500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 676 A Flash of Discord

Chapter 676 A Flash of Discord

"Don\'t you think that it is weird that she is following us?" Chili asked as she looked back at her mother quickly.

"Nothing we can do about it. She isn\'t bothering you, or anything, so I think that she is fine," Snowy said and then had a sip of her drink. The girls along with the rest of the Cat Folk were walking through the new marketplace.

"If you say so, but it makes me feel uneasy because I know that she is trying to stare holes in the back of my head!" Chili complained.

"You know that I can hear you, right?" Nyala growled, making Chili jump and grab Snowy\'s arm.

"If you are still really mad, then you know what you have to do, right?" Snowy asked after stopping and looking back at Nyala.

"She should have been mine from the start! It was this stupid child\'s fault!" Nyala snapped making Chili flinch.

"Looks like you are all getting along well."

The women turned to see a beautiful-looking Dog Folk standing with another whose face most of them knew well.

"Penny!" Chili cheered, and the Red Healer smiled.

"It is good to see you again, Chili. Are you also taking part in the Goddess Games?" Penny asked, but then blushed, motioning to her friend. "Sorry that I didn\'t introduce you to my friend! This is Germania!"

Nyala grumbled under her breath, crossing her arms against her chest as the cheerful reunion continued. She rolled her eyes subtly but made no move to leave, her gaze fixed ahead on the blonde Dog Folk who was being introduced. Nyala couldn\'t hide the flicker of interest that flared up as Germania, with her golden curls and stoic demeanor, stepped forward. The sight of this Dog Folk contrasted starkly with the feline forms that surrounded Nyala, and she couldn\'t help but feel a pang of curiosity.

"Pleased to meet all of you," Germania greeted a hint of solemnity in her tone. She gave a curt nod, looking over the group leisurely.

"Penny\'s a Healer, right?" Snowy chatted, breaking Nyala free from her thoughts.

"Our name can be misleading, but most of my healing magic is no better than anyone else," Penny responded, a sheepish smile forming on her lips. "Red Healers can heal from the blood of my enemies."

"And what about you, Germania?" Snowy questioned, her silver orbs sparkling with curiosity. "What\'s your role?"

"I function as a guardian," Germania confessed, her golden eyes gleaming audaciously. "My strength comes into play whenever the situation demands it."

Chili nervously looked between Nyala and Germania, the tension was palpable. However, a soft voice broke the silence, redirecting the focus back to the Goddess games. It was Mystic. The Alchemical Fae Evil Goddess seemed to fade into existence by their side, enchanting everyone present with her enigmatic presence.

"Is everyone ready for my disruptions?" She asked with a sly smile, pulling out a flask of shimmering liquid from beneath her cloak. "I\'ve brewed a little something that should make things... interesting."

"But, hey! This isn\'t going to hurt anyone bad, right?" Chili\'s voice quivered slightly, and Mystic raised an eyebrow at her, laughing softly.

"Relax, cat girl. I\'m here to stir up a little excitement, not bring harm. My illusion magic isn\'t something to be feared." Mystic reassured, and Chili reluctantly nodded, still looking a bit unsure.

"Chili," Germania\'s voice broke in, "We need to stay alert, whatever forms of illusory disruptions Mystic has concocted. The Goddess Games are more than just physical strength; mental acuity is vital."

"Shut up, Dog!" Nyala hissed, pulling out her knives, and then launched at Mystic.

"Close combat? Did you think just because I was an alchemist and an illusionist that this would work?" Mystic laughed, throwing a potion at her feet just before Nyala reached her.

"Don\'t rush in alone!" Snowy called out, but it was too late.

Nyala was swallowed up in a burst of multi-hued smoke. A moment later, out from the smoke stumbled Nyala, or what they thought was Nyala. There were now many of them. A dozen exact copies of Nyala stood in a semi-circle, all looking just as bewildered as the next.

"Wha... what just happened?" one Nyala mumbled, looking at her hands and then back up at the others.

"Oh, an illusory copy potion. I knew I added a little too much Faerie wing," Mystic mused, looking genuinely delighted.

The following chaotic moments were a hilarious mix of screeches, exclamations, and overall confused Nyala copies running in different directions. Amongst them, Chili was doubled over in laughter, clutching her aching sides.

"That\'s... that\'s too amusing," she wheezed out, pointing to the multiple Nyalas.

Through the laughter and confusion, Germania stood focused, her eyes trained on Mystic. She saw through the fa?ade of amusement, the distraction. Following the mission Galio assigned her, the unfazed Germania stepped forward, her eyes holding Mystic\'s enigmatic gaze.

"No distractions, Mystic," she warned, her voice echoing the underlined threat. "No disruptions."

There was a palpable shift when Germania spoke up. Mystic hummed, her multifaceted eyes staring into the peering eyes of Germania.

A moment, then two lingered in silence before Mystic casually shrugged, swinging her bottle of concoctions. "But mortals thrive on chaos, Germania. It\'s what makes the games all the more interesting," she replied, her tone light with mirth and menace.

"It isn\'t chaos if it\'s planned," Germania retorted, keeping her gaze steady on Mystic, who chuckled in response.

"My dear shepherd," Mystic replied, her voice both smooth and dangerous, "I don\'t plan chaos. I facilitate it. And don\'t worry, it\'s all part of a bigger picture, all part of Galio\'s grand design."

Nyala, or rather, the real Nyala among the many illusions, growled threateningly from where she half-crouched, looking like she was ready to spring forth any second.

"And who made you the executor of God\'s designs?" She snarled through gritted teeth, her hands clenched tightly against the cool handles of her knives.

"In carrying out my task, I am but a humble servant," Mystic said, her eyes twinkling with concealed mischief as she slipped a small vial back into the inner pockets of her cloak.

"Let\'s remember why we\'re all here ladies," declared Penny suddenly, stepping forward as the peacemaker, "We all aim to make the Goddess Games a success. And while chaos can indeed lead to unexpected results, let\'s not let it sour our unity."

There was a collective moment of silence as Penny\'s words sank in, but Nyala refused to back down. Strong-headed as she was, Nyala pushed herself from the ground before charging toward Mystic, knives drawn, ready for combat.

"Enough of this!" Nyala shouted, her voice carrying across the impending quiet that had settled over them. "I wouldn\'t let you ruin everything!"

What happened next, though, was beyond Nyala\'s control. Germania, ever the stoic Shepherd, acted in a blur of motion. Quick as lightning, she moved, blocking Nyala\'s path, effectively stopping her in her tracks.

"Nyala, hold!" Germania\'s command rang out clearly, her golden eyes meeting Nyala\'s fiery gaze head-on, exuding an air of authority that was difficult to dismiss. "We are all allies here, not enemies."

Breathing heavily from the adrenaline, Nyala glared at Mystic from over Germania\'s shoulder. But Mystic simply smiled back, her eyes twinkling with a mirth that Nyala couldn\'t quite comprehend. Realizing she was outnumbered and outmatched in a potential confrontation, Nyala stepped back, sheathing her knives, but her hostile gaze on Mystic never faltered.

The irritation in the air slowly settled as peaceful conversation slowly resumed. Even though Mystic\'s illusion magic had caused a temporal episode of chaos, the goddesses realized how far they had come. They figured that no amount of external disruption could tamper with the unity they all had worked hard to build over time, a unity that they were confident would surface victorious in the upcoming Goddess Games.

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