Harem In The Intergalactic Apocalypse

Chapter 253 Evil Entity

Chapter 253 Evil Entity

The next few days, my training was the exact same until after almost a week had passed, and I finally started to get the hang of what it meant to truly control my power. The suit was there to help me condense all of my power that would normally be outside of my reach or control. It was a matter of figuring out how to use the power within the limits of the suit.

"Very good, Daniel. You are progressing well," Lilith said after I had finally managed to destroy one of the Power Orbs without blasting myself across the room.

"Thank you, Lilith. I appreciate your help," I said, and Lilith nodded her head.

"It is my pleasure. Now, take a rest, and we will begin again tomorrow," Lilith said, and I nodded my head before floating over to the edge of the room and sitting down.

I was exhausted, but I felt good. I had finally managed to control my power, and that was a huge accomplishment. I was still nowhere near as strong as I should be, but I was getting there. I just needed more time and more training.

Eventually, Lilith came over and sat down next to me. "You have done well, Daniel. I am proud of you," Lilith said, and I smiled.

"Thank you, Lilith. I couldn\'t have done it without you," I said, and Lilith shook her head.

"No, Daniel. You are the one who has done all of the work. I have just been here to guide you. Now, you need to get some rest. We have a lot of work to do tomorrow," Lilith said, and I nodded my head before getting up and floating back to my room.

I was tired, but I was also excited. I had finally managed to control my power, and that was a huge accomplishment. I was one step closer to being able to protect myself and others.

The next day was not what I expected, but at this point, everything was outside of my expectations.

I floated down to the dome and entered the same room that Lilith was always in, but nothing was different.

"Today, we start the next part of your training is to Learn about the Great Red Eye," she explained as the draconic woman floated up to me. This was the first time that she had gotten up close to me, and I had never really gotten a good look at her over the last week.

She was beautiful in a strange and alien way, but even more so up close. I let my male brain wonder what she would look like without the suit, and then as if to respond to my thought, she smiled sadly.

"I know what you are thinking, but unlike you, I cannot hold this form without my suit. My form would consume you, but I can still do this to give the memories," Lilith said and leaned in to press her head into mine, and suddenly I was thrown out of my body and out into the storm.

I was in the Great Red Eye, and it was beautiful and terrifying all at the same time. The clouds swirled around me, and the wind was so strong that it felt like it would rip me apart. I tried to move, but I couldn\'t. I was frozen in place, and I could feel the power of the Great Red Eye all around me.

It was like a living thing, and it called to me. I could feel my power being pulled from me, and I felt myself start to change. My body started to grow scales, and my nails turned into claws. My teeth sharpened into fangs, and I could feel the power of the Great Red Eye coursing through me.

I wasn\'t scared, though. I felt invigorated and alive. The Great Red Eye was calling to me, and I wanted to answer. I let go of my control and let the Great Red Eye take over.

I could feel myself changing further as my body grew larger and wings sprouted from my back. The change was complete when the tail grew out of my backside with a spike at the end that dripped with venom.

I had become a dragon like Lilith herself, except I was a full-grown dragon, and she was blue and white; I was red like the storm around me. Then I was back in my own body, but still in the storm.

Then I started to see a bright portal opening, and they were all humanoids that were coming through, and they started to build the buildings that I had seen when I arrived and each day as I came for training. Then time sped up, and the people slowly started to change, but then suddenly, there was division, and almost instantly, the place erupted in fighting. People were killing each other left and right, and it was a massacre. No one was spared. I tried to look away, but I couldn\'t. I was forced to watch as everyone around me died until there was only one person left standing, and that person was me.

I looked down at my hands, which were covered in blood, and then I looked up into the sky, and the Great Red Eye stared back at me. It was then that I realized what the Great Red Eye really was. It wasn\'t a god or a force; it was an entity that fed off of death and destruction.

It thrived on chaos, and it wanted nothing more than to see everything burn. The people on this planet weren\'t worshipping a god; they were feeding a monster. The Jupitarians were the survivors of this planet, trying to tear them apart by infecting them with power, but these suits seemed to be the key. Not only did they restrict their power, but they prevented the Great Red Eye from giving them too much. It was a way to keep the people in check, and I realized that Eve was right. The Great Red Eye was a double-edged sword.

It gave power, but it also took it away. It was a vicious cycle, and I didn\'t know how to break it, but I knew that I had to try. I couldn\'t let these people be consumed by this evil entity. I had to find a way to stop it, but I didn\'t know how.

Then I was back in my own body, and Lilith was staring at me with a look of concern. "Are you alright?" she asked, and I nodded my head even though I wasn\'t really sure if I was or not.

What the Great Red Eye really was, changed everything, and I needed to be careful. This thing was conscious, but I wasn\'t sure if it even understood what it was doing. Either that, or it knew what it was doing, and this was going to turn into a trap. The problem was that I was in no position to do anything about it yet, so training with Lilith was my only option.

"I\'m fine," I said, and Lilith nodded her head.

"Good, now that you know what the Great Red Eye is, it is time to learn how to control your power," Lilith said, and I nodded my head as she led me back into the training dome.

I now knew what the Great Red Eye was and what it wanted, but I still didn\'t know how to control my power. I needed to find a way to do that so that I could protect myself and others from this thing.

"This time, you are going to have to fight off the Power Orbs, using the perfect amount of energy. This will be different than before, and you will be able to move freely, but you are going to have to learn how to keep calm in all situations. When you have great power, your emotions can make you stronger, but that also makes you more dangerous," Lilith explained as four golden Power Orbs floated up around me.

Instead of me going to them, this time, they came to me, and I tried to punch it with the correct level of power as before, but I was blown back roughly.

"They are no longer sitting still, so you need to calculate how much less force and power you need, or you have to hit it in a way that doesn\'t change the amount that is needed. This training is about control and awareness. Your mind is split into two parts, but you are not giving it enough information to help you properly. You need to constantly observe the way that everything is moving around you so you can understand your situation better. This is all crucial to remaining calm because when you understand how everything works, nothing can surprise you, and you can always defend or counter against whatever comes your way," Lilith explained.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself as the Power Orbs came at me again. This time I was better prepared, but it still wasn\'t enough. But with each failure, I learned more and more about what Lilith was trying to teach me. Eventually, after what felt like hours of training, I finally managed to destroy one of the orbs without being hit by any of the other three.

"Very good," Lilith said with a pleased smile on her face as she floated over to me. "You have progressed well."

"Thank you," I said with a tired smile on my face before sitting down on the ground and taking a deep breath.

"You should rest now," Lilith said, but I shook my head no because there was something that I still wanted to know even though part of me was scared of the answer.

"What is this place?" I asked her, and Lilith\'s smile faded slightly as she stared at me for a long moment before answering my question truthfully instead of giving some bullshit answer like before when she wouldn\'t tell me anything useful information unless it was related directly to training or power.

"This place is called the Great Red Eye. It is a living entity that thrives off of death and destruction. The people on this planet were once infected by its power, but they have managed to keep it at bay by using these suits to restrict their power," Lilith explained, and I nodded my head in understanding.

"Why are you helping me?" I asked her, and Lilith stared at me for a long moment before answering.

"Because you have the potential to be strong enough to protect us from the Great Red Eye. I am helping you because I believe that you can stop it," Lilith said, and I nodded my head in understanding before getting up and floating back to my room.

I had a lot to think about, but right now, all I wanted to do was rest because tomorrow was going to be another hard day of training.

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