The Princess Wei Yang

Chapter 65 part4

1鹬蚌相争, 渔翁得利: watching a snipe and a clam fight while the fisherman wins; twoparties are fighting and a third steps in to reap the benefits

2顺藤摸瓜: follow the vine to find the melon;following the trail of something to find something else

That night, Si Yiniang came and knocked openthe doors to Li Wei Yang’s residence.

Bai Zhi opened the doors and saw Si Yiniang who was wearing aplain moon white dress. Wearing a pair of red mandarin embroidered shoes, shewalked in a flirtatious style that didn’t belong to women of her age. Sheapproached Li Wei Yang and then gently paid her respects: “Blessings to Xianzhu.”

From that one phrase, Li Wei Yang smiled. Si Yiniang, she wasone of very few rational people in the family. She calmly spoke: “I wonder whatis going on with Yiniang? You have to see me this urgent?”

Si Yiniang’s complexion changed a few times, it was unusuallyvariable; her eyes were moving swiftly and soon her eyes fell onto Li Wei Yang,she decided to confront her: “Xianzhu, I have no choice but to come now at thistime of the night.”

Li Wei Yang was instantly silent and then she said: “The wordsyou want to say, Yiniang might as well say it directly.”

Si Yiniang nodded and ordered her trusted maid: “Bring that yatouin here.”

A yatou was pushed inside as she stumbled along and fell ontothe ground. Her face was smudged with dirt; her hair was disheveled. Kneeling,the entire body was violently shaking, it was, no doubt, Rong Er.

Li Wei Yang coldly stared at her and said: “How is it you?”

Rong Er lowered her head and she continued to tremble.

“Si Yiniang, what is your meaning?” Li Wei Yang raised herbrows.

Si Yiniang smiled and said: “Xianzhu, this yatou, do yourecognize her? She is Rong Er, the one that serves by Qi Niang’s side.

Li Wei Yang calmly gave Si Yiniang a glimpse and forced a smile:“At this time of the night, what does Si Yiniang mean?”

Si Yiniang’s face enshrouded a layer of frost, she said: “Thisyatou came to my residence in the middle of the night and buried something.Unfortunately, she was discovered by my yatou, guess what was the thing sheburied?”

Li Wei Yang blinked her eyes and said: “Rong Er, rather thansleeping in the middle of night, what were you doing at Si Yiniang’s residence?”

Rong Er continued to lower her head and secretly criticized SanXiaojie’s acting was really good, wasn’t it her who asked her to do this?

Si Yiniang was suddenly tired of this testing the water game,she curled her lips upward: “This yatou buried this.” As she spoke, she threw awooden doll towards Li Wei Yang’s feet and on it was a string of numbers. LiWei Yang picked it up to look at it and it was Li Xiao Ran’s date of birth.

Li Wei Yang coldly glanced at it and then her eyes lookedtowards Rong Er: “How dare you!”

Rong Er was trembling so hard she couldn’t speak a word. SiYiniang coldly laughed and said: “Xianzhu, you don’t have to pretend, isn’tthis your mother’s doing? She wants to use voodoo magic to frame me!”

Li Wei Yang seemed as if she was stunned and then she smiled:“Qi Yiniang’s personality, I’m afraid no one in the Li family wouldn’t knowabout. If she had the means to scheme, she wouldn’t have let me wander outsideall these years and she herself wouldn’t banished to Nan Yuan. Even more, shewasn’t favor from the start, so if she wanted to harm others because ofjealousy, she should have chosen to Da Furen or Liu Yiniang’s residence, don’tyou agree? The words you’ve just spoken, Si Yiniang, you probably can’t believethem either.”

Liu Yiniang Wang Doukou was born with a beautiful appearance andwas graceful and multi-talented. Recently, she had the tendency to surpass SiYiniang, so with those words, Si Yiniang’s countenance suddenly changed.

“Unless it’s Xianzhu’s doing?” Si Yiniang coldly spoke.

Li Wei Yang coldly smiled and said: “If Yiniang thinks this way,then the person who instructed Rong Er to bury the wooden doll should bedelighted. Please leave, escort the guest out.” Li Wei Yang stood up.

“Xianzhu, how could I notbelieve you, I was joking with you just now ......” Her tone meant otherwise: “Eventhough I am stupid, I know that if it was either Xianzhu or Qi Yiniang’s doing,you would definitely not let your own yatou to do it. This is inevitablyplanting evidence to frame others.” Her fingers fiddled around with the goldeningot on her wrist: “I know, someone must have planned this, this person wantsto see the struggle between a snipe and a snail so that it benefits thefisherman1 ......” Shesighed, her dark amber colored eyes revealed a cunning look: “If I reallybelieved that you sent this yatou over, then I wouldn’t be here tonight.”

Si Yiniang was smart but she was too assuming. After observingher for a while, Li Wei Yang had already understood her attitude and mettle. SiYiniang had been suppressing Qi Yiniang all these years and knew about her softpersonality. She knew Qi Yiniang wouldn’t dare do this and would naturallythink elsewhere, which was what Li Wei Yang wanted!

Qi Yiniang smiled, she, of course, knew that Rong Er was fromthe same village of Da Xiaojie’s trusted yatou Tan Xiang. They were reallyclose at one point but recently, they suddenly became distant, so ...... that waswhy she immediately came over.

Li Wei Yang looked at her and slowly said: “The mastermindbehind this, her motive, if Si Yiniang already knew this, why did you come toask me?”

Si Yiniang gracefully said: “Xianzhu, think over this, thisperson’s motive was not only to frame me, I’m afraid after she eliminates me,she will follow the vine2and quickly get to Rong Er and pull Qi Yiniang down, and then put the blame onyou. At that point, she will say that you hated that your mother was notfavored and because of what happened to Wu Xiaojie, you and I are enemies soyou used voodoo magic to plot against us mother and daughters.

Si Yiniang’s imagination was very vivid.

Bai Zhi couldn’t help but laughed but seeing Li Wei Yang wasacting normal as if she gradually believed what Si Yiniang said, so she did herbest to hold it in.

Li Wei Yang’s voice revealed traces of cold intentions, shesaid: “Since Si Yiniang already understood everything, what do you plan to do?”

Si Yiniang miserably said: “Since others want to harm us, thenhow could we await our doom. I am an indecisive woman so I can only rely on SanXiaojie to think of an idea now.”

Li Wei Yang looked at Si Yiniang and then calmly laughed all ofa sudden, she said: “Since Yiniang came, then we should take more time todiscuss.”

A sweet smile appeared on Si Yiniang’s face and she said:“Xianzhu, I’m only afraid that others won’t allow us time to discuss. If we aretoo overcautious, it might make us become indecisive.” After Si Yiniangfinished speaking, she gave Rong Er a glimpse, “This yatou ...... let Qi Yiniangpunished her with neglect of duty.”

This would take Rong Er’s life, it was a chance to kill thewitness.

Li Wei Yang looked at Rong Er’s terrifying expression and calmlysaid: “To avoid startling the snake, we shouldn’t punish her temporarily, Iwill have a way to make her shut her mouth, don’t worry.”

Si Yiniang nodded and said: “Do Xianzhu have a plan yet?”

Li Wei Yang smiled and said: “This is very sudden; I still haveto ponder upon this. If I think of something first, I will give Yiniang aresponse tomorrow.”

Si Yiniang left satisfactorily. The next day, she kept herpromise ......

Two days later, Li Chang Le came to Shuang Yue Ge to visit LiChang Xi as usual. Having not enter the door yet, she saw a young yatou holdinga green pastel small cup leaving.

Li Chang Le was curious and couldn’t help but asked: “It’s inthe middle of the day, what did Wu mei eat?”

This yatou was taken aback, her hands were suddenly trembling,and she couldn’t speak with her face and ears turning red as she looked at LiChang Le.

The young yatou immediately retreated, Li Chang Le arched herbrows and said: “Yiniang, what is the meaning of this, are you not going totell me?”

Awkwardness flashed across Si Yiniang’s face, she apologeticallysmiled: “Da Xiaojie, this is hundred flower hibiscus soup, I used every meansto get this recipe through someone. I heard this is the best way to removescars and care for the skin. This is to heal the scar on Wu Xiaojie’s face,it’s not expensive, you shouldn’t worry about it.”

Li Chang Le smiled and knew Si Yiniang was not easy to handle,she smilingly said: “Yiniang, no need to worry, I was simply asking.” Sayingthis, she walked into the room with Si Yiniang.

Li Chang Xi was looking at herself in the mirror, Li Chang Lesaid: “Wu mei?”

Li Chang Xi turned her head; she had just applied powder and thescar didn’t seem as obvious. She revealed a smile and said: “Dajie is here,hurry and sit down.”

Li Chang Le smiled: “I have something to speak with sister.”After she turned around and told Si Yiniang: “Yiniang please return.”

It seemed like Si Yiniang wavered for a while. She moved slowlyas if she didn’t want to leave and was afraid that Li Chang Xi would have aslip of tongue. As Li Chang Le watched, she became more curious.

Li Chang Xi ignorantly said: “Yiniang, do you have other thingsto say?”

Si Yiniang glared at her and twisted her body to leave.

Li Chang Le meticulously looked at the scar on Li Chang Xi’sface and said: “Sister’s scar seems to have almost healed.”

Li Chang Xi subconsciously touched the scar on her face. Itwasn’t that much difference but compared to the hideousness a few days ago, itwas a lot better: “Thanks to what Yiniang bought over ---“ she spoke half thesentence and then suddenly remembered what Si Yiniang told her. She quicklyclosed her mouth and smilingly said: “What did Sister wanted to say before?”

People were like this, the more you hid, the more she wanted toknow. Li Chang Le frowned and said: “Meimei, you don’t have to hide from me,I’ve seen everything before, the thing in the small cup ---“

Li Chang Xi exposed a stunned expression and felt uneasy, shesaid: “Dajie don’t tell anyone or else I won’t be able to eat such a greatthing in the future!”

Li Chang Le was startled and said: “What exactly is this thing?”She wouldn’t believe what Si Yiniang said, hundred flower hibiscus paste, if itwas that, was there a need to be secretive?

Li Chang Xi was hesitant for a long time until Li Chang Lepretended to be angry. She mumbled and said: “It’s human placenta.”

Li Chang Le was completely astonished and her voice cracked:“This type of thing ...... you ...... you ......”

Li Chang Xi’s complexion turned worse and she kneeled in frontof her, she said: “Dajie, I don’t have any choice, this is my only option. Thescar on my face has become less and less light, three more servings, it willheal completely ...... please don’t tell anyone ---“

Li Chang Le’s crystal eyes waveredaround Li Chang Xi’s face. She remembered her mother said this yatou still hadher use so she ultimately bit her lips and said: “Get up first.”

Li Chang Xi, trembling with fear, said: “Da jie, do you forgiveme?”

Li Chang Le sighed and said: “Why are you still kneeling!”

Li Chang Xi quickly stood up, her smile spread across her face: “Dajie, you don’t understand, this thing sounds disgusting but after taking thisfor a long period of time, not only would your skin be smooth and crystal-clear,but it will also maintain your youth ...... I heard the concubines in the imperialharem use this to maintain their beauty!”

Hearing this, Li Chang Le’s face reddened, she said: “That’snonsense!”

Li Chang Xi bit down her teeth and said: “Da jie if you don’tbelieve me, you will understand once you try it yourself!”

Li Chang Le was taken aback, she gradually said: “What rubbishare you talking about! How could I touch such thing!” After, she quickly roseand said: “As for this matte it shouldn’t be mentioned again!”

Li Chang Xi watched her speedily paced out and she couldn’t helpbut furrow her brows. Not long, Si Yiniang walked in and said: “Your Da jiefound out?”

Li Chang Xi wailed: “It’s your fault, Mother. I usually eat thisat night but today you must have me eat this in the afternoon and she foundout? It was a waste of breath explaining to her before I was able to get out ofthis.”

Si Yiniang smiled and said: “It’s better that she found out.”

Li Chang Xi suspiciously looked at Si Yiniang, what was themeaning of this?

“Youdon’t have to ask, your Da jie cherishes her beauty as if it was her life, shewill definitely return again.” Si Yiniang confidently said. Li Wei Yang hadsaid, holding onto Li Chang Le’s weakness would allow them to win them bysurprise, and now, she seemed to be right.

Next: Chapter 66

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