The Princess Wei Yang

Chapter 83 part2

[2] Wangshu - Imperial uncle, the Emperor’s brother

[3] A beauty, beautiful woman

[4] Yongping Marquis

[5] Zheng fei - Imperial Princess, the official wife of a prince, not a consort or a concubine

Tuoba Yu stared intently into her eyes: “I didnot think you, a young girl, would be more decisive than myself.”

It occurred to Tuoba Yu that Li Wei Yang waswilling to help him at any cost, perhaps she had feelings for him. Something inhis heart began to stir, like willow leaves brushing across the surface ofwater. He subconsciously wanted to touch her hand.

Li Wei Yang suddenly took a couple steps back,avoiding his hand.

Tuoba Yu was puzzled, unable to understand herreaction.

Li Wei Yang understood herself, the look inher eyes returning to normal, her expressions gentle: “Qi Dianxia, I hope youunderstand that I may be helping you, but no such affections will come inbetween.”

Tuoba Yu was completely speechless, theidealistic bubble from within had disappeared without a trace. Despite his coldexpressions, his astonishment was clear.

Behind the decorative mountain, Li Min Desmiled.

He knew Sanjie would not see Tuoba Yu thatway. Perhaps realizing that leaving Gongzhu to eavesdrop had been foolish, helooked down and wryly smiled. His lowered eyelashes seemed to hide hisfeelings, the youthful lines of his eyebrows made his face seem warmer, thesadness and frustration had soon evaporated.

However, Li Wei Yang’s attitude did not angerTuoba Yu. On the other hand, he felt that Li Wei Yang’s eyes were consumed witha fiery passion that could burn others alive - only at this time, he had yet tounderstand that those were not feelings towards him but her hatred againstTuoba Zhen.

“If Qi Dianxia feels that I have spokenwisely, then you should quickly take action against Tuoba Zhen.” Li Wei Yangreminded him.

Tuoba Yu was still hesitant: “San ge, I haveactually wronged him.” His eyes wavered, revealing his inner turmoil.

Li Wei Yang could not help but look to him: “Idon’t understand what you are trying to say.”

Tuoba Yu paused. He did not know why but inher presence, he was prepared to tell her everything: “San ge’s birth motherwas a low-born palace maid. This is something everyone knows, but there arecertain details outsiders do not know of.”

Tuoba Zhen’s mother, Liu pin was originally apalace maid that caught the Emperor’s attention and was suddenly elevated to ahigh status.After that, she gave birth to a lovely little huangzi. Those were happier days,unfortunately, she died not long after. Li Wei Yang knew this part of thestory, but Tuoba Zhen had never mentioned a word of it to her. Others did notdare to speak of it either, so when she heard this, she asked: “Could therehave been a particular reason?”

Tuoba Yu had kept it in his heart for almostten years and did not even tell Zhang De Fei. He always felt that it was astone at the bottom of his heart, a burden he could not get rid of it. Now thewords were waiting on the tip of his tongue, eager to be heard.

“It had to do with me.” Tuoba Yu spokefrankly, unearthing the secrets hidden in his heart to Li Wei Yang. Heintuitively trusted her, “That year, the Imperial guards discovered outsidershad entered the Forbidden Palace, so every place was to be searched. I wasgoing home after class. On my way back, I saw a silhouette with a large daggerflash by. I was only six years old and scared. The dark garbed individualsleapt up and down, then disappeared over the palace walls. A while later, thehead of the Imperial guards led pursuers over on horseback--” It was as if thepast appeared before his eyes. Tuoba Yu’s voice grew hoarse and strangelyforeboding: “The guards asked which direction they went off in, everyone elsewas terrified, unable to say a word, but I said they went northwest.”

Li Wei Yang slightly pursed her lips as hisintense gaze landed on her. She was afraid this had more to do with othersecrets in the palace than him.

“Liu pin’s Fei Cui Palace was in thatdirection. The guards surrounded Fei Cui Palace, Fu Huang came as well, he hadnot expected the guards whom he personally sent out to search had found thesecret letter Liu pin had sent to Zhou Wangshu outside the Palace. Thatyear Zhou Wangshu battled against Fu Huang for the throne, his entire familywas imprisoned, and now a letter from the Emperor’s concubine to Zhou Wangshuhad been found... How could Fu Huang spare her?”

Tuoba Yu finished his anecdote with a wearyexpression.

Li Wei Yang did not say anything. She alreadyknew the outcome. The Emperor was furious and Liu pin was executed, then ZhouWangshu’s entire family was eliminated. Later on, Tuoba Zhen was brought to WuXian Fei to raise, Wu Xian Fei was close to the Empress, so Tuoba Zhen andTaizi were close and deeply respected the Empress. However, this part of thestory was left out by Wu Xian Fei. Likewise, the Emperor announced that Liu pindied of an illness, leaving some face for Tuoba Zhen. Those who knew the truth,knew very clearly that despite her low-birth, Liu pin had given birth to aprince, and someone found her to be an eyesore and found a way to harm her.

Li Wei Yang smiled: “The person behind itseems to know Bixia’s temperament well, understanding Bixia wanted to eliminateZhou Wangshu at the very roots, so they found a good excuse for him to do so.”

Tuoba Yu was taken aback.

Li Wei Yang’s voice was calm but emotionless:“Dianxia, is it still not clear? Many matters, Dianxia should not overthink,perhaps they have nothing to do with you. Dianxia saw the dark garbed intrudersand told the truth, there is nothing wrong with that. In the end, the personwho truly killed Liu pin, for one, is the person behind this, second would bethe Emperor Bixia himself. Whether Liu pin conspired with outsiders or not isnot important, the important thing is that the Emperor only needed to sacrificea meiren to uproot Zhou Wangshu.”

How could Tuoba Yu not understand this, but hefelt guilty because if it wasn’t for him, perhaps Liu pin would not be dead. Hehad pointed the guards in that direction, helping the culprit accuse Liu pin ofthe crime. For that reason, Tuoba Yu still tolerated Tuoba Zhen out of guilt,moreover, he could sympathize as they were both sons of the Emperor, and wouldhave to face slaughter and bloodshed.

“You are right, Fu Huang’s reaction was thedeciding factor in this matter. If he had believed Liu pin, then he would notallow San ge to lose his mother at a young age.” Tuoba Yu murmured, hisexpressions growing bitter, unable to explain his conflict.

Li Wei Yang laughed, and in this tense moment,her bright smile seemed even more brilliant. Tuoba Yu looked at her insurprise, Li Wei Yang’s expressions hardened like ice: “Do not pity Tuoba Zhen,if anything, Tuoba Zhen had soon guessed who was behind it.”

Tuoba Yu frowned.

“Concerning this, who has the most to gainfrom it?” Li Wei Yang asked with a smile.

Behind the decorative mountain, Li Min Decould not help but frown. By saying this, Sanjie clearly meant...

“Wu Xian Fei.” Tuoba Yu answered.

Li Wei Yang’s smile seemed warm and gentle:“Indeed, Wu Xian Fei, she has Yongping Hou supporting her and Bixia’s favor,but her greatest flaw was being childless. Surely she must steal someone else’schild, but she could not touch the others. Naturally, the most appropriatetarget was Liu pin without any support and had given birth to San Huangzi.”

Tuoba Yu did not say anything. Although hefelt Wu Xian Fei was not a cruel woman in those regards, his intuition told himLi Wei Yang was right.

“As for the person behind Liu pin’s death,Bixia knows, the Empress knows, and Tuoba Zhen certainly knows. The importantthing is that he chose his enemy to be his adoptive mother. Even if he canfight back, he will still pretend to be a filial son. He has grown up and canavenge Liu pin, yet he remains Wu Xian Fei’s good son and good grandson ofYongping Hou Ye, does Dianxia not understand? For the throne, he iswilling to do everything! Even if he was told to kneel down and kiss Wu XianFei’s feet, he would solemnly do so, he has no fear or shame!” If anything,Tuoba Zhen had caught onto Tuoba Yu’s hesitance and pressed every bit ofusefulness he could from this.

This person was far more terrifying than evilspirits and demons.

“You are saying San ge is ruthless.” Tuoba Yufrowned in disagreement.

Li Wei Yang laughed aloud, thought to herself,you have no idea, he is far more ruthless than you could imagine, someone whocould cut off the legs and kill off the official wife who supported him throughdifficult times and was even prepared to die for him. This man, you still hopethat he will have a shred of conscience?

“This world has always been unfair, if onedoes not want to be the fish, then you can only be the fisherman’s knife!” LiWei Yang coldly retorted.

She had said enough today and was notinterested in saying more. If one was to lament injustice, then in this life,no one was as unjust as the Heavens were to her! She was born in aninauspicious month and driven out of the Li residence, if it wasn’t for SanHuangzi’s marriage prospects, then in this life, she would never become LiXiaojie. Later on in life, countless other miseries would keep her company. Shewallowed in her resentment for a long time and lamented to the almighty Heavensfor the glaring injustices.

Although her fury burned vehemently that year,perhaps because she had soon destroyed this injustice. Li Wei Yang laughedhoarsely, her voice brimming with confidence, arrogance, and even passion: “Aslong as you are the ruler of this world, what you say is fair, and no one wouldsay half a word!” Li Wei Yang’s stare burned like a fiery cloud.

Tuoba Yu slightly shuddered, not out of fearbut the passion Li Wei Yang had ignited! She could express his aspirations sovividly, how could he not be moved? He wanted to become Emperor and truly standat the peak of the world!

Seeing the changes in his attitude, asatisfied smile appeared on her face: “Dianxia, the palace struggles change inthe blink of an eye, both sides put in every last bit of strength. Life anddeath are decided in a moment, has there been anyone destined for great thingswho could not be cut down by the enemy? Therefore, I hope that before TuobaZhen takes action, you must cut off his wings, so he would never dare to touchthe throne!”

Her breathing was overflowing with hatred andanger. Tuoba Yu did not notice this, he only felt she had taken someone bysurprise and evoked surging emotions.

Nearby, Li Min De listened, a smile appearingon his lips as if intrigued.

He did not think Li Wei Yang was merciless, heonly felt she was passionate. Daring to love, daring to hate, daring to thinkand even take action, while paying no mind to others’ opinions, somethingstirred in his heart like warm wine sloshing in the wine pot. He quietlyretreated along the worn path. No one would have thought he was hiding behindthe artificial mountain, Tuoba Yu’s guards stood outside, even the Li familywere not aware of a hiding place within the decorative mountain.

Tuoba Yu sighed in relief: “I understand now.I know what I must do now.”

Li Wei Yang smiled faintly.

Tuoba Yu caught onto her subtle expressions,his heart stirred - he felt a warm and tender stirring. In this conversation,the unease that had accumulated in his heart suddenly dissipated, as long as LiWei Yang supported and understood him, in the future, even if the world judgedhim, he would feel that he had acted righteously.

He realized his feelings towards Li Wei Yangwere completely different from before.

She had evoked an intimacy that made him feelas if they were old friends.

Tuoba Yu instinctively stepped forward andtightly held Li Wei Yang’s hand. After speaking with her for so long, he feltthat she was a highly important person and would not let go.

Li Wei Yang furrowed her eyebrows, the silencethat had settled over the two of them slowly grew ambiguous.

On a moment of impulse, Tuoba Yu had decided.Holding her hand tightly, his voice was calm yet determined: “I will make arequest to Fu Huang to make you Zheng fei.”

Tuoba Yu promised her the position of Zhengfei. Li Wei Yang understood his intentions but did not reveal her bashfulnessor panic. She was a determined, logical individual, not a xiao guniang thateasily became infatuated. Her eyes gleamed under the sunshine like warm water,but her eyes were cold: “Dianxia, I have already said that such affections arenot reliable. I will help you but only as an associate and a friend. You need awife who can help you, not someone who holds the title of Xianzhu only in name.If you put this request forward again, forgive me for being impolite.” Shequickly withdrew her hand.

She understood herself. While she had theappearance of a xiao guniang, only remnants of her were left within, it wasdifficult for genuine feelings to arise. For that reason, she would not forgether vow in the previous life! She would not enter the palace or become TuobaYu’s Zheng fei or anyone else’s, she did not want to relive that experienceagain! Whether it was Tuoba Yu or anyone else, nothing would change herdecision!

She knew the more power a noble had, the morelikely they will act on their words. Turning down someone like that is nodifferent from skinning a tiger, but when she refused, she was not afraid atall because if Tuoba Yu was enraged by her refusal, then he would not be ableto pursue the plans they discussed. Least to say, she wanted to ally herselfwith Tuoba Yu, not as a loyal subordinate, nor as a woman he would love andcherish either, he must familiarize himself with her manner of conduct!

Tuoba Yu saw the cold, detached expression onher face felt a bit dejected and reluctantly let go of her hand.

Li Wei Yang immediately interjected: “I haveto return. Forgive me.” She turned and left, curt and brief.

Tuoba Yu blankly looked after her as she left,feeling saddened, but he was not worried, there would be many opportunities towin her heart in the future, there must be!

Li Wei Yang’s mind was racing, she had notexpected Tuoba Yu to bring up a request like that. She did not know if he hadgenuine feelings or if he simply felt they were aboard the same boat? Based onthis, when this situation arises, she should not continue to meet Tuoba Yu.

But the palace struggles have only begun. TheEmpress gave birth to Taizi, but over the years, the Emperor has been occupiedwith court affairs, so he did not closely follow up on Taizi or the Empress’sdeclining health, whose efforts were concentrated on helping the Emperor.Helping Taizi had its limit, leading Taizi to have a weak and mediocre resolve.If someone like that were to become Emperor, nothing good would come from it.At least he was not a ruthless man, but the Emperor had more favorable sons.Others will notice Wu Huangzi Tuoba Rui and Qi Huangzi Tuoba Yu. Firstly, for aHuangzi to ascend to the throne, they must rely on the support of the maternalclan and their own abilities. Without these two conditions, a Huangzi, while talented,can only gaze upon the throne from afar. No one had considered that there wasstill a venomous snake in the grasses, dreaming of becoming Emperor... She wastemporarily helping Tuoba Yu until Tuoba Zhen was defeated.

In the pavilion, Jiu Gongzhu cried out infrustration: “He tricked me, saying he needed to go to the bathroom, where didhe run off to!”

Li Wei Yang smiled as she approached her,asking: “Did Gongzhu lose Li Min De?”

Jiu Gongzhu was furious, but seeing Li WeiYang’s smile, she instinctively took a few steps back: “I... I...” She wasterrified of this young woman who simply smiled but feared neither the Heavensnor Earth.

Tuoba Yu came and picked Jiu Gongzhu up by thecollar: “Let’s go. You still don’t want to go back, your Mufei must be worried!”

Jiu Gongzhu was carried up. She defiantlyshook her fists: “Qi ge, put me down! Qi ge, you are too much!”

Seeing a xiao guniang being carried away byTuoba Yu, the others quickly followed.

Li Wei Yang smiled and turned away: “Alright,they’ve left. You can come out now.”

Li Min De came out from the side, smiling:“How did Sanjie know I was here?”


Translator: Chau

Editor: Panisa (In Progress)


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