500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 671 In Honor of the White Cat

Chapter 671 In Honor of the White Cat

Floating back, my satisfied gaze swept across the transformed city of Northwall. This was just another thing to make everyone\'s lives easy and to help them get along. I hoped that with time, this new city, and the rest of my changes in the world would result in unity and purpose among the different races. The anticipation of the Goddess Games, and the grand changes made, were all part of my plan to foster unity and harmony in Goddessia.

Now all that was left was to figure out a new name since the defining wall that had separated the North from South was finally gone. For this, I would leave the decision the the ruler of this city, and I also wanted to know what she thought.

As I admired the new Northwall, I felt a sense of accomplishment. People were excitedly exploring their transformed city, their faces lit up in wonder and joy. I watched as they marveled at the sprawling universities, the state-of-the-art public bathhouses, and the grand arenas that towered majestically over the city. Some were eagerly boarding the magical trains to try out the new transportation system, while others meandered the streets, eager to experience the new parks and stores in their neighborhoods.

As people were taking in all the changes, I opened a portal to Eliza, who was still out of the loop.

"Galio! Did you really make this entire castle for me?!" She screamed with delight as she threw herself at me through the portal while I was still hovering over the new city.

I easily caught her, and embraced my beautiful wife-to-be, Reminding me that I also needed to propose to her. That list was very long, so I had best use some of my free time this week to make plans for each of the women. For now, I was just going to enjoy my little Countess\'s excitement as I drifted through the portal with her and into the new castle.

"Well, I have a bad habit of bringing you new people to look after all the time, and this is the capital of the Human Island after all. I think that it is high time that you got a promotion, don\'t you think?" I teased, but Eliza just cuddled into my chest.

"Call me whatever you want as long as I get to stay by your side! You would be better off electing Senna as the Queen and making me something else so I can travel the world with you. If you think that I am going to stay behind for some fancy title, you have got another thing coming! I am going to get one of those babies, you just watch!" Eliza declared, her eyes filled with determination. Her response was just what I expected, and I couldn\'t suppress the laugh that escaped.

"Well then, my traveling Countess," I began, "What do you think that we should call this city? I don\'t think Northwall is fitting since I completely removed the wall that was dividing this continent."

Eliza\'s eyes sparkled at the proposal, "How about \'Galiopolis\' to honor you, my beloved God of the Mortal Realm of the Goddesses."

I flinched back like she had slapped me, making Eliza giggle. "Come on!" I complained. "That is horribly tacky! I think we should represent humans and the rest of the races all coming together," I explained, but Eliza shook her head.

"That is all good and well, but last time I checked, you created this city, and have been working nonstop to bring order to this island. I really think that this city\'s name should be in your honor somehow," Eliza replied and then reached up to touch my white cat ears. "Something to honor you, the White Cat God of Goddessia. If this is going to be the central hub for everyone in this realm, it almost has to be about you!"

I sighed, but there was no getting away from the burning determination in Eliza\'s eyes. She was right, in a way. The city represented the new era I was working towards, a realm of unity and prosperity. I looked at her, the stars reflected in her eager eyes. I nodded slowly. "Alright then, in tribute to all my wives and wives-to-be and our unity: Felidae Empire. Felidae, after the biological family includes domestic cats. What do you think, Eliza, my Royal Envoy of the Felidae Empire?"

Her face lit up instantly, "I absolutely love it! Felidae Empire... It suits the city perfectly." She adoringly buried herself back into my chest, her excitement buzzing through the both of us. "Thank you, Galio," she murmured into my chest, "I will do my best to aid in building new ties and relations for the Felidae Empire as we travel the world!"

Overwhelmed with joy, I kissed her on the forehead and whispered, "I know you will, Eliza. You have always been the guiding light in dark times, the joy in the face of despair. I have no doubt that you will cultivate a force of unity in the Felidae Empire and, one day, all across Goddessia."

As Eliza nodded her head, ready to take on the challenges that lay ahead, I realized the journey of a million miles had just begun. From the transformation of Northwall to the establishment of the Felidae Empire, every step was a move closer towards unity, harmony, and prosperity in Goddessia.


The veil of darkness descended upon the newly transformed Felidae Empire. An unusual gathering was taking place in a clandestine part of the city. The attendees weren\'t common folk but Goddesses endowed with unique powers by Galio himself; the Angels of Havoc, as they were known among themselves.

"Look at us, playing the villains in our god\'s grand game," Number 4, aka Whispera, drawled from beneath her hood. Whispera was a goddess of distortion, capable of bending space and time for short periods.

Number 2, a feisty woman known as Euphracia, shrugged nonchalantly, the panties from her earlier exploits still dangling from her fingers. Euphracia possessed control over dolls, her magic bringing them to life. She also had a peculiar habit of panty-snatching, much to the chagrin of the others.

"What\'s the complaint, Whispera? You were practically begging to take part," Euphracia taunted, her keen silver eyes gleaming with mischief in her Doll-face.

Number 1, Mystic - the Grand Chemist of Fae High Court, huffed, her thousand-colored eyes behind her glasses glowing with indignation. As the chief conjurer of illusions, highly skilled in alchemical magic, she didn\'t particularly enjoy being the butt of jokes, mainly when it involved her elite status.

Next in line was Number 5, aka Prisma, who could manipulate light and was an expert illusion master. With her glasses perched high on the bridge of her nose, she maintained a poised demeanor despite the escalating banter.

Last but not least was Number 3, a fiery goddess named Pyrrah with control over flames. Contrary to her devious power, she had a bubbly personality with a zest for laughter.

"Well, I for one, enjoy causing a little stir. And with such spectacular powers, we\'ll give a performance in the Goddess Games worth remembering," Pyrrah chimed in. She giggled, a spark of flame dancing in her palm.

Whispera threw Pyrrah a side glance, the tension melting into amusement. "Well, if it\'s a performance they need, I don\'t mind stirring things up a bit," she relented, crossing her arms in thought.

And thus, under the night\'s velvet gaze, the Angels of Havoc, illusively labeled as evil goddesses, plotted and schemed amidst laughter and jests, promising an unforgettable spectacle at the Goddess Games.

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