Harem In The Intergalactic Apocalypse

Chapter 206 Lycan The Lychon

The crate in question was filled with strange god devices that looked like fancy belt buckles. That also kind of looked like the Morphing devices I remembered seeing as a kid.

Before scanning them, I grabbed one of the devices and stepped back from Sofia with a grin.

"Papi, what the hell are you doing?" Sofia asked, not looking impressed, but I didn\'t care. My inner child was screaming for this.

I might not have been around when the first ones came out, but I had watched them as kids. I grabbed the device in both hands and pushed it forward, striking a pose.

"It\'s Morphin time!" I called out, and the device exploded into a tiny golden piece that became alive.

I snapped my scan on and zoomed in on some of the pieces that were transforming and self-replicating in the air around me. The pieces started to create a shell around me, but it was nothing like what I had thought it would be.

[Target: Guardian Knight Morphing Armor Suits]

[Traits: Golden armor created by Goldra, Legendary Armor Designer. Self-replicating AI will bind to the host and will gain greater forms with the consumption of platinum. Suits can be removed and stored in small devices. Multiple devices can be combined to create greater forms, but synchronization is required with multiple hosts. Failure to achieve this state will result in death for those out of sync. More information can be found at m222.g-lad.tom.]

"Sofia! Look at this shit! I am a god, damn golden knight! Do I not look cool?!" I asked as I looked at my body, which was still being covered in golden mecha-knight armor.

"That might be useful for fighting, but I guess I don\'t get to melt them down now," Sofia said with a sigh and turned from the crate to leave me with the armor. Not like I could follow her.

The suit had me pinned down, but I could melt myself out of the suit. Definitely not some fast thing like on the show, nor was the armor it was creating on me. This was more like something that you would expect to see in a fantasy game.

I looked over at the box, and there were ten more of these GK-MAS Devices. Once this thing was done fitting itself to me, I would have to try and put it away. I would have to find some time when I got back to test everything out, but this was not really the place for it, nor the time.

It took about ten minutes before my entire body was suited up. After my face closed over in the darkness, a screen spread over my view, giving me a perfect view of the outside like the helmet had been pulled back.

I moved my body a bit, tested the joints, and even tried to stretch, but it was like this suit was a part of me. The metal close to my skin was soft to the touch, but when I struck it, it went hard instantly. The rest of my armor was weightless, but I did feel like it was giving me extra strength and speed.

Again, this wasn\'t a place to get a full feel for it, so I toyed around until I figured out how to get the suit off. Once I figured it out, I was surprised by how fast it returned to the small device. Just out of curiosity, I tried to put the device on again, this time just signaling with my mind that I wanted to use it. The device exploded again, but this time the suit was formed in seconds like a scan going over my body.

"Now that is more like it!" I laughed as I took the suit off again, but I stored the device inside my body just like my memory crystal.

"Did you just stick that thing inside of you?" Jack asked as he came over to see me.

"Yeah, I am like a walking broom closet. What\'s up, you find something good?" I asked, and he shrugged.

"Weird. Hard to say if it is good or not, but I figured this one I should keep my hands off," Jack said, and I nodded, sending mental instructions to Mr. Tree to take the box of Gk-MAS Devices up top with the other things.

Sofia was already sending up many of the boxes, which was good, but I would have liked to get a peek at all of them. The trouble was that we would be here for a week if I got into every box, which wouldn\'t be bad if aliens weren\'t set to invade.

Calishora\'s sisters would be coming this way, and at some point, Beta would reach earth. The problem was that I didn\'t know when the sisters were going to get here. I had to assume that it was going to be much sooner, within a month or two, but I wasn\'t sure. More questions for Calishora when she got out of my head, but it would have been nice if she could have just talked to me like Omega did.

Once I got over to the crate in question, I walked up to it while Jack stepped back. When I was over the top of it, I could see when he might seem a bit worried about it. There was a metal egg covered in segmented plates and glowing red lines.

It looked like the light was coming from the center, but it was hard to tell. I moved around the box to try and get a better look at the light within, but it seemed to move out of sight as I tried.

"That light inside of it seems to be alive or something. I don\'t know what it is, but do you think it might be one of those space dragons?" Jack asked me as he came back over, but I shook my head.

The scan wasn\'t done yet, but this thing was not organic or not completely. Whatever this thing was, the scan was taking its sweet time with it.

"Not something completely alive, but there are some signs of life coming from inside. I am still waiting to see what my scan says. Sofia! I found a glowing red egg! Come here!" I called over, and Sofia came jogging over.

"An Egg? Why would someone store an egg down here?" Sofia asked as she reached forward to touch it, but I grabbed her hand.

"Just wait. Whatever this is, it is waiting for something or someone. From my scans so far, this is a Lychon, but it is in an incubation stage right now, waiting for someone that can imprint it on it. Once it does, it will remain with the partner and protect it with Lychon\'s life. Still don\'t know what it is, just a name and information, and oh boy is there a lot to go through," I said, letting go of Sofia\'s hand, but the moment that I did, she stretched out and grabbed the egg. "What the hell do you think you are doing?!"

The egg started to glow brighter while Sofia still held it. I still didn\'t have the full scan on, but now my screen was a wall of text and flashing warnings.

"Target Sofia Diaz, human. Imprinting...Complete."

The voice was that of a small boy, but this thing was a lot more dangerous than anyone knew! I tried to grab Sofia\'s arm, but the egg burst open like the GK-MAS had, but this time it was forming a massive mecha-wolf that nearly took my arm off as I ripped it back.

Roots burst from my back and shot at the machine, but it hopped back. As it did, it landed on its back feet and stood up like a person, three long lightsaber-like claws extending from its right paw nearly three feet long.

"Target Daniel Brighton has attempted to assault my imprinted master. Now, I will defend her and destroy you!" The robot wolf told me in a monotone voice like the cleaners.

"NO! Bad doggy! Sit, Lycan!" Sofia snapped, and the seven-foot-tall robot retracted its red lightsabers and sat down obediently.

Now it was back to looking like a normal mecha wolf... normal, yes, this is what this was!

"Dammit, Sofia! I told you not to touch it!" I growled, rounding on her.

"What?! I wanted a pet! I saw that you got a new one! Growl is it?!" Sofia snapped back, and I tossed my hands up.

"I told you to wait so I could see what it was at first! Do you have any idea what this is?! It is a killer guard dog! It is meant for people that don\'t go around others! Ever! This thing is going to try to attack anyone that even disagrees with you!" I snapped.

"Really? Why didn\'t you get me one of these already, then?! Do you know how much easier it will be to get people to work with Lycan around?! AH HA! That little Aiko had better watch out now!" Sofia cackled, and I groaned.

"You really need to be put over my lap when we get home. I am going to spank you until you can\'t sit for a week!" I growled, and Sofia started to giggle like it was the funniest thing in the world.

"Target Daniel Brighton is threatening my imprinted master. I will destroy the target!" Lycan announced like this was on the to-do list for today, and I groaned even more.

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