Harem In The Intergalactic Apocalypse

Chapter 151 Minute Man

Changing Hellyle\'s System was more straightforward, and the System felt good to make. I would gain some of the buffs that came with it and some of the advantages as well.

Name: Hellyle

Race: Annokale

Status: Systeminium fully synced

Height: 5\'10

Eye Color: Red

Hair: short cut Black

Description: Aggressive, happy, and doesn\'t get mad. All anger is converted to Rage used to power the Dragonslayer System. Everything he does with a smile, even when killing a foe.

System: Dragonslayer System

Abilities: Converts anger into Rage that fuels Energy draining attacks and creates personal armor and weapons.

"Hey! You got to keep your name!" I laughed, and Hellyle\'s smile was so bright it almost blinded me, figuratively.

"That I did! Hot dang! This is really great! Do you know how long I have suffered from being angry? This is like having the world lifted off my shoulders! Even when I think about that witch controlling me, I just feel stronger! This is really incredible! Thank you so much!" Hellyle exclaimed, nearly bursting at the seams with happiness, making everyone smile.

"Alright, put that smile away! It\'s infectious, and my face is starting to hurt!" I laughed and walked over to the table.

"Couldn\'t stop if I wanted to, and I don\'t! It is a great day to be alive! I am alive! Not some program created in a lab!" Hellyle laughed.

"We will just have to work through the smiles. Vic, do you want you to come to sit with me while Sofia shows us her designs?" I asked Victoria as she was about to take a seat, and she nodded.

Once she was sitting on my lap, Victoria leaned her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her cheek, making her smile.

"So, what do you have for me today, Hermosa?" I asked, and Sofia winked at me.

"Ah, Papi, you say such sweet words to me after taking all my gold. Yes, I have some things for you to look at," Sofia said sarcastically and then turned to scream, "ARBOL VIEJO!"

A root sprouted from the ground behind Sofia and whipped her in the ass, making the woman jump, turn, and start cursing at the root. Sofia was shaking her fist at it, and the root grew into a fist to shake back.

"I don\'t think Mr. Tree appreciates the reference to his age," I chuckled, and Sofia glared at me.

"Stay out of this, Papi! This is between the old man and me! Cantankerous old roots!" Sofia snapped, and another root made go for her.

Vines burst from Sofia, and she slapped the root away, and then suddenly, there was a fury of roots and vines slapping at each other. I just blinked in amazement.

"Don\'t worry, this happened more often than either of them would like to admit," Gaia giggled.

"What did she call Mr. Tree?" Victoria asked, and I grinned.

"Old Tree."

"Oh, I wouldn\'t think the trees would be offended by that," Victoria said, and I laughed.

"I think it was more about the way she said it, but I guess this is something that is normal for them," I explained, and Victoria nodded, closing her eyes again.

"Are you okay?" I asked. "You have been awfully quiet since Sofia, and I helped sort things out."

"I just have a lot on my mind. I have said some hurtful things to you in the past and acted like a child. It\'s not only been a burden to you but my parents as well. I guess I am just trying to take everything in and figure out how to improve. I still will tell you if I think something is dumb, but I will try not to be rude," Victoria explained, and I nodded and lifted her chin up to kiss her.

When I looked back up, Sofia was panting beside the table, but there were two models in the center of the table. Both of them were two feet tall, but they were much different from each other.

"These are two of the models that I have made so far, but both are defensive models. I thought it would be best to work on ways to slow down the enemy with the clones. That way, the System Users can take them out a lot easier," Sofia explained as both models walked down the table to where I was sitting with Victoria.

The first one that stepped in front of me looked less like armor and more like a fitted suit made out of long green scales.

"This is the Vine Trap Suit or VT suit for short. It can stretch vines up to one hundred feet and bind enemies. In the current stage, the vines are much too weak to hold the races that are invading, but once you go through my request list for Systems, we will be able to make it much better," Sofia explained, and I nodded.

"Sure, I will look it over after, and then we can take care of it in the morning. I am going to need to find some more people myself for projects," I said.

"Ask Gaia; she found everyone I need. She knows all the humans in the world, thanks to her System," Sofia explained, and I turned to Gaia.

"Really? Looks like you and I need to spend some time together tonight. I will have to postpone Katie and Marley, it seems," I said to Gaia, but she shook her head.

"I already know what you are looking for. Octavia told me what you need, and I have already found the people. I will take up your time tomorrow night for more mundane reasons," Gaia said with a smile, and I nodded.

"Sounds good; I like mundane things with you," I said with a smile and turned back to the models that had switched places.

The second one looked more like armor, but it also looked just like an Ent from Lord of the Rings. It had a trunk for legs, but it seemed to get around well with just its roots.

"This one is the BF Tree Suit. Again, the bark is only so tough, even with its regeneration. A group of them can form a line and root down to almost anything," Sofia explained, and the suit did just that.

The roots spread out and around the table, making a firm hold. I reached out and grabbed the suit, lifted it up, and groaned slightly as I had to lift the entire table.

"Impressive. We could drop these guys anywhere to make a defensive line, and the tracksuits can stay behind them! Brilliant! I love it," I laughed and set the model and table back down. "Like you said, these are just prototypes, but I am impressed with what you have. Thank you for your hard work!"

"Aye, don\'t try to butter me up, Papi! You still owe me one man worth of gold!" Sofia said, stabbing a finger at me, and I laughed.

"Yes, I will get you your gold, but I am serious. This is really cool, and it is going to help keep our people from dying. Anything that can do that is good news in my books. I also am sure Goldar appreciates his new body," I chuckled, putting my arms under Victoria\'s legs as I stood up to lift her.

"Oh, yes, sure, try to make me feel bad! You had better come back here later! I want the list approved!" Sofia said, shaking a finger at me as I walked around the table with Victoria.

"Send it to my tree, and I will look it over. I will make sure that I am here early, and we can talk about other ideas that I have," I said, and Sofia smiled at that.

"Good. You had better come extra early then. I don\'t want to have a repeat of last time!" Sofia said, and I felt attacked.

"Aye! That isn\'t very nice! We were in a hurry!" I complained, and Victoria giggled in my arms. "Hey, you don\'t start with her!"

"I just call it how I feel it, and it wasn\'t very long, Papi!" Sofia chuckled, and Hellyle barked out a laugh that made even Goldar join in.

I let out a long sigh, and Victoria kissed me.

"I am sure that you aren\'t that bad in bed," Victoria teased, and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, I never said it was bad, just short!" Sofia laughed.

"We are going now. Send the list over, and I will come by in the morning to redeem myself; I mean help you," I growled as the elevator opened, and Victoria and I got inside.

Once the door closed, Victoria looked up at me with a grin.

"So, Mr. Five-Minute-Man. What are we doing now?" Victoria teased.

"Going to see your new house and to give you a System, just like I did for the other girls," I said, and Victoria\'s eyes went big.

"The same way?" She asked.

"Same way I did for all the other girls unless you want the less personal touch like everyone else?" I asked, and she shook her head.

"No, I am ready for it this time and for you."

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