500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 658 Victims of My Mistakes

Chapter 658 Victims of My Mistakes

Together, Tallia stood at the end of my bed looking down at Cancer and Xena. The two of them were held fast asleep with my magic, so all I had to do was release them. I was just having trouble with what I would say when they awoke. They were both victims of my hesitation and lack of resolve.

"Cancer, first. She might be able to offer more insight regarding Kadeon\'s plan," Tallia suggested as she gently caressed the sleeping girl\'s head. "Wake up, love," she whispered, her words infused with an enchanting energy. Cancer\'s eyelashes fluttered and her tranquil sea-green eyes opened gradually, her gaze gradually focusing.

"Wh-wh...where am I?" Cancer stammered, her gaze alternating between me and Tallia. "And you are... oh yes, my Queen!"

"It\'s alright, Cancer. You\'re safe, and you\'re with friends," I assured her, as Tallia took a seat beside her. "Kadeon is gone and locked out of this world, and the underworld. I was able to stop him and release the other Zodiacs from his control as well."

"But...that\'s impossible..." Cancer stuttered, her face paling as she tried to absorb the information. It was evident that she was still in shock over the sudden changes otherwise unthinkable back then.

"Do you remember anything else about him, Cancer? About Kadeon and his plans?" I continued, maintaining a steady, calm voice as I addressed her. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Xena still slumbering peacefully beside us. I still wasn\'t sure what I was going to say to her.

"Kadeon never told us anything, but I can feel that his influence is gone. I am sure that I don\'t have to tell you about all the things I have been forced to hold back, right?" Cancer asked, looking up at me, and I shook my head with a grin, and then tapped the side of my head.

"Nope, I got all my marbles back now, and I remember everything!" I laughed, and Cancer let out a long sigh but then hugged me.

"I am just glad that it is all over now," Cancer said, and I returned her hug.

"Mostly. There are still more Blood Witches like the one you were sleeping beside," I said, turning us both to Xena. "She was once a Blood Witch, but I purged Kadeon\'s connection to her. He forced Nemoria to infect her, and Xena infected others," I said, then turned my head to Tallia. "If he was smart, he would have each new one infect the next. That would make them much harder to track since they are all controlled by Kadeon. There is no reason for the other witches to really know each other."

"You\'re right, Galio. If Kadeon wanted to maintain some semblance of separation and security, then that would be the best method," Tallia agreed, her gaze sadly drifting to Xena. "Do you think that you will get anything useful from her then?"

"Not very likely, but always best to check. Since she will be coming with Breya and me, I will ask that you take Cancer with you before I leave. I can question Xena at my leisure during the week," I said, and then turned back to Cancer, giving her a kiss. "I am sorry that I can\'t spend more time with you right now."

Cancer gave me and tight squeeze before breaking away, and then going down on one knee in front of me. "You have blessed me to be one of your Lesser Wives, and I cherish any time spent with you, but I have had more time than most. I am just happy to know that nothing has to be hidden, and Kadeon is finally out of our heads. Thank you, my King."

I helped Cancer back up and smiled. "This isn\'t Prime. You are still my wife, but you can be whatever you want now," I said, but Cancer shook her head.

"No, I want to continue being one of your Royal Guards, if you will have me. I promise that I will train and get stronger!" Cancer declared with fervor in her eyes. That made me grin and pat her head, making Cancer blush and squirm.

"Good girl. I am sure that some of the other women will help you with that. I can ask Draconia and Orchalla if you want," I said and Cancer\'s eyes lit up.

"The Dragon and Orc Goddesses?! That would be an honor!" Cancer said, and Tallia finally could hold her laughter no longer.

"I think you should reconsider," Tallia chuckled as she walked over to take Cancer\'s hand. "Those two are monsters, and they will train you to the bone," Tallia said and then locked eyes with Cancer. "But you will get much stronger."

"I will work my hardest, I promise," Cancer declared, her determined gaze reflecting the flickering candlelight. I couldn\'t help but chuckle at her resolve.

"Then so be it, my fierce little Cancer," I said, reaching out to pat her cheek fondly. "You will do great now that Kadeon\'s shadow is gone. Train for the next week with the women, and then I will see you at the Goddess Games, okay?"

Cancer nodded, her eyes glistening with the drive to prove herself. "Thank you, my King," she said, bowing in gratitude before turning to leave with Tallia.

I watched them as they retreated, a sense of fulfillment warming my heart. With Tallia and Cancer gone from the room, it was time to face Xena.

"Being called the king again feels nostalgic, but strange," I mused, and then shook my head, looking down at Xena. "This oaf owes you a lot of apologies, Xena," I muttered under my breath, reaching out to poke her sleeping figure lightly. I was ready to offer her my sincere apologies for everything, but I was hesitant.

Taking a deep breath, I finally gathered the strength to release the magic holding her slumber. Xena\'s sleeping expression faded into puzzled confusion as she opened her eyes, a myriad of emotions dancing across her orbs. Her gaze landed on me, surprise and fear intermingling before I saw a hint of relief wash away the tension in her face.

"G-Galio…?" She stammered softly, her voice hardly more than a whisper. Her haunted gaze gave away her internal struggle, making me feel a pang of guilt.

"Yes, Xena," I confirmed, suppressing a sigh. "It\'s me," I said, sitting down beside her in the bed.

"If you are waking me up, then does that mean that everything with Kadeon is finished?" Xena asked, her eyes filled with a hopeful glimmer. The hope in her eyes made my heart ache. She must have endured so much, trapped and used as a tool by Kadeon.

"It\'s mostly over," I began, trying to keep my voice neutral. "Kadeon is locked out of this world and the underworld. But there are still more of his blood witches that we haven\'t dealt with," I explained but then smiled. "Regardless, you are free from all of his influence."

"What does that mean for me?" Xena asked, traces of worry and fear on her face.

"That means that you are free and forgiven for anything you have done. Everything that you did was the result of a fight that you had nothing to do with," I said, and then stood up from the bed, and got down on one knee, bowing my head. "For all of what was done to you, and ignoring your feelings, I am truly sorry. If I could have only understood your feelings like I did Tallia\'s, you would have never had to go through all of this."

Xena stared at me, utterly taken aback by my apology. She opened her mouth to speak but found herself speechless, tears welled up in her eyes and before long, they started streaming down her cheeks. She hurriedly wiped them away, trying to protest. But the soft sob that escaped her lips betrayed her true emotions.

"No, Galio... It\'s not... your fault..." she managed to mumble between her sobs. I resisted the urge to pull her into a comforting embrace. She needed to hear this. She deserved an apology for all the suffering she had been through because of me.

"I can\'t change the past, Xena, nor can I shoulder the blame for everything you\'ve undergone. But I want you to know that I recognize my negligence, and I regret it," I continued, my voice barely above a whisper.

"But what happens now? What does my future hold?" Xena asked once she was able to compose herself.

"For now, I want you to come with Breya and me. We are going to be leaving for a little bit, and I think it might do you some good to leave all of this behind for a while," I suggested, and Xena looked to the floor, thinking about the offer.

"I will," she finally said, determination filling her eyes. "I\'ll come with you, Galio."

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