The Princess Wei Yang

Chapter 81 part1

“If itwas me, I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to eat nor sleep peacefully if the personI murdered reappeared before me everyday. It seems Da Furen must have a heartof steel to be able to stomach that.” Li Wei Yang said this with a slightsmile.

“Xiaojie,you should not believe Da Furen’s words, Nubi feels they were notwell-intentioned.”

ThisYatou knows how to be cautious now, it seems she has made some progress. Li WeiYang looked at Bai Zhi.

On thesurface, Da Furen had declined Er Furen’s housekeeper’s request, but Li WeiYang took note of her expressions. She heard the words ‘family matters’, andthe corner of her mouth lifted, with not a trace of panic, as if it were along-awaited thing and it had finally happened.

However,Er Furen’s suggestion that shu nu should accompany and take care of Da Furenwas rather timely.

In fact,whether it was Da Furen or Er Furen, Li Wei Yang understood them well enough.

Er Furenwas clever and ambitious. She stayed by Lao Furen’s side all day and visitedher birth family from time to time, and went on pilgrimages... It was typical fora Furen in the Capital to take participate in such social events. Although shewas considerate towards Lao Furen, it was a pity that Er Laoye was a shu zi, soLao Furen did not favor him.

Er Furenalways opposed Da Furen, but sometimes, for the sake of personal gain, theywould conspire with one another. Er Furen’s attitude towards her was sincere atfirst, especially in supporting her efforts against Da Furen, but once Li WeiYang became Xianzhu, Er Furen’s intentions became clear, she sometimes treatedher indifferently and even stood in Li Wei Yang’s way. And Da Furen was agentle person on the surface, but her character was akin to needles, strong andstubborn, if she was gravely ill, she would not run to Lao Furen to lament. Herexpressions today were strangely those of weakness and vulnerability, as if shewere begging Lao Furen, but she also agreed to allow shu nu to go to Fu RuiCourtyard look after her, but why?

DaFuren’s expressions flashed in her mind, and Li Wei Yang smiled softly.

Thatafternoon, Du mama led other servants to Li Wei Yang’s place: “San Xiaojie hasdecided to look after Furen but going back and forth will not be convenient, DaFuren’s idea was... Why not move to the De Dong wing of the Fu Rui Courtyard.”She looked over to Li Wei Yang, smiling as she said: “Aside from Xiaojie, SiXiaojie and Wu Xiaojie have already moved over. In the future, Xiaojie will notneed to do anything at all aside from coming to offer well-wishes, bringingmedicine and meals to Da Furen will be enough. Moreover, the responsibilitiescan be divided between three Xiaojies, so it will not be as tiring.”

Bai Zhiand Mo Zhu glanced at each other and saw the flash of unease in the other’seyes.

Everythingwas going well, and now they were unexpectedly moving to Fu Rui Courtyard,where everything will be under Da Furen’s control. It was certainly not a goodthing.

Li WeiYang closed the book in her hand and looked to Du mama, surprisingly Du mama,who smiled and said: “Nubi has already asked Laoye, and Laoye has agreed.”

In otherwords, she had no choice but to move. Li Wei Yang smiled, since Da Furen didnot mind going through such trouble, she must not mind if Li Wei Yang adding toher troubles, then? Although they must have something in store for her thistime, if they had that much time on their hands and were looking to die, sheshould grant them their wish, “I have to trouble mama then.” She looked to BaiZhi, and Bai Zhi said: “All of you, quickly follow me. Be mindful of Xiaojie’svaluable possessions or you may lose your heads!”

Du mamacoldly looked on, wondering when San Xiaojie began to show off like this, butwhen she saw that each chest was overflowing with gold, silver, jade, andpearls, her eyes widened.

Mo Zhulaughed: “This time, Xiaojie will not be away for too long, no need to bringthe bigger ones, the everyday accessories Xiaojie likes will be enough, aiya,Yatou there, be careful! Gently, gently! This is made of white jade!”

Du mamastared intently at the jewelry inside the chests along with the exquisite rollsof silk and treasures, secretly shaking her head. How many shu nu er of ahousehold could possess these treasures? One could not blame others for sayingthe one with the most treasures in the Capital is San Xiaojie of the PrimeMinister’s residence. The Emperor had given her so many treasures, enough tolast a lifetime.

Li WeiYang saw Du mama’s expressions, smiled and said: “ Du mama, which type ofmedicine does Mother use these days?

Du mamawas startled, then she carefully answered: “The kind to nurture her health.” DaFuren had said her heart conditions could not be revealed to San Xiaojie in anyway.

Li WeiYang smiled and waved at Du mama: “Mama, sit down and talk.”

Du mamacautious sat down in a small, round chair nearby.

“I didnot grow up in this house, so I’m not aware of the affairs in the courtyard,from Mother’s interests and temperament, I don’t know any of it, so I will needto rely on mama’s advice to avoid making any mistakes.” Li Wei Yang signaled toBai Zhi, who immediately presented a red envelope to Du mama. Du mama felt theenvelope, noticed how heavy it was and immediately smiled: “San Xiaojie, howcan you say that, it is Nubi’s blessing to serve Xiaojie.”

Li WeiYang said it as if it suddenly occurred to her: “Lin mama used to be byMother’s side, why have I not seen her recently?”

Dumama’s face darkened, blood rushing to her ears.

“She--!”Du mama reluctantly smiled, “Her illness kept coming back, she told Furen andretired to her hometown.”

Lyingwithout batting an eye, Li Wei Yang actually had Lin mama thrown out to thewolves, Li Wei Yang only smiled faintly: “So that is why, Mother must rely onDu mama then.”

Then,she pretended to have just remembered: “On our way back from the temple, San ditold me something. A woman was found, torn apart by wolves behind the mountain,beyond recognition, I don’t know who though. Has Du mama heard of this?”

SanXiaojie’s voice was gentle like a meandering stream, clear as the chiming of asilver bell, pleasant to the ear, but after hearing it, Du mama was trembling,how could she not understand the meaning behind Li Wei Yang’s words.

Backthen, Lin mama was sent to meet with Jiu Yiniang but did not return. Da Furenthought she was afraid of being implicated and ran away, but hearing what LiWei Yang said, it seems she was devoured by the wolves! Although the temple wasat the top of the mountain, there were wolves behind the mountain. Perhaps SanXiaojie had disposed of Lin mama!

Du mamafelt herself shaking and brought her hand up to her forehead, only to findherself sweating profusely.

“Xianzhu...”She unconsciously changed her manner of address.

It waslike a nail was growing out of the chair, Du mama could no longer sit still andstood up.

Apeaceful silence filled the room again.

Li WeiYang smiled: “Du mama feels that it’s hot and stuffy here? Bai Zhi, quicklybring a handkerchief here!”

Bai Zhiimmediately brought a handkerchief, Du mama accepted it, not daring to say aword. She was terrified of San Xiaojie, in fact, she had always been afraid.Since she entered the residence, she had seen many things, a shu nu that no onepaid any mind to had become Lao Furen’s confidant and could even approach theImperial family. Da Furen had put in so much effort into her schemes, yet theywere hardly effective! She brought the handkerchief up to wipe away her sweatwhen she suddenly felt something damp. The smell of blood was there too, shelooked up and was horrified to see the bloodstained handkerchief.

Li WeiYang smiled: “Bai Zhi, what is this, daring to bring a dirty handkerchief to Dumama.”

Bai Zhigently said: “Du mama, please forgive this, this is the handkerchief that Linmama had left behind, Du mama, please take this with you.”

Dumama’s entire body seemed to be shaking, racked with fear, and she cried out.

SanXiaojie knows everything!

She tookin deep breaths and tried to recollect herself, but her voice was stilltrembling.

“Xianzhu,Nubi understands Xianzhu’s intentions!” She raised her head and looked at LiWei Yang, earnestly saying: “Furen, it’s true Furen has wronged Xianzhu in thepast, but recently, Furen’s health has not been good, Da Xiaojie is not by herside, she is all alone and truly pitiful, Nubi dares to ask for Xianzhu’s graceto not continue to resent Da Furen...”

“Du mamais rather loyal to Da Furen.” Li Wei Yang’s voice was gentle. She was stillsmiling, “I heard that year, the person who took me out of the residence, wasyou!”

Hearingthis, Du mama suddenly felt a chill rising from the soles of her feet to herchest, making her freeze up. It was springtime and warm, but every one of LiWei Yang’s words made her involuntarily stiffen as if frozen.

She hadhelped Da Furen harm many people these years and had soon forgotten about whathappened that year, but every time she saw San Xiaojie, she still felt uneasy.She thought Li Wei Yang was too young to know the truth behind everything...

Shelooked up at Li Wei Yang.

Li WeiYang had a neutral smile. Her eyes dark as the water at the bottom of the well,her dimples showing, as if she was only talking to Du mama, there was not atrace of anger or frustration. If Li Wei Yang was furious, Du mama had a way topacify her, but she was calm, which made the situation more difficult tounderstand.

Shouldshe say something or not?

Du mamahesitated for a while. Li Wei Yang was still waiting. The footsteps of theYatous in the courtyard were more evident because of the silence that hadsettled over them. Li Wei Yang was to move to Furen’s courtyard immediately! Dumama clenched her teeth and said: “If Nubi speaks, then what will Xianzhu givein return?”

Li WeiYang smiled faintly, having lived here for many years, one knows how to choosethe most beneficial path for themselves.

“500liang.” She slowly proposed.

Du mamathought for a moment, five hundred liang, she could find a bride for her son,chase away the hens that could no longer lay eggs, renovate their home... Ofcourse, she could also use the Li family’s name to buy a small piece offarmland in the countryside.

Except...She was still hesitant.

“Gold.”Li Wei Yang continued.

Du mamatrembled, this time, not out of fear but excitement, she had devoted half alifetime to Da Furen, and she had yet to see even a liang of gold.

Hervoice quivered slightly: “Nubi understands.”

Li WeiYang told her: “Sit down.”

Du mamaslowly began: “That year when Qi Yiniang entered the residence, she was gentleand lovely, Laoye quickly took a liking to her, but this yiniang happened to beFuren’s Yatou. If Furen did not agree, then Laoye could not take her. Furenrealized this and was not furious, she continued to keep Qi Yiniang by herside. Some time later, Furen’s meimei, ah, Xiaojie knows this person, Wei GuoFuren, there was a confrontation while she was traveling by horse carriage. Anold scholar was killed in the process, and it was brought to Bixia’s attention.Wei Guo Furen looked to Laoye, asking Laoye to intervene, but Laoye declined,saying that the Li family would not be involved in such matters. For thatreason, Da Furen prepared wine for Laoye and allowed him to take Qi Yiniang tohis chambers.”

Du mamalooked up at Li Wei Yang, her voice growing quieter: “Drunk, Laoye accepted QiYiniang and even dirtied Furen’s chambers, leaving Furen no face. Laoye feltashamed, so he agreed to help. However, in truth, Furen was worried, SanYiniang was favored the moment she arrived and opposed Furen, Furen was nearlyinjured once, it was Qi Yiniang who selflessly rushed to save Furen. It wasthen that Furen promised her that she would let her go and find a household forher to marry into, but shortly after, she had given Yiniang to Laoye. QiYiniang not consenting was nothing out of the ordinary...”

Li WeiYang sneered, turning away. It was not something Da Furen did once or twice, itwas because Tan shi was too trusting of others.

“Backthen, Liu Yiniang was rather haughty, so Furen brought Qi Yiniang in to controlher. Qi Yiniang did not fall short, she quickly became pregnant with child.Laoye respected Qi Yiniang, and Qi Yiniang had a high status, moreover, afortune teller had said that Qi Yiniang’s child would stand above others. Thismade Furen uneasy. She feared that she would lose control over Qi Yiniang andprepared drugs... so Qi Yiniang would give birth early in February...”

“Laoyeoriginally wanted to have Xiaojie suffocated, but it was Qi Yiniang who kneltin the cold, in the ice and snow, begging Laoye to let Xiaojie live...”

Du mamacautiously glanced over at Li Wei Yang as she spoke.

Li WeiYang’s face did not have a trace of emotion, even after hearing this. Du mamafelt a bit uneasy, and in hopes of pleasing her, continued to say: “WithLaoye’s grace, Xiaojie was sent to Pingcheng to be raised, Da Furen was not atease yet, so she often sent someone to check, after that, it seems they toldthat household something, and Xiaojie was taken to a rural household. BecauseDa furen held the word of life or death...”

Li WeiYang lightly said: “Du mama, do not speak carelessly, if Mother had illintentions, she would have left me in the countryside for the rest of my life.”

Du mamafrowned: “Xianzhu, let Nubi finish, at first, this was Furen’s intention, butlater on, she heard that Xiaojie’s appearance was not bad, and Xiaojie had aweak personality, Furen thought perhaps San Xiaojie will be useful in thefuture, since there was only Da Xiaojie of Dafeng, so she had brought Xiaojieback - ” Who would have thought Furen brought back a feral wolf, Du mamathought to herself, continuing to smile kindly.

Li WeiYang stood up, “Alright, Du mama has finished, I should go to Mother’scourtyard to pay my respects.”

Not aword of resentment? Not even a hint of indignance, Du mama could not understandLi Wei Yang’s thoughts. She stepped forward and said: “Xianzhu, what you agreedto...”

Li WeiYang paused and glanced at Du mama before telling Bai Zhi: “Bring the banknotehere.”

Du mamasmiled widely: “Thank you, Xianzhu.”

Once LiWei Yang had left, Du mama breathed a sigh of relief, gripped the banknote inher hand, hidden under her sleeve, and wiped away the sweat on her forehead.

Outside,Bai Zhi quietly said: “Xiaojie, Xiaojie really believes that lao dongxi? Shehas helped Furen carry out quite a few schemes!”

Li WeiYang smiled faintly as if she saw Du mama through the window: “I do, whywouldn’t I?”

“ButNubi still feels she is not truly helping Xiaojie.” Bai Zhi frowned. “Nubicould follow Du mama for Xiaojie, if Da Furen makes a move, we will be able toguard against it in time.”

Li WeiYang shook her head, “No need, do your job well and that will be enough.”

Bai Zhifelt that Li Wei Yang was underestimating her opponent, “Xiaojie, Nubi is notoverthinking this, Nubi only fears ...”

Li WeiYang chuckled: “You, you are still young yet worrying until your hair is allwhite.”

“Xiaojie!Nubi is only worried for Xiaojie!” Bai Zhi cried out indignantly.

Li WeiYang sighed, looking off into the distance: “Don’t worry, everything is stillin our hands.”

A whilelater, Li Wei Yang saw Qi Yiniang running over with ragged breaths, who wasfrightened to see Du mama there. Du mama smiled: “Qi Yiniang has arrived.” QiYiniang was now Shuren of the Third Rank, she was no longer the Yiniang theYatous once looked down on.

Dumama’s greeting left Qi Yiniang somewhat stunned.

Li WeiYang glanced at Du mama and said: “You should return to Mother’s courtyard,tell her I am preparing my belongings and that I will come over soon.”

“Yes.”Du mama respectfully replied, then she quickly left.

Onlywhen Du mama had left through the great doors did Qi Yiniang approach her: “Youabsolutely must not go to Da Furen’s courtyard!”

Seeingher worry-stricken expression, Li Wei Yang smiled and asked: “Why?”

“Thismatter—” Qi Yiniang wanted to say something but decided against it.

Bai Zhismiled as she took her leave: “Nubi must prepare tea for Yiniang.”

Seeingthe others leave, Qi Yiniang hurriedly said: “No one can guess what is on DaFuren’s mind, you must know that!”

QiYiniang was a simple person, but she wasn’t naive. Li Wei Yang could not helpbut smile.

QiYiniang saw her smile and indignantly continued: “Foolish Yatou, you must bemore careful!” Her eyes became glassy, brimming with tears.

Li WeiYang smiled and offered a handkerchief: “Niang, rest assured, I won’t fall forher schemes.”

“Youdon’t know how she schemed against me, I had just stepped foot into thecourtyard, yet I was already terrified!” Qi Yiniang said, growing pale. Li WeiYang reassured her: “No, food and arrangements will be left to trusted Yatous,no one will be able to slip anything in.”

Hearingthis made Qi Yiniang feel more at ease, Li Wei Yang added a couple more wordsof consolation, then had her escorted back.


Translator: Chau

Editor: Panisa (In Progress)


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