Harem In The Intergalactic Apocalypse

Chapter 200 Returning To The Surface

After the elevator was complete and I had a good soak, I slowly scooped Cecil out of the water and grew a white dress on her. She was a cute girl, but I wanted to get up to see my cute girl. This trip turned out to be much more of a project than I had planned.

Once I was in the elevator and moving, I was puzzled about the Shalgoth, but I was also curious about the Gideon. I still couldn\'t get over how he was so open with me about things. I needed to see if there was a way that I could try and convert him over to my side.

I knew he was a copy of Alpha, and the Astral God was known to take over his subject. That made this dramatically harder, but this Silence could be the key to combating these Astral Gods and their control of their people. If I could make small portable devices, I could start taking the people they sent to me away.

This wouldn\'t work with everyone, and some would take serious work to get them to turn. That left me in the same position as the other humans. If some didn\'t want to change or just couldn\'t, I would be left with a choice of how they would die. The killing was always more straightforward, but is that what I was going to do?

This question kept popping up. It was almost like I was testing myself to find the best possible answer to the question by dissecting it from every angle. Though no matter how I looked at it, giving people the choice was the best option, and they could decide their own fate. Talking with Cecil had helped, but talking with Candance had made me question if I shouldn\'t be trying to do more because I had the power to.

The elevator stopped and opened to a smiling Sofia with Riley standing at attention beside her. The man looked like a stone.

"Papi, what did you find now?" Sofia asked as she gave Cecil a look over.

"One of the survivors. Riley, did Candace get brought up yet?" I asked, looking at the soldier, and the man nodded.

"Yes. I came over here to thank you from the bottom of my heart for getting her out of there. You really don\'t know how much it means to me. You are a MAN of your word in my books, and I will follow you to the sun\'s surface if you say we can do it. Times are changing, but if you are at the head of that change, I would like to be part of it," Riley said, offering me a hand that I shook awkwardly as Cecil slowly woke up in my arms.

It was nice to hear him accentuate the man part, considering that he wasn\'t to keen on calling me that before.

"Is that real sunlight?" Cecil asked slowly as she put a hand up to block her eyes as I walked out into the warm sun.

I stopped and set Cecil down. People rushed over and helped take Cecil, but she turned to me.

"I am going to see you again, right? This can\'t be the last time, right?" Cecil asked with a desperate look in her eyes.

"Papi, what were you doing down there that this girl is crawling all over you?" Sofia asked, giving me a look.

"I didn\'t do anything, really. I just saved her, but she and another monster have been trying to apply for spots in the harem," I said with a sigh, rubbing both hands over my face before turning to Cecil. "Yes, you will be coming back with everyone to the Central Great Forest. I will have to talk to you later, though. Sofia, let\'s go for a walk; I need some more sun."

Cecil nodded and left with the soldiers, and I walked over to the long runaway that ran down the length of the base, north to south. Sofia followed and came over to take my hand.

"Are you okay? What happened down there? You disappeared when you entered the last floor. I had been monitoring you, but then you just vanished," Sofia explained, and I nodded as I soaked in the sun.

The regeneration pool was good, but the sunlight was like drinking an energy drink, but all the perks with no crash. The rays soaked into me, and my System and body felt like they were filling back up with energy. I hadn\'t realized how much energy I had used down there, but the fight with the Shalgoth made me use a lot, and I was powering Eddie.

"The first floor was just a pain, but the one I was just on has a monster like an Annokale, but the opposite of one if that can be said. The name was Shalgoth, but I couldn\'t scan it. There is a device on the last floor called Silence, which restricts the abilities of strong entities like me, and that alien," I explained, and Sofia nodded but looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"The opposite of you?" Sofia asked.

"I think so, but I couldn\'t scan it because of the Silence. I can still use my abilities, but my HUD menus and scanning get weaker the closer I get to it. It\'s to the point where I can\'t even pull them up when I am next to it. I took a lot of damage from it, giving me resistance to Dark Matter. What do you know about that?" I asked, and Sofia shrugged.

"It is a hypothetical substance that is supposed to make up eighty-five percent of the universe. The cosmic glue, or something like that. Not really my area of expertise, but if you gain resistance to it, then it is quite a bit less hypothetical," Sofia explained, and I nodded, but that didn\'t help me.

"Well, that is all good, but do you know how I can stop it?" I asked.

"How to stop something theoretical until thirty seconds ago? Sorry, my brain doesn\'t work that fast, Papi. Do you think that we should leave this for right now? If it is stuck down there, we should just leave it for now. It was being contained before when the power was on, so it might be something we need power for," Sofia suggested, and I nodded as we stopped at the end of the runway.

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