The Princess Wei Yang

Chapter 89 part2

母妃2 – ladymother

五马分尸3 – a death sentence whereby the offender’s limbsand head would be tied using rope to five horses, and the horses would move inseparate directions to tear the offender apart.

属下4 – subordinate.

The next morning, someone discovered the tracksof the white wolf near the hunting grounds. The emperor was superbly excitedand brought out a huge regiment of cavalry to hunt it down.

Theladies were equally thrilled at the news.

“The white wolf is a sly animal, whoevercatches it each year is hailed as a hero!”

“Bi Xia had ever caught it alive before, butwhat a pity it died after a few days because it stopped eating and drinking!”

“I’ve heard that its pelt is warm andcomfortable, so if you wear it in the winter, you won’t have to wear anotherfur coat. If it is used to make a fur collar, it’ll definitely be gorgeous andimpressive!”

“Yes yes, I wonder who will be the championthis year!”

Everyone was enthusiastically discussing aboutthe highlight of the hunt.

After staying in her tent for three days, sheattracted quite a lot of attention the moment Li Weiyang came out.

“Xianzhu, previously you fell from the horsewhile riding, are you feeling better now?”

“Yes I am, thank you, Liu Xiaojie, for yourconcern.” Li Weiyang smiled gently at the Qian Jin1 of the FinanceMinister.

“You’re so brave, Rou Fei Niang Niang has beenpraising you; she has been telling everyone that if not for you, Jiu Gongzhuwould have been in danger!” quipped her neighbour Sun Xiaojie. Hailing from amilitary family, Sun Xiaojie admired ladies who were valiant and graceful, soafter hearing how Li Weiyang rushed forward bravely to protect Jiu Gongzhu, sheinevitably had formed a good impression of her.

Li Weiyang smiled modestly. “If Sun Xiaojie hadbeen around, I’m sure you would have done the same, and possibly even betterthan me.”

Sun Xiaojie grinned back. That was true, herriding and shooting skills were one of the best.

“You’ve missed quite a lot of thrilling actionin the two days that you were away! At the moment, San Dianxia and Wu Dianxiaare currently tied at second place, and Qi Dianxia has the lead with mostquarry caught!” Lin Xiaojie was enraptured by the activities at the huntinggrounds.

Li Weiyang glanced into the distance, hearingthe rumble of horse hooves, seeing the clouds of dust they kicked up. Countlessriders were storming the hunting grounds, capturing their prey. It was indeed,a magnificent sight.

“Hng, some people are obviously trying to usetheir wounds to gain attention, flaunting her prowess just because she saved JiuGongzhu. It was only a trivial matter after all!” A cold voice pierced throughthe ruckus.

Li Weiyang arched her brows towards the source,which turned out to be a cool and haughty Gao Min.

Gao Min met her eyes, and her heart skipped abeat. She continued her tirade. “It was only an eagle which spooked the horse,what is there to show off!”

Li Weiyang lowered her gaze. Gao Min’s presenceat the scene could not be just a random coincidence. It may be that she waswatching her, or she had something to do with the incident. Either way, she wasdefinitely up to no good.

Li Weiyang gave it some thought, then stood upwith a smile on her face. “That day, I saw how Biao Jie was riding splendidly,I wonder if you would dare to pit your skills against mine?”

Gao Min hmphed coolly. “Of course I’m notafraid!” She saw how Li Weiyang fell from her horse, so naturally she felt thather riding skills were just so-so. She wanted to take this chance to squash LiWeiyang’s pride and reputation; let everyone see for themselves who is the mostoutstanding lady!

Sun Xiaojie clapped excitedly. “Good, good! Ilove watching riding competitions! I’ll be the judge!”

Gao Min leapt up onto her horse, smirking at LiWeiyang as if to goad her.

Li Weiyang only smiled. She made her way downand without anyone to help her, jumped onto her saddle. Seeing how nimble andgraceful she was while mounting her horse, Sun Mingyu knew at once what a goodrider she was. “We’ll take that red line as the boundary, I’ll count to three,and whomever reaches first wins!”

“Li Weiyang, since you want to embarrassyourself so badly, I’ll grant your wish!” Gao Min tilted her chin, as proud asa gorgeous peacock.

Li Weiyang’s reply was a small smile, and sheexchanged a glance with Zhaoyue, who was on the stage.

Zhaoyue nodded, lightly gesturing to show thatshe understood.

In these three days past, Zuo Yuan had beenwaiting for a second chance, but Li Weiyang had stayed behind in her tent withthe entrance firmly shut, so he could not make his move. And just now, LiWeiyang was constantly surrounded by the other Xiaojies, hence he couldn’tcommit any rash decisions either, lest he be exposed easily.

However, this foolish Li Weiyang suddenlydecided to compete against Gao Min; what an extremely good chance! Zuo Yuan gotexcited just by thinking about it. He fixed his sights on the mounted LiWeiyang, his intent to kill getting sharper by the second. He stayed hidden,thinking hard of how to make her death look like an accident. Even if he killedher himself, they might not be able to discover that it was him; with so manypeople around, it couldn’t be that easy to investigate, could it? However, hestill did not dare to take the risk.

At this moment, the ongoing hunt seemed to bedrawing to a close, and a huge group of cavalry and foot soldiers alike wereheading back with their prey. All of them were carrying bows and arrows; ZuoYuan revealed a sinister grin, wasn’t this a chance granted by heaven itself?He just had to hide in the crowd and direct his arrow towards Li Weiyang, sothat witnesses would think that it was just a stray arrow. Hence no killercould be found, because how was that his fault!

He’dbe promoted faster than he could imagine!

“Three,two, one!” Sun Xiaojie flourished her silk scarf, flushing red with excitement.

With a tight squeeze, Gao Min prompted thehorse into a gallop, flying ahead with the wind whistling freely in her ears.The speed brought to her a sense of pleasure and pride. Li Weiyang gave aslight smile, and brandishing her whip, she caught up with Gao Min’s pace,leisurely just one step behind her. As Gao Min heard the clatter of hooves, sheturned her head, only to catch sight of Li Weiyang right behind her. Enraged,she gave her horse another lick of the whip to get it to speed up.

The ladies on the viewing stage usually did notleave their mansions, so they had never seen such a presentation before.Everyone was thrilled, forgetting about their well-practiced manners andcheering loudly for Li Weiyang and Gao Min.

Wei Guo Furen was watching on with cold andunflinching eyes; in her heart, the winner would definitely be Gao Min. In herutter confidence, she sat chatting with the other Furens, not paying muchattention to the race.

The scarlet line was just before their eyes. Acold smile appeared on Li Weiyang’s lips; she flicked her whip, sending her neckto neck with Gao Min.

It seemed like it was going to be a draw.

Amongst the crowd, shouts rang out from themounted archers, and someone with evil intentions was drawing his bow.

“Move away!”

“Danger!” From her viewpoint, Sun Xiaojie saw asharp flash of light streak towards Li Weiyang, and immediately shouted awarning.

In that critical moment, Li Weiyang felt thesame lance of light rush past her eyes, and she smiled coldly. This is themoment!

Right now, Zuo Yuan, Li Weiyang, and Gao Min’spositions had formed up a straight line. Rather than suggest that Gao Min wascoincidentally the last person at the end of the line, it would be moreappropriate to say that Li Weiyang had purposely positioned herself behind GaoMin, drawing the attention of the assassin.

The arrow had been loosened.

Li Weiyang kicked lightly with her toes,slowing her horse to a trot and arching her body away. The piercing arrow whichshould have ended her life missed her just like that. With a shrill whistle, itbrushed past the top of Li Weiyang’s head and embedded itself deeply into GaoMin’s shoulder; but that didn’t stop its burst of energy. The force of theimpact sent Gao Min flying entirely out of her saddle, as if she was a kite.She landed heavily on the ground.

Tuoba Zhen, Tuoba Yu and the other princes werepart of the group that had finished the hunt, returning in time just to witnessthis horrible scene. Wu Huangzi burst out: “It’s that witch!”

The sharp arrow had zoomed past Li Weiyang’shead, shattering only her hairpiece, so her dark tresses were suddenly flowingfreely in the wind, and then falling slowly and smoothly like an ebony streamof spring water, to her waist. The sight was so mesmerizing that it took thecrowd’s breath away. As she lifted her face away from her cloud of unboundhair, her gaze was crystal cold and entrancing. Tuoba Yu gazed at her blankly,lost in the confusing beauty she had. It was like a reflection of the moon onwater; unrealistic, but impossibly attractive and hard to look away.

Everyoneforgot about Gao Min in that minute; they were dumbstruck by Li Weiyang.

Until Wei Guo Furen let out a heartrendingwail, screaming as if she was torn apart and rushing down from the viewingplatform.

“Min Er!”

Many of them recovered their senses then,sprinting towards where Gao Min lay; however, she had already lostconsciousness, her blood seeping and spreading onto the ground. She lookedbroken, like a ragdoll.

“Get the royal physician, quickly get himhere!” Tuoba Zhen roared.

LiWeiyang suddenly screamed out, “Capture that man! This arrow came from him!”

Zuo Yuan had originally planned to make use ofthe chaos to escape the scene, but he froze on the spot as everybody’s shockedgaze locked onto him. How could it be! In such a mere second, how did LiWeiyang manage to dodge the arrow, and how did she know it was him! His bloodturned to ice in his veins; it was impossible!

Tuoba Yu took a single glance at him. Anunexplainable emotion flitted across his eyes, and he ordered coolly for him tobe tied up.

Completely stunned, Zuo Yuan was surrounded bysoldiers and pinned down to the ground!

The royal physician arrived swiftly, and afterchecking on Gao Min carefully, he announced: “The arrow wound is not fatal, butas she was riding at such a fast speed, the impact of the fall has broken herspine. I’m afraid that for the rest of her life...”

Wei Guo Furen screeched uncontrollably in ahigh pitch, rushing at Zuo Yuan like a mad woman and clawing at his face withher sharp nails. Zuo Yuan was shouting in pain at her animalistic fury, but ashis hands and feet were bound tightly, he had no way to resist her. His facewas soon bloody and disfigured, but Wei Guo Furen did not stop her screams.“You return me my daughter! Return her to me!”

Only Tuoba Yu approached Li Weiyang. “Are youalright?”

Li Weiyang watched the scene coolly. “That man,who is he?”

Tuoba Yu did not know how to reply her. Hiswell sculpted face was lit up by the rays of the afternoon sun, giving off agolden glow. In the midst of his brilliant visage, he looked uncomfortable, asif he couldn’t believe what was happening. “He is one of mine.”

After saying that sentence, he felt extremelyrelieved. He could have chosen to lie to her, but such an untruth would onlylet him feel guilty, so he’d rather be straightforward.

Li Weiyang’s gaze suddenly chilled him to hisbones.

In that moment, Tuoba Yu felt like his heart hadbeen frozen by her frosty stare.

He had known that there were ice shards in herheart; doubt, indifference, distance. He had tried his best to understand her,but he could still feel that these feelings were stubbornly enrooted in her; abit of simple warmth couldn’t melt her so easily. Especially now, the sharplook she gave him was freezing.

“I know that this incident had nothing to dowith you, but you have to give me an explanation. If anything like this happensagain, I cannot guarantee you that the arrow will not be targeted towards DeFei Niang Niang.” She might have sounded indifferent, but she made it extremelyclear that she would not grant any mercy on Tuoba Yu’s behalf. If they made herangry, she could always give her information to others; Tuoba Yu need her helpmore than she needed him. Did this mother and son pair misunderstand thesituation?

“I will speak with Mu Fei2 and clearthings up. This will not happen again.” Tuoba Yu looked dejected.

Li Weiyang watched coolly as Zuo Yuan wasescorted away. “I want him to pay with his life.”

Tuoba Yu could only nod. “I’ll bring you hishead.”

“For those who dare to lay a finger on me, Iwon’t care if they’ll have to be torn apart.” Li Weiyang blinked calmly.

Tuoba Yu was speechless, but finally nodded.“Of course.”

From one point of view, Li Weiyang was muchcrueller than him, but she was also very decisive and ruthless towards enemieswho wished her harm.

“How did you discover him just now?” It musthave been hard to find him amongst the crowd.

“Zhaoyue, show Qi Dianxia your treasure.” LiWeiyang waved her forwards.

Zhaoyue had already rushed over to Li Weiyangearlier. As stony-faced as her mistress, she flashed the bronze mirror hiddenin her sleeves, and Tuoba Yu understood at once.

“I had asked Zhaoyue to pay attention to oursurroundings, so when that person shot the arrow, she signalled me.” Li Weiyangonly gave him a simple explanation, but the details were much more complicated.How did Zhaoyue discover Zuo Yuan, how to catch the best timing, and how topass on their pre-arranged signal; she did not bother with the specifics, but TuobaYu knew it all.

It was merely a show.

Li Weiyang’s challenge to Gao Min was a sincereinvitation to her own death.

“Why did you choose Gao Min?” Tuoba Yu wantedto know; because he understood that athough Li Weiyang was ruthless, shewouldn’t prey on the innocent.

Li Weiyang smiled. “Somebody witnessed Wei GuoFuren and Gao Min constantly paying visits to De Fei Niang Niang’s tent for thepast few days. Seeing how much they care for me, shouldn’t I repay them thesame kindness? Imagine being bedridden for the rest of her life, such kind oftorture for Gao Min should be slightly better than death, isn’t it? Wei GuoFuren would be pleased that she won’t die, at least, and I doubt she would letthat man off easily too.”

Tuoba Zhen was watching them from afar,thinking that they were exchanging words of intimacy as he wasn’t withinhearing range. He saw Li Weiyang’s small smile, and even though it was a coldsmile, he couldn’t bear the jealously. Wrenching his head away, he shouted out:“Quickly lift Gao Xiaojie up!”

Onlookers hurriedly went over to carry Gao Min,and some Xiaojies had fainted with fright, so others also helped them up. In adaze, Sun Xiaojie remained where she was, lowering her head down to look at herown hands. She had touched Gao Min just now, so her hands were filled withfresh blood. Li Weiyang went to her side, hearing Sun Xiaojie mutter. “Blood,so much blood...”

“Biao Jie must be severely injured.” Li Weiyangsounded concerned.

As she wiped away the blood on her hands withher scarf, Sun Xiaojie sighed. “I’m afraid that she will never be able to standfor the rest of her life. Aiya, what a close shave, if that arrow had hit you,it would have been fatal! I wonder who was such a blind fool, and to think thataccidental injuries like this happens every year!”

“Yes, Biao Jie is so pitiful.” Li Weiyang’ssmile was tinged with sympathy and regret.

Because such accidents occurred every year, noone paid any special attention to what had transpired in the day. Everyone justfelt that Gao Min was plain unlucky. As for Zuo Yuan, his offence towardsMarquis Bo Chang caused him to be downgraded to a commoner, but his life was tobe spared until investigations were complete. However, it was as if he lost hismind; he escaped from his holding area and ran out of the hunting grounds. Thenext day, he was found torn to shreds by a black bear.

“Xiaojie, I suppose this would count as beingdrawn and quartered3.” Zhaoyue said.

Li Weiyang smiled. “It seems that Tuoba Yu is aman of his words.”

Zuo Yuan had attempted to kill her twice, sothis was what he deserved. As for De Fei... Li Weiyang had a small smile on herlips. She couldn’t make her move at this time, plus she had to give in on TuobaYu’s behalf for now. But it did not mean that De Fei would not meet with anytroubles, because that simply wasn’t her style.

When Tuoba Zhen returned to his tent, it hadalready grown dark. Among the serving maids who brought him his dinner was agirl whom he did not recognize; she had a pair of bright and clear eyes.“Dianxia, please enjoy your meal.” She offered him dishes from a serving tray.

Tuoba Zhen glanced at her, and his gaze wasfixed onto her beautiful eyes.

It was déjà vu; did he meet her before?

His eyes never left her face. “What is yourname?”

A red flush crept up her pretty face, and shestammered. “Dianxia, Nubi is called Zhuo Er.”

Tuoba Zhen continued studying her, wordless.

He had instructed his trusted men to check on LiWeiyang, but they had mistaken his purpose. They assumed that they had figuredout his intentions, and had tried ways and means to procure girls who hadfeatures resembling Li Weiyang to serve him.

Zhuo Er tried to please him; she put down thetray and demurely went to sit by Tuoba Zhen. “Dianxia, please have yourdinner.” As she sat down, she kept her eyes on an expensive jade pendanthanging from his side. She was from the countryside, and did not know why shehad suddenly been brought here. Tuoba Zhen was handsome and admirable, plus,the way he looked at her was especially different. All of these led to Zhuo Erthinking that she was about to soar upward and onward to glory.

“You like me?” It was an out of characterquestion, coming from Tuoba Zhen, who still had his eyes fixed on her features.

Her blush deepened. “Dianxia is esteemed andoutstanding, Nubi... admires you greatly.”

Such a similar face but spouting completelydifferent words. Tuoba Zhen felt absurd, and he didn’t know whether to laugh orcry. He smiled warmly, taking off his jade pendant and throwing it to Zhuo Er.“A gift for you.”

Zhuo Er was delighted beyond words, thankinghim for his generosity.

“Dianxia, there are updates.” A man clad inblack stepped into the tent.

As Zhuo Er curtseyed and left, the smile on TuobaZhen’s face faded and was replaced by a killer’s expression. “We’ve let someonetake the lead again.”

“Shu Xia4 is incapable.” He Tuolowered his head in an apology.

“I had thought he let Zuo Yuan go on purpose togive him a second chance, but I never knew that he would be so decisive. Heused this chance to demonstrate his feelings to Li Weiyang; exchanging a lifefor his own, how smart!” Tuoba Zhen laughed coldly, then sighed. “If only ZuoYuan had ended up in my clutches, I’d definitely have a way to get him toexpose De Fei.” After a moment of silence, he resumed his tirade. “Too bad wewere a step too late.” He could have had the chance to break apart Tuoba Yu andLi Weiyang’s relationship entirely; if Li Weiyang heard with her own ears from ZuoYuan, how he was instigated by De Fei, she would definitely fallout with TuobaYu.

“Ten of my important subordinates were removed,Tuoba Yu is not simple at all.”

He Tuo kept his head lowered. “Dianxia, forgiveShu Xia exceeding my limits, but information has been leaked yet again; I amafraid that there are spies in our midst, we should get rid of them.”

“It seems like we have to investigatethoroughly.” Tuoba Zhen sighed deeply, frowning.

At this instant, He Tuo suddenly called out.“Who is it?!”


Translator: Jaslynn

Editor: Pending


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