The Princess Wei Yang

Chapter 48

2借花献佛: presenting the Buddha with borrowed flowers: to win favour or influence using someone else’s propert

3韬光养晦: hide one’s light under a bushel- keeping a low profile


Chapter 48: Mother of all on earth

This weather, warm air causing the flowers to release its fragrance, is not a novelty thing. Li Wei Yang frowned, watching Mo Zhu directing people to bring in the Begonia. One look at the Chinese flowering apple would know that this is the famous, unbloomed red Chinese flowering apple bud, a bit like rouge, while strewn about are some that have already bloomed, a dark concentration. The leaves also set it off well, light green and meticulous, just like green temples, red face1, letting people come across it as an unrivaled beauty.

Begonia, her favorite flower in her past life.

Back then in the palace, Begonias were often planted, at that time, she thought that the bright and beautiful begonias represented Tuoba Zhen’s care and love for her, afterwards, she learned, Begonias are in fact also called heartbroken flowers, it is an unlucky thing, Tuoba Zhen, in reality, was very loathsome. Everything, was just a play, that he would send begonias today, it was really an exquisite irony.

Mo Zhu said: “San Dianxia said famous flowers are suitable for beauties, has inadvertently disturbed all the misses, therefore presenting the Buddha with borrowed flowers2, to apologize. Peonies for Da Xiaojie, baby roses for Er Xiaojie, jasmines for Si Xiaojie, for Wu Xiaojie are----”

Upon seeing Li Wei Yang’s expression, Mo Zhu became silent.

Seeing the begonias flowering like spitting fire, Li Wei Yang subconsciously reached out a hand, gently caressed the most flourished flower, silent for a long while before her hand stiffened and picked off the most beautiful flower. The color of that flower was especially bright and red; under the candlelight, it looked just like blood. Her hand slowly tightened, the petals twisted in her palm, then fiercely hurling it, the flower petals falling in pieces on the floor.

Mo Zhu looked surprised at this scene, Li Wei Yang said: “The evening wind is strong, destroying the begonias.”

Mo Zhu understood, bowed and said: “Yes.”

Bai Zhi cannot help but be bewildered, what Xiaojie was thinking about, they cannot even fathom....

Fu An Yuan

When Da Furen returned to the house, she immediately dismissed everyone, she snapped: “Kneel!”

Li Chang Le was startled, she had never seen her mother with such harsh words and stern looks, that she forgot to move, until mother Lin reminded her, then she kneeled down.

“Do you know what you did wrong today?”

Li Chang Le at her mother’s words, immediately realized that this was directed at the incident where Dage and her tried to framed Li Wei Yang, knowing that she has concealed her anger, then lowered her head, not speaking.

“Do you know, after all these years I have raised you with care, holding you in my hands, making you known in the world, for what!”

Li Chang Le suddenly raised her head, said: “I know mother loves me, in this case, why did you not stand up for me, allowing that bitch to climb above my head!”

Da Furen’s anger was hard to block: “You stupid girl! How has mother normally taught you! Your status, how could you lower yourself to the level of a girl born from a concubine! Do you wnat to infuriate me?!”

Li Chang Le turned away, tears falling, stubbornly refusing to admit wrong.

Da Furen’s heart felt extremely anxious and grief, practically dying, mother Lin seeing the situation is not good, hurriedly help her cool her down, also pour a cup of water, Da Furen took a sip, then calmed down: “Chang Le, do you still not understand your mission?”

Li Chang Le was surprised, completely at loss.

Da Furen sighed, and personally went to help her up, sat down on the soft couch and softly said: “Silly child, from the very beginning, our family’s hopes are on you.”

Li Chang Le’s beautiful eyes contained doubts.

Da Furen said: “You are the most beautiful, most intelligent daughter of the Li family, think about it, why are we so strict with you from a young age, why do we want you to be proficient in music, chess, calligraphy, and arts, that even in extreme cold or hot weather we would supervise you so you don’t slack of?”

Li Chang Le’s long eyelashes fluttered, said: “Because father and mother have high expectations of me?”

Da Furen’s smile is a bit mysterious: “Did you ever thought of why even with your goddess-like beauty, we rarely allow you to appear in public? Have you wondered why even though many matchmakers have come to the door of Li Residence, yet we are not willing to marry you off? Did you not wonder that no matter what you said or do, your father has never criticized you, loving you as ever before?”

Li Chang Le’s expression, looked even more confused.

Da Furen sighed, stroking her hair, said: “At this point, you still don’t understand? From the very beginning, we have already decided, to let you enter the palace, let you become the empress, be the mother of all on earth, so that the power of Li clan cannot be shaken.”

Li Chang Le was dumbfounded: “But the current emperor already...”

Da Furen smiled: “Silly child, His Majesty is already old, but he has sons, most importantly, all of his sons are outstanding, extraordinary, and most of them are of similar age with you. One day, one of them will inherit the throne, and you, only need to quietly wait for that moment to come.”

Lin Mama lowered her head, so, Furen has calculated such an idea in her mind.

Da Furen gently smiled, said: “Think about it, an empress, must be a famous, noble, dignified, wise and virtuous woman, therefore we have cultivated you in accordance to the qualities that an empress must have.”

“But...but I---” although Li Chang Le has already guessed her parents’ plan, actually hearing Da Furen admitting it for the first time, she couldn’t help but be surprised.

“The background of an empress must be noble, but cannot be a threat to His Majesty’s throne and power. Which is why although your father is the prime minister, he hid his light under a bushel3, upholding the methods of the doctrine, unwilling to easily cultivate a faction, always agreeing with His Majesty’s ideas. Other people mock your father for being timid as a mouse, but this is the real way of being a subject, those who stand out, are insufferably arrogant, in the end, are still exterminated. Now, do you understand why after the incident blew up today, your father repressed this matter and refused to blame you.”

Li Chang Le listened, her face slowly showing complacency, but soon her face drop again: “But I am not willing to see that bitch pleased with herself!”

Da Furen frowned, thinking that her daughter was still young, in the end not understanding, then pointed out: “Although I dislike her, I have suppressed myself to not make a move, do you know why is that?”

A thought turn in Li Chang Le’s mind, hesitatingly asked: “Mother, are you waiting for an opportunity?”

Da Furen laughed: “You’re not too stupid, in facing an enemy, if you cannot hit the mark with certainty, then you need to wait for the opportunity. Your grandmother loves that girl, we only have a stroke of bad luck, in this provocation, did you not realized, even though your father did not blame you, he is disappointed with you!”

Li Chang Le was taken aback, she murmured: “Disappointed?”

Da Furen sighed, said: “The most remarkable daughter in the Li clan is you, but you are not the only daughter. If your father continues to be disappointed in you, then he will slowly give up on you.” She suddenly thought: “Maybe Li Wei Yang is slowly forcing your father...”

Li Chang Le gnashed her teeth: “I don’t believe it, Father has raised me for so many years, that he would be willing to give up on me!”

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