that sent tremors through my entire body, forcing me to acknowledge the grim reality of his transformation.

As I collided with a massive pillar, an agonizing pain coursed through my frame. But amongst the throbbing hurt, a blaze of determination ignited within me. No more games, no more diplomacy - this was a battle and I wouldn\'t let Kadeon get his way. Not when it meant tearing my people apart - not when it meant twisting Sagittarius into something monstrous.

Summoning the resilience inherent within me, I pushed through the pain, steering my momentum to spring back to my feet. My black flames flared around me, swirling with my wrath as I faced Sagittarius once more. The gaze I met was a stranger\'s, filled with a relentless hunger for violence, but I wouldn\'t let that deter me.

"Sagittarius," I called out, my voice echoing sharply in the chaos. "You have always been a loyal ally, a noble warrior. I won\'t abandon you to this monstrous existence!"

As my defiant declaration hung in the air, I readied myself for the ensuing battle. The fight would be brutal, filled with pain and disillusionment, but it was necessary chaos - a battle I needed to win for the sake of the Underworld and the Mortal Realm.

With a roar, my flames shot forward, meeting the charging figure of Sagittarius in a violent clash. As our forces collided, the battle began in earnest. The very future of the Underworld hung in balance, and I wouldn\'t falter. Not until I brought Kadeon down and freed Sagittarius from his monstrous clutches.

As the ground beneath us trembled, signifying the onset of an epic confrontation, my only hope was that Harissa and Erisa were making the most of this diversion. I\'d created an opportunity for them, using what should have been a passionate encounter into a symbol of unity against a common foe, turning rivalry into a desperate alliance. If anything, the situation had at least hammered one fact home - Kadeon was a menace they\'d be better off rallying against.

This battle marked more than just a test of strength—it marked the beginning of a major rebellion, one that would light the spark of hope in an era of dark uncertainties.

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