The Princess Wei Yang

Chapter 66 part2

Niangniang -honorific for the Empress and imperial concubines

Da sao - sao is an honorificfor sister-in-law (in this case), children also use it to refer to the wife ofa paternal uncle

Dimei - honorific for asister-in-law who is the wife of a younger brother

Huibing - how servants/nubiaddress others of higher status

Zhang nu - eldest daughter of ahousehold

Sinister aura - the harmful or evil distinctiveatmosphere or quality that seems to surround and be generated by a person,thing, or place

法師 Fǎshī - can betranslated to Taoist master; in many dramas and novels, their job is to:identify evil spirits in people’s homes, perform rituals, and hopefully banishthem

厌胜之术Yànshèng zhī shù- ancient witchcraft involving curses; if a family was cursed,they might be homeless, physically injured, die, or even lose their home andfamily

Convent - a monastery but specifically aninstitution of female monastics (nuns) only

Lao Furen frowned: “What?”

Luo mama hesitated for a bit, glancing at DaFuren’s tense expression, and said: “Huibing Lao Furen, it is tu.”

“Tu?” Li Xiao Ran was a Prime Minister and hadyet to come across this plant that grew in countryside fields, “What is that?”

Li Wei Yang’s lips slowly lifted. Shock appearedon Li Chang Xi’s face, how could that be?

Luo mama went up and carefully cut the clumpedmeat open. Everyone saw there was something indigo inside. Li Xiao Ran frowned:“Well, what is it?”

”This is a type of poisonous grass. If it growsnear crops, nothing can be harvested, therefore it is called tu.” Luo mama’sexpressions were rather solemn. She had lived many years in the residence buthad yet to see these filthy things. She had thought something like this couldnot possibly appear in the Li family...

“Why would it be here?” A bit of suspicionappeared on Li Xiao Ran’s face, “What is it used for?”

Li Chang Le hastily said: “This placenta herewas what Wumei had given me—— ”

Li Chang Xi saw that something was not right andquickly responded, “Dajie, I did not put this inside the placenta...”

Li Chang Le shot her a hostile glare. Li ChangXi truly did not put those things in, but because she could not stand the smellof the placenta, she secretly sought out Physician Song. He said she onlyneeded to add some herbs to suppress the smell, that was all, so she said: “Itwas Physician Song who suggested I put herbs inside to take away the stench.”

“Father, tu is not an herb but a harmful,poisonous weed. When I was at Ping Cheng, I had heard of it, that ten years ofdrought, nine years of flooding, if rice is stored there and tu grows in theyard, the whole family can only eat dirt! You see, isn’t this a lethal type ofpoison?” Li Wei Yang suddenly said.

Li Xiao Ran could not believe his own ears: “Thedestructive potential of this poisonous grass is even more terrifying thanfloods and droughts?”

Li Wei Yang nodded, “Indeed, it is much moreterrifying. For that reason, commoners despise these things. Furthermore, itdoes not have the ability to take away odors. Dajie, has Dajie misunderstoodthen?”

Da Furen suddenly realized something was notright. Her face grew solemn: “Wei Yang, do not speak carelessly!”

“Silence!” Li Xiao Ran motioned to her, then hefrowned, “Chang Le, why would you bring this into the residence?”

“I... I... I only took Physician Song’s advice andwanted to take away the smell of the placenta. How would I know it had otheruses?” A hint of panic appeared in Li Chang Le’s lovely eyes.

“Dajie, last time, didn’t you insist that youwere knowledgeable and read medicinal texts? How could you not know tu can beused to harm others and not an herb to take away odors?” Li Min De’s cold voicerang out inside the hall.

Li Min Feng frowned: “Sandi, there are hundredsand thousands of herbs out there. Your Dajie cannot possibly know everything!To find out, we only need to invite Physician Song here!”

Physician Song was a physician that frequentlyexamined the sick in the Li family for thirty years. No one would dare tosuspect his words.

Li Xiao Ran immediately ordered someone to findPhysician Song but received news that Physician Song’s health was not well andhad retired.

Si Yiniang had a blank, cold smile from thebeginning to the end. Physician Song examined the sick in the Li family andtook payment for examination every time. This time, San Xiaojie had generouslygiven him two thousand taels of imperial gold. It would be enough to last thislifetime to the next. The old man would obviously claim to be ill and quietlywithdraw.

This time, San Xiaojie had dealt a heavy hand.

Li Min De’s dark eyes shone knowingly: “Da Bofu,any other dafu is as capable.”

At that moment, Lao Furen spoke: “Invite my dafuhere.”

Lao Furen often relied on Physician Shen, theChen family had looked after her meals and life from when she was a child. This Physician Shen was already the second generation. Physician Shen came in a hurry.Li Xiao Ran ordered tu to be given to him to examined. He frowned.

Li Xiao Ran said: “This can be used to take awayodors?”

Physician Shen naturally shook his head: “Tu isa poisonous grass. As for an ability to take away odors, it is unheard of.”

A cold sneer flashed across Li Wei Yang’s lips,but she feigned to be surprised and fearful, “How can that be? Why would Dajiehide poisonous grass in the placenta?”

Physician Shen frowned, his mouth slightly movedas if he had something he could not say.

“Does it need to be said? If it cannot be usedto remove odors, combined with fear that it would be discovered, then thepurpose was to hide it! After all, who would have thought tu would be hiddeninside the placenta?” Li Min De’s pale, handsome face, pitch black eyes andsmile all possessed a similar expression.

“Indeed, how can poisonous grass be used toheal?! Tu is even more dangerous than arsenic! Clearly, there is no possibilitythat it can save lives, since that is impossible, then...” Li Wei Yang blinkedand trailed off.

“Li Wei Yang, you must be insane! Whatnonsense!” Li Min Feng furiously stood up, his hands clenched into fists.

Li Wei Yang looked to him: “Dage, is there aneed to be so tense? Does Dage not know that tu is used in witchcraft,something Bixia has clearly forbidden!”

Li Xiao Ran stiffened and suddenly thought itthrough. Tu was used in witchcraft. If the curse was light, the family maybecome uneasy, injured or suffer injustices, or if worse, encounter evil, deathof a child. And in the worst case, possessions will be lost and their familybroken apart, making this a vicious curse. He raised his head and stareddisbelievingly at his Da nu er.

“Chang Le, why would you do this?!” He could notunderstand why Da nu er, who was always generous and knowledgeable, kept makingthese mistakes these days and now even used witchcraft. If this became known tothe public, it was a crime that would cost them their heads!

She must be insane!

San Furen sighed: “Indeed, Chang Le. The lasttime your father punished you only because you were wrong. How could you resentand curse him? Why would a girl do something like this?”

Li Chang Le suddenly became fearful and shouted:“Father, it wasn’t me. It really wasn’t me!”

Li Min Feng knew it had become serious and ranover and knelt before Li Xiao Ran: “Father, meimei certainly did not do this. Meimei is gentle and righteous, and your beloved nu er. Do you not believemeimei?”

Li Xiao Ran stared intently at Li Chang Le’sface, still lovely and vulnerable as before, making others unable to turn awayfrom her, but he did not know why, the longer he looked at her the more fearfulhe felt. She could harm Wei Yang because she envied the favor Li Wei Yangreceived and did not hesitate to steal someone’s idea for fame and glory, eat adisgusting placenta to nourish her beauty, and even hide tu to use witchcraftto harm him. A nu er like that could still be the intelligent and righteoushaizi who was as vulnerable as he remembered?

Li Xiao Ran had completely forgotten he was theone who tolerated her behavior every step along the way, secretly allowing herto do as she pleased, and let her become narrow-minded, cruel and selfish asshe was now, believing the best in the world had to belong to her, and she didnot hesitate to trample upon everyone beneath her feet.

Li Chang Le’s face reddened. She nearlyexhausted herself trying to explain: “Father, nu er did not. How could nu eruse witchcraft to harm you? How can nu er do something like this?”

In her panicked state, she was determined tofind a scapegoat. She pointed at Li Chang Xi, crying out, “It was you! It wasyou who framed me! You framed me! You gave me the placenta!”

Shock appeared on Li Chang Xi’s face. She couldnot hold back against an injustice and said: “Father, with the wound on nu er’sface, dafu said placenta can be a beauty supplement to heal the scar and gavenu er this prescription. Who would have thought Dajie would find out and sayshe wanted to eat it too. This cannot be easily obtained and nu er wasreluctant to give it to Dajie, but Dajie was determined to take it. Nu er didnot have a choice but to give it to her, but when nu er brought it over, theplacenta was very clean inside, there was no tu!”

Si Yiniang wiped away her tears: “Wu Xiaojie, donot say any more. In their hearts, everyone understands what is right andwrong!”

These words were the truth. Si Yiniang did notinform Li Chang Xi of her plan. If there was no tu inside when the placenta wasbrought over, then the issue must be with Physician Song!

Regardless, Li Chang Le continued to blame LiChang Xi and went in front of Li Xiao Ran to grievously say: “Father! If it wasnot Wu meimei, then it was that Physician Song. He knew that tu could be usedto harm others but still suggested it to nu er. It is a scheme to frame nu er!There is certainly someone behind this scheme! Physician Song must have beenbribed by someone!”

Da Furen quickly ran over and knelt beside herdaughter, her tears glistening as she said: “Lao Ye, Chang Le is our zhang nu,she is gentle and usually cannot bring herself to even step on an ant. Howcould she use witchcraft? Clearly, there is someone who wants to harm her!”Having said this, her glare was like a sharpened arrow shot in Li Wei Yang’sdirection.

From what she could gather, Si Yiniang would notdare to harm Da Xiaojie. Physician Song had served the Li residence for manyyears. To bribe him, one must need to offer a lot, and now, in the PrimeMinister’s residence, the wealthiest person who also happened to bitterlyresent her and her daughter, was none other than Li Wei Yang!

She had thought that the person to die today wasLi Wei Yang and did not expect her to have another scheme in hand!

That little bitch! The silk handkerchief in DaFuren’s hand was crumpled until it was about to be torn into pieces, herexpression became even more resentful.

Li Min Feng lifted his head and said: “Father,you only need to find Song Zheng, and everything will become clear!”

This performance, Li Wei Yang felt ratherpleased by it. Finally, a corner of her lips rose in a slight smile, as ifjeering, as if perfectly content, and as if she was indifferent.

Seeing his wife disregard her pride, kneeling onthe ground and pleading before everyone’s eyes. In the blink of an eye, aflicker of hesitation appeared on Li Xiao Ran’s face.

Li Min De blinked: “Da Bofu.” His face had astrange look that was difficult to explain, his gaze had a bit of wickedintentions as well as a bit of childishness. - whoever it was, they could notbe angry with a child like this, as lovely as this but also as understanding.Li Min De continued, “Da Bofu, Song Zheng is no longer in the capital. Theworld is far and wide, and we do not know where he has gone, how can we findhim then? Dage clearly wants to stall for time!”

Li Min Feng’s face turned purple in rage: “Sandi, what are you trying to say!” Everyone saw him with his fists clenched as helunged at Li Min De.

Li Min De had a frightened expression but hiseyes could not help but reveal his ridicule: “Dage, are you threatening me? Infront of Da Bofu, am I not allowed to say a word of reason?”

Li Wei Yang held Li Min De’s hand, slightlyshaking her head.

She did not want to involve an innocent Min De.

Er Furen hid her cold smile with herhandkerchief: “Half the night has passed, you could not search anyone but yourown nu er. Da sao, it is best if you proceed impartially.”

Furious, Da Furen turned around to say: “ChangLe is not an unrighteous and corrupted child. She must have been unjustly framedby someone else!”

Li Wei Yang calmly said: “Mother, this issomething everyone has witnessed and cannot be justified in any way. Even ifyou pity Dajie, you should not cover it up for her. On the contrary, if you had admonished Dajie on a daily basis, she certainly would not have done something likethis! Using witchcraft to curse Father, first of all, is a disgrace to filialpiety. Secondly, Bixia has forbidden witchcraft and ordered that those who useit will be exiled if it is a light offense and sentenced to death if it issevere. Dajie is not important, but do you want to involve all of the Lifamily?”

San Furen silently laughed and said: “Indeed, inthis life, how can there be a wall without winds and flames? If this becomesknown to the public, who knows how many will sneer and speak scornfully of theLi family?”

Li Chang Le panicked, her hands shaking as shetried to recompose herself: “Father, it really wasn’t me! Father, you mustbelieve me!”

In her heart, Da Furen resented these people,but outwardly her expressions were despairing as she pleaded: “Laoye, please donot wrongly accuse an innocent Chang Le!”

Lao Furen frowned and suddenly swept her armout, sending the tea set on the table to the floor, loudly clattering as theporcelain shattered. For some time, she had felt that Li Chang Le was too beautiful,perhaps even a calamity, but she did not expect this Yatou to do this! Furious,her face turned ashen white and her lips purple, Luo mama rushed over to helpher clear her chest.

Everyone had never seen Lao Furen like this andwere taken aback.

Li Wei Yang saw this and took the newly pouredcup of tea from a Yatou’s hand and came before Lao Furen: “Lao Furen, please donot be too angry, everything needs to be carefully reexamined first!”

Lao Furen waved her hand and took in deepbreaths as she said: “Absolutely not. The longer this is left to be, many moreunfortunate events will follow, this must be resolved at once!”

Lao Furen’s voice was stern and effective. Herexpressions were steeled. Li Xiao Ran stirred at the sound of her voice. Peoplesay even righteous ministers had difficulty judging matters in the family.Matters in the imperial court he could examine and judge impartially. If he hada choice, he would not punish Li Chang Le, but the thought of her using suchwicked methods to curse him heightened the fear in his heart.

Li Wei Yang sighed, slightly wistful, slightlyresenting: “Father, if you cannot bear to do so, then simply have someonedispose of those filthy things. Only, there is one thing to keep in mind andthat is to be more careful, so in the future, no one else will bring thesethings into the residence.”

The meaning behind it was more like: you shouldbe more careful, so you would not be cursed.

Li Xiao Ran’s eyes soon hardened like ice. Thatwas right. Li Chang Le dared to curse him, only because he had a couple harshwords with her. A Yatou with cruel intentions as this, could it still be hisbrilliant and knowledgeable nu er? Simply put, her beauty was that of venomoussnakes!

Li Wei Yang stood still and emotionless, but herlong eyelashes gently quivered, revealing the person within, as dark as ink:“That is right, Dajie. The placenta that is dripping with blood looks likeeating human flesh. Wu meimei has no choice but to eat it to heal her wounds.Jie is fine though and only used it for beauty. In the future, do not touchthese things anymore.”

Li Xiao Ran’s face had become harsh andunforgiving. This placenta, dripping with blood in a way that even he had tolook away from, but that Yatou saw it as a beauty supplement. Her mind wastruly terrifying!

Li Min De looked at Li Wei Yang. He saw hersmile from the beginning to the end. His eyes were still bright like a lightunder the glass, clear and gleaming as if it could illuminate the world.

He knew the person behind what happened todaywas none other than his lovely San jiejie, but so? This was the law of nature.They hold the dagger. Those were the fish. Rather than quietly lie there and be cutinto pieces, take the knife into your own hands!

Li Xiao Ran looked straight at Li Chang Le,deeply conflicted, and for a moment, he did not know how to discipline her.

This matter could not be said to be small, tosay it’s can pierce the sky. If Bixia heard of this, then it wouldimplicate the entire Li family. Li Chang Le, was it worth it for the Li familyto take this risk for her? Due to her disaster relief efforts, Chang Le’sreputation in the Imperial family, great families, even among the commoners, hadplummeted in a never-ending descent. Some even said her beauty was a calamity. Could this nu er still become Empress in the future? Who would support her? LiXiao Ran felt the trust he had for the past ten years collapse for the firsttime.

Li Chang Le, her life seemed to be over. Li WeiYang recognized this and remained a step ahead, only to end her life sooner.

After all, Li Chang Le was still young and couldnot think of a countermeasure. Her mind was blank, her face drained of anycolor as she stared at Li Xiao Ran, not knowing if he would believe her or whathe would decide. Li Min Feng debated if he should ask his maternal family tointervene, but his grandfather and uncle were stationed by the border. Waterfrom afar cannot put out a fire nearby.

Da Furen naturally knew this. After all, she wassomeone who had experienced many hardships and was more level-headed than theother two. Although her expressions were blank, she was actually thinking of away out from here.

Lao Furen’s voice was cold and detached, but herface reflected a faint hostility: “When the previous Emperor was still alive,the former Prime Minister He Ping and his daughter, Yang Ning Gongzhu, Zhu YiGongzhu and even the Great General Zhou De lost their heads, and was it notbecause of witchcraft? Everything linked to witchcraft is an inevitable road todeath. Now, Chang Le has found these filthy things. She cannot say who framedher, so it must be something she did herself! No matter what, if this becomesknown to the public, the Li family will be greatly disadvantaged. You shouldmake your decision now.”

Having heard these words, what remained of hishesitation crumbled. Li Xiao Ran had decided and coldly said: “Chang Le, youhave deeply disappointed me. From here on out, go to Pu Ji An. If anyone asks,I will say that you have caught the epidemic and must recuperate.”

Pu Ji An, that was - a temple for nuns! Fathermust be insane, Li Chang Le lost her self-control: “Father, you are telling meto shave my hair and become a nun?!”

She could not believe it, could not believe anyof it. Li Xiao Ran could be this heartless.

Li Xiao Ran turned away, not caring to look ather.

Er Furen smiled and said: “Da Xiaojie, this isyour father leaving you a path to live, to leave you to close your doors andreflect, that is all!”

Close your doors and reflect? She could closeher doors and reflect, if not in her courtyard, then somewhere else in the Lifamily. Father sent her to the temple and did not mention when she couldreturn, if so, Father might leave her there for the rest of her life, thenwhat?!

She hurriedly ran to Li Xiao Ran and held ontohis feet, desperately saying: “Father, don’t! Don’t send me to that demonicplace! Nu er has been unjustly treated! Nu er has been wronged!”

Li Xiao Ran looked at her, her extraordinarilybeautiful face like a delicate lotus. Reluctance appeared in his eyes as heextended his hand as if wanting to stroke her hair.

Li Wei Yang coldly looked on. From the momentshe stepped foot into the residence, both mother and daughter had schemed toharm her every step of the way. If she was harmed by those two and forced toleave or lose face, she only feared Li Xiao Ran would not care, and yet, he wasreluctant to punish Li Chang Le.

Only... Li Chang Le had committed a grave crimethis time and could not be forgiven. Li Xiao Ran had to be resolute! Shequietly looked on, a cold light crossing her clear eyes.

Of course, Li Xiao Ran waved his hand, finallyclenched into a fist, and coldly said: “Leave.”

Li Min Feng quickly stood up, his eyes reddened:“Father, you must be mistaken, how could you not believe her and force meimeito go to that kind of place?!”

Lao Furen’s cold stare swept over Li Min Feng,she had always wholeheartedly doted and loved this grandson, but he was toofoolish and ignorant, wayward and insolent, exactly like his mother. And now he even dared to say such things, he had no manners at all!

She breathed out a sigh and said: “Chang Le,your father only wants you to live well for now. No need for further delay,someone escort Da Xiaojie out to gather her belongings!”

Da Furen’s face froze and suddenly she stood upfrom the ground: “Lao Furen, at least allow me to have some parting words withmy nu er.”

Lao Furen looked at her and frowned.

“Very well,” Li Xiao Ran saw that Da Furen wasdesperately pleading and agreed. After a second thought, he ordered someonebeside him, “Those who took part in the search today, aside from those trusted,will all——”

Li Wei Yang stood from afar and heard. Shelowered her gaze. Li Xiao Ran wanted to eliminate the nubi that knew what had happenedhere, but the people in the hall were all members of the Li family. Who couldcast aside their wealth and glory to spread this, but nubi were different andcould sell their masters out at any time. Even Physician Shen was no exception.

Da Furen helped Li Chang Le stand. She pretendedto fix her daughter’s hair, but there was a sense of urgency in her eyes.

“Mother...” Li Chang Le wept.

“Don’t cry, don’t cry, Chang Le...” Da Furentightly embraced her, “Your father only lost his temper for a moment there. Hestill loves you and will welcome you home in the future. You must remember tolive well...” She could not help but begin to cry as well, sobbing as she said:“I have told you before, you need to be careful. Do not give that lowly girl anopportunity to scheme against you. Who would have thought you were too kind,suffering like this today...”

Li Wei Yang coldly smiled. Da Furen ultimatelydid not forget to set a trap for her.

Li Chang Le leaned against Da Furen’s shoulder,despairingly crying. In her heart, her hatred for Li Wei Yang deepened, but shedid not dare to reveal this and was deeply disappointed by Li Xiao Ran’sdecision. This time, she was leaving without knowing when she would return. IfFather listened to Lao Furen or Li Wei Yang and did not allow her to return,then her life would be over. Perhaps in the Capital, if she did not make anappearance, people would quickly forget about her. Even if she had the beautyto befall empires, what use would it be? If at all!

This matter certainly had to do with Li WeiYang! She could not stop cursing, if she had a knife in her hand then andthere, she would immediately choose to die with Li Wei Yang.

At that moment, Da Furen softly whispered toChang Le. After that, her icy stare turned to Li Wei Yang as she raised hervoice, “You should take good care of your well-being.”

Li Wei Yang noticed something was not right butcould not say what it was for sure.


Translator: Chau

Editor: Panisa


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