The Princess Wei Yang

Chapter 92 part2

At the same time, Li Chang Le was also lying in bed,tossing and turning. She suddenly sat up and called out: “Tan Xiang, bring metea!”

Tan Xiang came immediately, saw Xiaojie’s darkexpressions and carefully returned with hot tea: “Xiaojie, please drink thetea.”

Li Chang Le took a sip then hurled the beautifulporcelain cup to the ground, raising her voice: “You want to burn me to death?!”She was in Li Wei Yang’s hands, helpless and being toyed with. Waizumu wouldnot help her get her revenge, how could she swallow her anger, so she wasletting it all out on this Yatou.

The hot tea had spilled onto Tan Xiang, leaving theback of her hand red and scalded, but she did not dare to cry and held back hertears. Li Chang Le coldly scoffed: “I will never let that little wretch getwhat she wants!”

Tan Xiang tried to persuade her: “Xiaojie... Nubi thinksit’s best to forget about it, did Xiaojie not see Lao Furen and Laoye’s facestoday, how could we do something like that?”

Li Chang Le bitterly said: “I made too many mistakesbefore. These things should not be said in front of them. That Li Wei Yang iscunning. I must find a way to dispose of her, no need to go through Fuqin.”

Tan Xiang was even more afraid: “Xiaojie, Xiaojie said- but didn’t Guogong Furen tell Xiaojie to be patient and that she will thinkof a way for everything?”

Li Chang Le sneered: “Her? She is already old and nolonger the strong, vigorous Waizumu of the past. Everything must be carefullyconsidered, and the two jiumu by her side don’t have any blood relations withme. Why would they help me? I must take things into my own hands! But you’reright, I can’t act rashly. I must change Fuqin and Lao Furen’s opinions of me,then I can deal with Li Wei Yang. Not alone though, I need someone’s help!”

Thinking about it, it seemed as if victory was alreadyin hand. She smiled, content.

Tan Xiang saw her smile and could not help but feel uneasy.Li Wei Yang did not seem weak, how could she let Xiaojie scheme against her? Soshe whispered: “But...”

“But nothing, just do as I say!” Li Chang Le coldlycut her off.

The next day, Li Wei Yang sent off a group of guestswho came to offer condolences and was about to report to Lao Furen when aclamor broke out outside.

Luo mama ran outside to ask: “What happened? Why is itso noisy out here?”

A Yatou frantically ran in: “Lao Furen, Tan Xiang fromDa Xiaojie’s courtyard reported that Da Xiaojie... Xiaojie... committed suicide byhanging herself.”

“What?” Lao Furen immediately stood up.

Committed suicide by hanging herself? Li Wei Yang’slips curved up, Li Chang Le was someone who valued her life very much. Tocommit suicide, could it be that the sun rose in the West today?

Lao Furen hurriedly asked: “How is she now?”

The Yatou responded: “She was just saved, someone alsowent to inform Laoye.”

Lao Furen’s face turned dark: “What is she trying toaccomplish with this?!”

Li Wei Yang gently began: “Lao Furen, yesterday youscolded Dajie and said after ten days, she will be sent back to the temple,Dajie may have grown desperate and did not think this through. It isunderstandable.”

Lao Furen sneered: “Let’s go and see what sheultimately wants!”

At the entrance of the courtyard, Li Wei Yang saw LiXiao Ran quickly approaching. What surprised her was a worried Wu Huangzibehind Li Xiao Ran.

Seeing Wu Huangzi Tuoba Rui, Lao Furen had to bow andgreet him, Wu Huangzi waved it off: “No need, I must see how Da Xiaojie isfirst.”

He did not turn back and immediately followed Li XiaoRan into the courtyard.

Er Furen rushed over with a helpless expression: “LaoFuren, Wu Dianxia came to Da bo’s study and exchanged a few words when he heardthe servants say something happened to Da Xiaojie. Wu Dianxia said he wanted tosee, I should have stopped him, but Da bo also agreed, I could not say anythingelse...”

This was to avoid taking responsibility. In any case,allowing a man to run into an unmarried Xiaojie’s courtyard was inappropriate.However, Lao Furen was not in the mood to be concerned with such things. Sheonly nodded: “Go in and see.”

Surprised, Er Furen glanced at Li Wei Yang andthought: Da Xiaojie could hang herself at any time, why wait until Wu Dianxiacame? Wasn’t this to bring an outsider into this?

When they entered, they saw Li Chang Le lying on achaise, her makeup carefully applied with delicate, long eyelashes and a palecomplexion, her long hair without a single strand out of place. Her eyes wereclosed, still damp with tears, making her seem weak and pitiful.

Li Wei Yang almost laughed aloud, this was truly aheart-wrenching sight. She was a woman yet she thought so too, how must it befor men? Naturally, Wu Huangzi seemed heartbroken, unable to help himself,said: “Da Xiaojie, what happened?!”

“It is Nubi’s fault. Yesterday, Da Xiaojie returnedand learned that Furen passed away and could not bear it. With everyone’scriticism, she felt she was an unfilial child, she could not be by Muqin’s sidewhen she died. Nubi should have known and should not have left Xiaojie alone...”Tan Xiang wept as if it were tearing her apart from within.

Li Wei Yang looked back at Li Chang Le and the deepwelt on her pale neck. It seems she had used a rope to tie her neck. She calmlylooked on in silence.

Tan Xiang cried pitifully: “Da Xiaojie said she hadbeen wrong, even Laoye and Lao Furen would not believe her. Da Furen had passedon, Xiaojie was left to live on without...” Then, she glanced at Li Wei Yang,adding: “And San Xiaojie refused to forgive her...”

Tuoba Rui saw the person he admired and cherished insuch a pitiful state and felt pained: “Prime Minister Li, Da Xiaojie is arefined, virtuous, beautiful and dignified person. I thought she was even moreprecious than jade to you, who would have thought she would be reduced to thisstate! How could a Prime Minister fail to protect someone like this?”

Li Xiao Ran made a face but remained silent.

Tan Xiang continued while crying: “Laoye, Da Xiaojieknows she is wrong, when Xiaojie was at the temple, she did not eat meat andonly prayed, copied Buddhist scriptures, and did not go anywhere. Every night,she missed home and cried at the thought. Xiaojie rejoiced when she heard shecould return and told Nubi she would fulfill filial piety to Laoye and LaoFuren. She returned to find out that Furen had died and Laoye would only sendher back. Da Xiaojie said Laoye was not right, but as a girl, she could notlook after Furen and only wanted to be filial. She was desperate! Pleaseconsider Da Xiaojie’s filial piety and forgive her!”

Li Wei Yang slowly said: “Tan Xiang, Fuqin will decidethe rest, stand up first.”

Tuoba Rui whipped around, his words harsh as he glaredat Li Wei Yang: “No need for your hypocrisy! I know all about your maliciousschemes against Da Xiaojie! Your actions infuriate others and only make themlook down on you! I cannot believe there is such a poisonous woman in thisworld or that Prime Minister has such a daughter, and nor did I think she wouldbe the kind-hearted Da Xiaojie’s meimei, the Heavens must be blind!”

Li Wei Yang feigned surprise, but Wu Huangzi’s wordsalmost made her want to laugh. Wu Huangzi was truly unbelievable. She hadnothing left to say.

Lao Furen’s face turned white, her voice was harsh:“Wu Dianxia!” Li Wei Yang was a nu er of the Li family, even if he was aHuangzi, what right did he have to run into someone’s home and discipline theirchildren for them?! Even using a tone like that!

Li Xiao Ran furrowed his eyebrows: “Wu Dianxia, Li WeiYang is not as you say, there has been a misunderstanding!”

“Prime Minister Li, given your status and position,you are well-respected, and I respect you very much! But how could you be socareless with family affairs, raising a frog to the sky and knocking a swan tothe ground!”

Li Wei Yang coldly interrupted: “Wu Dianxia, a funeralis currently held for Muqin, please do not shout here, it is not appropriate.If this reaches Bixia, Bixia will not agree with your actions here either!”

“Silence!” Tuoba Rui’s face had darkened with fury,almost every word was clear but fierce: “Da Xiaojie is a kind, gentle andgenerous woman, she should not be treated like this at all! But you refused toforgive her and found every way to create difficulties for her. You forced herinto a corner because you were jealous that she was better than you in everyway!” He stood before her, staring straight into her eyes: “I am warning you,if something happens to Da Xiaojie, the first person I will not forgive isyou!”

Li Wei Yang pretended to be saddened and frightened bythese words, moving closer to Li Xiao Ran, her face full of grievances.

Li Xiao Ran’s eyebrows were tightly drawn, almost intoa line: “Wu Dianxia, your intentions are understood! But there is a funeral inour home, do not cause more trouble!”

Tuoba Rui vehemently glared at Li Wei Yang, who seemedterrified, but her eyes were apathetic. She was not as innocent as she seemed!It could be said that she was a venomous snake, a truly terrifying woman!

He would not allow her to keep harming Li Chang Le!

He could not help but clench his fists: “There issomething I had not intended to say before, but I know if I do not say it, DaXiaojie cannot continue to accept this cruel world, so I will officiallyannounce that three years later, I will marry Da Xiaojie as Zheng fei!”

At first, Tuoba Rui was only mesmerized by Li ChangLe’s beauty, but seeing her suffering and pitiful state today, “living nobetter than the dead,” he decided to save her. Even if Fu Huang would not allowit, Muqin was against it, everyone under the skies opposed it, he would marryher as his Zheng fei!

Li Xiao Ran stared intently at Tuoba Rui: “Wu Dianxia,do you know what you’re saying?! Without Bixia bestowing marriage—”

“I will convince Fu Huang, so in the meantime, treatDa Xiaojie as a member of the Imperial family! Everyone must respect her as youwould respect me, because in the future, she will be Wu Huangzi fei! If I findthat anyone has been disrespectful to her, do not blame me for being cruel!”Tuoba Rui’s fiery stare fell on Li Wei Yang as he said this, his refined,handsome face had become rather frightening.

Li Wei Yang looked down, her lips curving back in asneer, so this was how it was.

Li Chang Le’s beauty trap scheme seemed to beparticularly effective. But she had chosen Tuoba Rui, a surprising choice givenLi Chang Le’s affections, Li Wei Yang thought she would have chosen Tuoba Zhen.

Having carefully thought about it, she could easilysee why. Tuoba Zhen did not have the same status or background as Tuoba Rui. Ineveryone’s eyes, he was only San Huangzi, and no one paid him any mind. LiChang Le needed support to continue to live peacefully at the Li family and hadto find the most favorable candidate. That being said, Li Chang Le was nolonger as foolish as before.

The physician pinched Li Chang Le’s arm. She let out asmall gasp. Her breaths were ragged as her eyelashes fluttered.

Tuoba Rui sighed in relief: “It’s good that she wokeup!”

Li Chang Le slowly opened her eyes. The first personshe saw was Tuoba Rui, and her tears fell like rain: “Wu Dianxia...”

The pain in her eyes, in addition to her slightlyhoarse but pleasant voice, could even soften a steeled heart...

Li Wei Yang looked up at Li Xiao Ran. He seemed a bitreluctant. She was still the nu er he loved the most these past ten years. Hehad not completely forgotten. This was what Li Chang Le wanted, to win back LiXiao Ran’s trust while borrowing Wu Huangzi’s influence to frighten Lao Furenand Li Wei Yang. Of course, this was what it seemed on the surface. Li Wei Yangfeared her actions was not entirely because of this.

“Da Xiaojie, you can tell everyone here of theinjustices you have suffered. I will stand for you, how could you do somethingso foolish!” Tuoba Rui seemed gentle and concerned, a stark contrast to hisfurious, threatening words with Li Wei Yang earlier.

Li Wei Yang looked at him the way she looked at TuobaZhen that year, unsure if she should laugh or cry. Time and time again, herbeauty could still make empires and cities fall, but what if there was a daywhen Li Chang Le no longer had her beautiful face to use as a weapon, wouldthose men easily take the bait?

“Fuqin... Fuqin...” Li Chang Le’s tears fell as naturallyas rain. She turned to face Li Xiao Ran.

Li Xiao Ran subconsciously stepped forward. Li ChangLe tightly held onto his arm: “Fuqin, nu er thought you would never forgive meand no longer wanted to live. Nu er wasn’t thinking at all and did this, nu erdid not mean to cause more trouble for Fuqin...”

Her tears kept flowing as she said this.

Li Xiao Ran had not said anything when Tuoba Rui cutin: “Da Xiaojie, you were not wrong, it was all because of your Sanmei—”

Li Chang Le quickly cut him off: “Wu Dianxia, do notsay anymore. It was my fault, do not blame Sanmei! I blamed Sanmei untilyesterday, but after returning, my heart is full of sorrow. I know I onlyblamed her out of anger, she is a good meimei and concerned about me, except thereare too many misunderstandings between us—”

Cutting Tuoba Rui off seemed to provoke him: “Youstill want to protect her, look at yourself...” He felt Li Chang Le was kind andforgiving, he turned back: “You are capable, truly capable, Li Wei Yang. Lookat your Dajie and reflect on yourself, don’t you feel ashamed?!”

His face was full of anger and resentment. Anyone whodid not know would think Li Wei Yang had committed a heinous crime. Tuoba Rui’sreaction surpassed Li Wei Yang’s expectations. She finally understood why WuHuangzi was the first to be eliminated, with such thoughts, he seemed to havebeen born to be used by others!

Li Wei Yang lightly said: “Wu Dianxia, Dajieacknowledges that she is wrong and is admitting to everything before, yetDianxia keeps saying I am evil and cruel. Is Dianxia keeping us jiemei fromreconciling?”

Reconciling? Li Chang Le stared at her. She thoughtthat even if Li Wei Yang was beaten to death, she would never reconcile. Shethought that if she was insulted, Li Wei Yang would angrily retaliate, allowingher to expose Li Wei Yang in front of so many people!

But Li Wei Yang smiled faintly and went to her side,softly saying: “Dajie admits that she is wrong, I will certainly forgive you,not just me, but everyone in the family will not blame you anymore! Is thatright, Fuqin?”


Translator: Chau

Editor: Pending


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