The Princess Wei Yang

Chapter 126

(2) 一马平川 - The idiom used originally meant “flat land one could gallop straight across” .

At this moment, a young and pretty yatou steadily walked in front of Li Wei Yang and saluted, then smiled and said: "Xianzhu, the Crown Princess would like to invite you for a chat . "

Crown Princess? Li Wei Yang froze for a moment, then the corners of her lips quirked up . She had originally prepared to say a few words to Li Min De, but before she could speak, he had already walked away .

Eh . . . what’s this? Li Wei Yang, who was cast aside for the first time, felt a bit dazed .

"Xianzhu?" The yatou looked at her questioningly .

Li Wei Yang recovered herself: "Where is the Crown Princess?"

The yatou pointed to a pavilion not far away . Sure enough, she saw the Crown Princess sitting there with a few other ladies . Li Wei Yang looked at the arrangement and suddenly felt her scalp go numb . It wasn’t that she was doubtful of the Crown Princess . It was just that the Crown Princess and the Jiang family’s daughter were as incompatible as fire and water . Li Wei Yang knew that the Crown Princess would be amiable towards her, but being too friendly was not necessarily a good thing . . . for a moment, her heart hesitated slightly . Nevertheless, her steps did not slow their pace .

The air was awfully stifling . Although the clothes on her body were made from thin muslin, Li Wei Yang had only walked outside briefly, yet her entire body was dripping with sweat . There were ice cubes placed at the four corners of the pavilion and several yatou were waving fans, so it contrarily didn’t seem hot out . The Crown Princess was sitting on a chair cushioned by a split woven bamboo mat, and the crowd had dispersed to admire the scenery elsewhere . She seemed to have lost her enthusiasm for other’s attention at present and was somewhat listless . At this time, she was perfunctorily speaking to her mother Min Guo Furen and her younger sister He Lian . He Lian was wearing a water-blue skirt with lotuses around the edges, as her name suggested, sitting there similar to a solitary lotus flower . Compared to her elder sister, she was really much prettier . She noticed Li Wei Yang first and smiled: "Elder sister, Xianzhu is here . "

The Crown Princess recovered some of her spirits and straightened up: "Wei Yang, come here!"

Li Wei Yang calmly approached with a smile on her face: "I humbly greet the Crown Princess . "

"You, what are you standing on ceremony with me for? Come over and sit!" The Crown Princess

huffed and beckoned her over intimately .

Li Wei Yang smiled faintly and saluted He Furen . They were both second rank, but the other party was her senior . He Furen looked at the Crown Princess in astonishment, clearly not too used to Li Wei Yang’s refined and courteous etiquette . According to the rumors, this young lady was extremely domineering and difficult to deal with, but He Furen heard the Crown Princess mention that Li Wei Yang had always acted out of self-preservation, and also felt that sort of difficult girl couldn’t exist in the world, and that the rumors were only half true . She then smiled and nodded . He Lian had to stand up immediately because she had no ranking, and she could not sit and receive Li Wei Yang’s courtesy . Smiling, He Lian bowed to her twice, looking slim and charming . After the ceremony, He Lian raised her eyes slightly to look at Li Wei Yang before lowering her gaze .

In a split second, it seemed that the entire pavilion had lost its color, and even Li Wei Yang as a woman, couldn’t help but brighten her eyes and look at her a few more times . Although He Lian’s features could not be called remarkably beautiful, but this delicate temperament . . . Li Wei Yang remembered that when the princess looked at her sister just now, she had a look of bitter envy .

Duke Min would presumably marry off his second daughter to the Crown Prince, and as this He Lian was concubine-born, becoming a side concubine was sufficient .

Li Wei Yang walked over and sat down next to the Crown Princess . The Crown Princess involuntarily smiled as she regarded her intimately: "We allow you to come to the Crown Prince residence to visit often, but you refuse . "

Li Wei Yang said with a smile: "It’s true that Crown Princess means well, but I’m afraid that you would be the only one in the residence who would welcome me!"

The Crown Princess heard this and sneered: "You don’t need to worry about her . Taking it to heart would just add unnecessary concerns!"

Duke Min Furen coughed lightly, and then the Crown Princess remembered why she had called Li Wei Yang over . She smiled and said: "Wei Yang, the period for mourning a death in your family was completed last month . The matter of your marriage was dragged on, but it cannot be avoided this year . "

The Crown Princess wanted to use a good marriage to narrow the distance between them, and instead of talking to Li Lao Furen, came to her, which showed that the other party understood very well about this marriage—the Li family was not in a position to decide . Li Wei Yang sighed and deliberately made a fussy expression: "Crown Princess, as a girl it is reasonable that I shouldn’t say this, but among those people my father found, I didn’t see a single one to my satisfaction . The sons of rich families are slightly better, yet in the residence there are concubines and tongfang yatou (1), a foul atmosphere everywhere . I’m not willing!"

The Crown Princess was taken aback, but she glanced at He Furen, and evidently He Furen was also greatly surprised .

The Crown Princess immediately thought that Li Wei Yang did not regard herself as an outsider, and couldn’t help but feel pleased . She looked at her and rebuked: "How can such words be said lightly? Can it be that you want a husband who will not take in concubines or tongfang?"

Li Wei Yang smiled faintly, yes, weren’t you going to help me find one? Then find one like this, someone compatible with the Li family’s background who also won’t take in concubines . This kind of household, I’m afraid you wouldn’t find it . However, from her mouth came: "Naturally, it ought to be like this . "

He Furen smiled and said, "Truly a silly girl . Only wanting one wife, you go take a look . In this world, few can be found . I can tell you that because the late emperor favored Consort Chen in those days, exclusive monopoly is very taboo now . You can just joke with us in private, but by all means say these words outside!”

Li Wei Yang smiled and said: "Is Wei Yang a person who doesn’t understand the gravity of things?” Nevertheless, it was a very amiable tone .

The Crown Princess became all the more satisfied, and almost felt that Li Wei Yang and herself were on the same boat, and immediately said: "Don’t think about changing the subject, there is a suitable match for you at present . "

Li Wei Yang couldn’t help being astonished: "A suitable match for me?"

The Crown Princess said: "My younger cousin He Ran . "

Li Wei Yang thought for a while and said: "That’s the one—"

The Crown Princess nodded and said, "Yes, my second aunt from my father’s side delivered a stillborn, and my second uncle’s body was not good either . He passed away when He Ran was seven years old . He Ran was guarding a large family property but it was beyond his capabilities to manage and he had no one to depend on, so my father brought him over and he grew up with my brothers since childhood . Now that he is an adult, my father will return all the family assets to him . Now he’s a person who is sought after by all the rich young ladies in the capital!”

Li Wei Yang did not expect the Crown Princess to actually choose such a person . This He Ran was actually very well-known . Originally, the title of Duke Min would be inherited by the eldest son . The second son He Chao left the ducal residence and only relied on the ten thousand taels of silver he had been given for his livelihood . This He Chao did not have other abilities, but his ability to make money was extremely formidable . In just ten years, he had already become the wealthiest person in the capital . It is said that when his family was at its peak, one third of all shops in the capital belonged to him . However, his health was very bad, and the wife he married was also short-lived . The two passed away one after another, leaving behind only one son, He Ran . He Chao had quarreled with his elder brother and left home, so when He Chao died, seven-year-old He Ran was left to face the winds and rain alone .

What happened next was foreseeable . He Chao’s money-making skills were fearsome, but because of the large amount of wealth, it also attracted countless jealous eyes . So, when he passed away, those people ruthlessly came to deal with He Ran like wolves and tigers . When Duke Min learned of the incident, he disregarded the previous enmity and took He Ran back into the He family home, and moreover took stock of He Chao’s properties one by one, and asking the He family clan members to bear witness, established a written contract to say that the entire sum would be returned in the future . The orphaned He Ran then grew up in the He family, and Duke Min taught him with great care . To wait up until he grew up, He Ran was not only exceptionally handsome, but he also had an amazing memory, was clever and resolute, handling affairs deftly, a rare all-rounder .

Seeing her expression, the Crown Princess thought it looked promising and hurriedly said: "I originally wanted to wed you to the Crown Prince’s brothers, but if this were to happen, you could only become a side concubine . With your character, you are not able to compromise and become a concubine, and as for other prospects, those I like are already married . If you consider those around the same age, that only leaves him . " In reality, there was no shortage of influential official’s sons, but those who dare to marry Li Wei Yang are few .

Li Wei Yang smiled . On this point, the Crown Princess was not wrong . He Ran had a lot of money, if one wanted moral character and looks, he had them . He is definitely an excellent choice . More importantly, he had no father and no mother . As soon as she married, she would become the matriarch and manage the household . For a girl with such a firm personality and formidable reputation as Li Wei Yang, marrying He Ran was the ideal choice . The Crown Princess didn’t just arbitrarily find somebody to foist onto her, but considered it carefully . This surprised Li Wei Yang a little . Not only had the other party expressed goodwill, but was currying favor with her . She couldn’t help wondering if she had overdone it lately, making everyone fix their attention on her .

Seeing that Li Wei Yang was about to open her mouth, the Crown Princess hurriedly said: "You listen to me first . He has not taken an official post, and although his status is not high, he is a dependable child . His Majesty summoned him last time and really liked him . If in the future — it’s not that there aren’t chances to go one step further . ” She reminded Li Wei Yang that if the Crown Prince ascended the throne, then He Ran’s future prospects were guaranteed . “What’s more, how other people see the marriage is not at all important . What is important is that you feel it’s good . What use is a good-looking face, it’s substance that is the most important!" No mother-in-law, no complicated interpersonal relationships, what does this imply? Many prestigious aristocratic families have desperately wished to marry their daughters off to He Ran out of love for them .

Li Wei Yang said softly: "This . . . I’m afraid I’m not in a position to decide . "

The princess smiled, thinking she had been shaken: "As long as you nod, I will tell father emperor to bestow this marriage . " The imperial household would not hinder He Ran . If Li Wei Yang married him, it was considered a good marriage and not too eye-catching . The emperor would not prevent it .

He Furen smiled and said: "And he is young and charming . If you wish to see him, I will call him over now . "

In private, she actually had her own plans in mind .

On the one hand, He Ran grew up by her side . She regarded him as her half-son, this was also to find a good marriage for him . Li Wei Yang’s reputation is not good, but after interacting with her, she realized that she was an intelligent and farsighted girl, and most importantly, she is very remarkable, and firmly protecting the family property would definitely not be a problem . On the other hand, He Ran was about to enter the imperial court, but apart from the gradually declining Duke Min’s ducal residence, he had no one to rely on there . If he wanted to advance further, he had to first find a strong supporter, and leveraging a connection through marriage was the best way .

The Li family had produced several generations of senior ministers, and many in the family became officials . Li Wei Yang was also a second rank Xianzhu . For He Ran, he could undoubtedly raise his position, and for the Crown Princess, she could take advantage and use the husband to ensnare the Li family . Through this marriage, the Li family would be tightly bound to the Crown Prince’s residence . Her daughter would also gain an abundance of face in front of the Crown Prince .

For Li Wei Yang, her strong reputation made it difficult for her to find an appropriate match . Rather than wronging herself and becoming a prince’s side concubine, or entangling herself in a ducal or marquis family, it would be better for her to marry He Ran, though it seemed to be marrying below one’s station, but He Ran had a wealthy family background, far more than the average person, and with the help of the Li family and Duke Min, He Ran’s future was a smooth path going forward(2) . This was a transaction where both parties did not suffer any losses . She believed that with Li Wei Yang’s cleverness, she would not refuse .

However, Li Wei Yang was in the middle of considering how to decline this marriage offer, when she saw He Lian smile and say: "Speak of someone and they appear . It’s really too much of a coincidence . "

A young man entered from outside the pavilion . He was at a svelte and elegant age, born handsome and confident, his countenance gentle and tranquil, wearing a plain-coloured robe, standing like a pine tree and the moon, and most importantly, at a glance one could see that he was a good-tempered person .

Li Wei Yang sighed, the Crown Princess really went to great lengths to find such a well-off, attractive and good-tempered man, and most crucially, he didn’t have a father or mother . Actually, a great deal of effort was expended . Even if she didn’t like him, she could not help but appreciate the kind gesture .

He Ran was taken aback when he saw this scene . Clearly, he didn’t realize that this was a marriage interview, but since he was already there, he had no choice but to go up to salute the Crown Princess . The Crown Princess turned to him and made the introduction: "This is Anping Xianzhu . "

He Ran glanced at Li Wei Yang indifferently, then lowered his head politely, and smiled: "I have long heard of Anping Xianzhu’s noble character and rare temperament, and seeing it now it is indeed true . "

The Crown Princess smiled and said, "Cousin, you are right this time . . . " She was about to openly proclaim Li Wei Yang’s good points, when Li Wei Yang stood up and smiled: "Mother is probably looking everywhere for me . Crown Princess, are you going back to the banquet now?"

The Crown Princess stared blankly at Li Wei Yang for a moment, and then looked at He Ran, who blushed and bowed his head . She was a little puzzled . Could it be that Li Wei Yang had not taken a fancy to her cousin? Impossible . Such a handsome young man, such an affluent background, not encumbered by anything, why not want?

She thought that it was because she had not hinted enough . If Li Wei Yang did not want He Ran to take a concubine, they could all agree on it — what other family would agree to such a condition, it’s very likely that they wouldn’t even dare to think about it! No, could it be that Li Wei Yang was shy? The Crown Princess closely examined Li Wei Yang’s expression, but she didn’t see any shyness . Contrarily, her own younger cousin was so embarrassed that he could hardly lift his head and his face resembled a ripe tomato .

Li Wei Yang said a few things and found an excuse to leave in a hurry .

The Crown Princess’ face showed deep regret as she repeatedly urged her to stay, but it only made her leave faster .

Li Wei Yang finally extricated herself with great difficulty and let out a sigh, but as she walked past a rockery, she suddenly heard a voice ring out from a short distance: "Anping Xianzhu, what are you doing?"

Li Wei Yang frowned slightly and turned her head . The people around him had already knelt: "His Royal Highness Crown Prince, ten thousand well wishes . " The Crown Prince was wearing a bright yellow coiled dragon casual dress with silver thread lining the sleeves, and he stood tall and upright . His appearance is not very outstanding among his handsome brothers, but he had done well for himself for more than 20 years, and possessed a noble air worthy of the throne’s successor . Li Wei Yang watched as the prince approached wearing a smile, but in her mind was recalling His Royal Highness’ history of bad luck .

Speaking of which, the Crown Prince had reincarnated well, especially compared to Tuoba Zhen who was born from lowly origins . The Crown Prince’s starting point was not better than others by only a bit . His mother was the Empress, and his maternal grandfather was the Emperor’s great minister . He was a crown prince all his life, plus he was hardworking and studious, and his appearance was not bad . He was able to make many young women go crazy by stepping outside . However, what was most tragic was that the Emperor was excessively paranoid and his power too formidable, so he always suspected that his son was coveting the throne . This was not the worst of it . The Emperor would produce outstanding sons, and helped create many enemies for the prince . The Third Prince and the Seventh Prince each had their own strengths and thriving ambitions . Compared with these individuals, the Crown Prince, who would be considered a smart and capable man in an ordinary rich family, immediately seemed mediocre, incompetent and unfavored by the Emperor . Originally, it was because he had been the crown prince for many years that he became more and more anxious, and was incited by Tuoba Zhen to do many irreparable and confusing things before he finally lost the throne tragically .

He strolled over with a smile, his eyes landing on Li Wei Yang .

"Xianzhu, why not go to enjoy the flowers?"

Li Wei Yang lowered her head and said, "I just came out of the pavilion and disturbed the Crown Prince’s peace . I ask Your Highness for forgiveness . "

"We’re all family here . Why be so polite?!" The prince smiled from ear to ear .

Li Wei Yang was stunned for a moment, clearly not understanding where this so-called family came from .

The prince smiled and said, "Your cousin is my side concubine, so you are considered my sister-in-law, isn’t that right?"

Oh, so he was referring to Jiang Lan . The expression on Li Wei Yang’s face was like a smile yet not a smile .

The prince came nearer, and the two were close, Li Wei Yang took a step back . The prince couldn’t help laughing: "What, are you afraid of me?"

Li Wei Yang said lightly: "This subject dare not overstep . " Zhao Yue wrinkled her brows on the side . If it were not for the noble status of the person in front of her, she would have cut him down with her sword early on .

"On the surface . . . actually complies with etiquette . " The prince chuckled . "Why so aggressive that day at Jiang manor?"


Translator: joeyburbz

Editor: Erica

Chapter 126: A Frenzied Massacre

(1) 绵里藏针- a soft appearance but a dangerous

(2) 空穴来风未必无因 - idiom meaning there’s no smoke without fire .

Li Wei Yang knew that the Crown Prince was here to find fault with her . She smiled slightly, her face not betraying the slightest amount of agitation . She said: "Thanking His Highness for the praise . Catching the murderer who killed my maternal grandmother was my duty . "

"Oh, so it turns out that it was your duty to catch the murderer . It was also your duty to hound your elder sister to death and abuse your own mother, was it?" Each sentence was like a needle concealed in silk floss(1) .

"Before the Golden Hall, Wei Yang spoke rudely . I ask that the Crown Prince forgives me . " Li Wei Yang spoke very humbly . Of course, with her head down, the prince couldn’t see the contempt on her mouth . "But that wasn’t my elder sister, and Mother died of illness . What does that have to do with Wei Yang?"

"Look at you, as silver-tongued as ever! Anyway, I have never seen a woman like you . That day — although it was a bit excessive, could be regarded as extremely radiant . Even Consort Lian’s beauty pales in comparison, not to mention other people . They all looked dim and dull . There is no beauty like you beside me . ” The Crown Prince lowered his head until he was almost pressed against her face . Li Wei Yang lowered her cold gaze, holding herself back from accidentally giving this lecher a slap in the face .

"You don’t have to be afraid of me . Although I hope to cooperate with the Jiang family, I will not refuse the Li family . " Seeing that Li Wei Yang did not answer, the corners of his mouth perked up in an ambiguous arc, his low voice on the verge of whispering . "Look at your smooth skin and tender meat . Although it can’t compare to your sister Li Chang Le’s good looks, it has its own special flavor . No wonder other people call it a small hot pepper . It really gets one’s blood racing!"

The dignified Crown Prince actually was able to utter these kinds of obscene remarks . Li Wei Yang couldn’t help but despise him more . Today was the birthday banquet of the Crown Princess, and here he was openly taking liberties with a female guest . If words went out, the position of the throne’s heir apparent would be in imminent danger . No wonder he was pushed to the ends of his tether by Tuoba Zhen . This person really did as he pleased . Li Wei Yang’s expression did not change: "I’m indebted to Your Royal Highness for your deep affection . Wei Yang is very grateful, but cannot bear to be thankful . It’s just — Third Prince also said this, if Wei Yang obeys His Royal Highness, I’m afraid he and you would have a fallout!"

"Third Brother?" The prince froze, "He won’t fight me . "

"Oh?" Li Wei Yang seemed surprised . "He also said that one day he would bestow me with an Empress title — aiya, Wei Yang slipped up . Crown Prince, please don’t take offense . The Third Prince is loyal and devoted to you . Come to think of it, it was a moment of indiscretion . Please don’t tell him that I told you by all means, otherwise he will blame me . ”

The Crown Prince didn’t take a fancy to Li Wei Yang at all, but merely thought that Li Wei Yang was very strong . If she was obtained, she was bound to rope in the Li family in the future . Who knew that she would actually speak of this matter . Thinking of Tuoba Zhen, the Crown Prince paused . The crown prince title had been conferred on him in his childhood, and his residence was also separated from those of his brothers . All expenses were consistent with standards set for the heir apparent to the throne . It was naturally impossible to play together like other brothers . Later, when the Third Prince, Tuoba Zhen lost his birth mother, Able Consort Wu adopted him . Able Consort Wu approached the Empress from the beginning, so naturally the Crown Prince frequently associated with Tuoba Zhen .

Previously, the Crown Prince always felt that this third younger brother, who never showed his feelings on his face from a young age, would not be a simple character in the future . With his humble origins, it was impossible to climb any higher from then on . He would certainly be deeply grateful and pledge his loyalty, so the Crown Prince intended to support him and make him his own support . But listening to this, the other party actually had other thoughts . . . no, could it be Li Wei Yang attempting to incite disharmony? The Crown Prince stared at Li Wei Yang, as if carefully examining her, but the other party had a look of awareness at her own indiscretion, regretful and penitent, wishing she could find a hole in the ground to hide in — she was merely a woman who also bore no grudges with Tuoba Zhen . There simply was no need to play this sort of joke . The Crown Prince’s face became more and more gloomy . He saw Li Wei Yang’s nervous expression, and his heart couldn’t help but move . He said smilingly: "Alright, no need to be so scared . Go back to the party . "

Li Wei Yang instantly changed and showed a hesitant expression: "Your Royal Highness, please forgive me . If the things from just now are passed out . . . "

The Crown Prince smiled ambivalently: "You can rest assured, I don’t blame you . "

Li Wei Yang let out a sigh of relief . The Crown Prince looked into her eyes and felt that the actions she had taken in the Golden Hall and at the Jiang manor had all come from Li Xiao Ran . Of course, how could a fifteen-year-old girl’s scheming run so deep, it had to be Prime Minister Li’s ideas behind it all!

At this time, the attendant on the side reported: "Your Royal Highness, the Third Prince is coming . "

The prince frowned and looked not far off . Tuoba Zhen had really come over . As soon as Tuoba Zhen approached, he felt that the atmosphere was a little strange . Both Li Wei Yang and the Crown Prince were looking at him . The Crown Prince’s expression was very odd in particular .

Tuoba Zhen subconsciously sensed that Li Wei Yang must be sowing discord . Without exposing a single bit of his thoughts at that moment, he bowed his head and saluted: "Wish to pay respects to Royal Brother . "

As the prince looked at him, what Li Wei Yang said a moment ago came to mind, and his heart couldn’t help flaring up . But he was not a fool after all . Although he did not completely believe Li Wei Yang’s words, wind did not come from an empty cave without reason(2) . He felt that he had better be a little more wary of Tuoba Zhen . He promptly gave a faint smile, and with a tone that could either be praise or ridicule said: “What, come to look for Anping Xianzhu?”

"Royal Brother, I was just passing by . I saw you and Anping Xianzhu talking, so it was only right that I come pay my respects to you . " On an ordinary day, Tuoba Zhen was definitely not so distanced and formal, but just now he clearly sensed the Crown Prince’s strange mood, and spoke gently .

The Crown Prince looked at him coldly and said, "I should get going as well . If you have matters to discuss with Anping Xianzhu, please feel free . "

Tuoba Zhen let out a sigh of relief and hurriedly replied, "Thank you, Royal Brother . " As soon as the Crown Prince departed, Li Wei Yang also turned away to leave without even saying a word to Tuoba Zhen . Who knew Tuoba Zhen would urgently run in front of her, looking at her with a smile that was not a smile . This truly was a meeting of enemies on a narrow road .

"Li Wei Yang, you fancy He Ran?" Tuoba Zhen, who blocked her way, suddenly spoke .

Li Wei Yang frowned: "What does that have to do with you?"

Otherwise, how could you stay so long, Tuoba Zhen wanted to say but didn’t, his expression growing colder . Li Wei Yang passed by him and went straight in the direction of the banquet . Tuoba Zhen also sped up, walking side by side with her . Then he smiled and said: "He Ran is indeed a good candidate, but what he can give you is really limited . "

Li Wei Yang froze for a moment and stopped walking: "Don’t tell me you know what I want?!"

Tuoba Zhen observed her and said: "In short, it wouldn’t be such a weak man like He Ran! The Crown Princess pushed this useless thing onto you, and it’s really too laughable . "

Li Wei Yang replied with a grim laugh: "He Gongzi is not as bad as you say, but I haven’t settled on him either . I ask that Your Third Highness not make blind guesses . "

Originally, Tuoba Zhen was still secretly annoyed at his own irritation, so when he heard the latter half of that sentence, his heart was bursting with joy, but on the surface he had an uninterested expression: "If you don’t like him, it would be better to turn the Crown Princess down . Otherwise, she will surely tie the red thread for you, and when the time comes, it will be too late to cry!"

Li Wei Yang smiled slightly and said, "Thanking Your Third Highness for the reminder! However, you had best keep thinking about assisting the Crown Prince, and as for the rest, no need to bother!"

Tuoba Zhen still wanted to speak, but at this moment, a scream sounded not far away . Li Wei Yang and Tuoba Zhen turned around at the same time, but they saw that the banquet not far away had already become a mess . In the original colorfully decorated garden, countless archers unexpectedly appeared in the open drawing bows and strings, ready to take action, and one of them raised his arm and shouted: "The Crown Prince colluded with Commander of the Imperial Guards Yang Zhan to rebel against the Emperor . This is Yang Zhan’s severed head! Your Majesty issued an edict . Wipe out traitors for the country, and capture the Crown Prince!"

Seeing this scene, Tuoba Zhen let out an almost imperceptible sneer, but then his expression seemed to change dramatically . He immediately turned his head and roared: "Take your family’s miss and find a place to hide!" But his words were directed at Zhao Yue . After he finished, he drew his long sword and shouted to the Imperial Guards around him: "Protect the Crown Prince!"

However, the other party’s commander had already shouted: "Loose the arrows!"

Zhao Yue reacted quickly, dragging Li Wei Yang and Bai Zhi behind the rockery on the side . Tuoba Zhen swung his sword and blocked several flying arrows before quickly running towards the Crown Prince’s location .

Li Wei Yang was terrified in her heart . This banquet was originally fine . Why was such a thing suddenly happening? In broad daylight, there were actually people who came to the Crown Prince’s residence to carry out an assassination! No, what did the man just say, the Crown Prince was convicted of treason, and His Majesty wanted to arrest him? How could this be! Although the Crown Prince’s position was a bit unstable, he wasn’t stupid to the point of committing treason, not to mention he did not have any soldiers . The power to mobilize the Imperial Guards solely rested in the Emperor’s hands, so what use was there in colluding with the Commander of the Imperial Guards? Li Wei Yang’s mind didn’t have a moment’s pause . No, it was impossible! The prince would never revolt at this time, so who were these people? Why did they suddenly appear in the Prince’s residence, and still use his name? Or perhaps they were assassins, and assassins who had been plotting for a long time!

Li Wei Yang was not far from the banquet . She could hear more and more blood-curdling screams and couldn’t help feeling distressed . Looking out from the rockery, she just happened to see the charming Liu Xiaojie at the banquet cry out and run out desperately . However, those assassins clearly had no tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex, and lifted their long swords and swung down . The scene was so terrifying . It was at the moment of imminent peril that Liu Furen threw herself in front of her daughter, and the long sword split her at the waist . With her mouth hanging open, Liu Furen spat out a mouthful of gurgling blood and fell to the ground, actually cut in two on the spot .

Liu Xiaojie cried: "Mother!" In an instant, her soul had flown away . "Mother, Mother!" she called out to Liu Furen, and crawled over to hug Mrs . Liu’s severed body, bursting into tears . But without waiting for Liu Xiaojie to finish crying, the long sword already cut off half of her shoulder . The blood spattered immediately, and the crying stopped abruptly . That scene was simply too frightening . Bai Zhi, who was behind Li Wei Yang, gave a small cry and promptly fainted .

Li Wei Yang knew it wasn’t good, and quickly ordered Zhao Yue: "Hurry and go!" But before she finished this sentence, the assassins had found them . Maybe because they had not found the Crown Prince and Crown Princess, the assassins were extremely frantic, cutting down people as soon as they saw them . They immediately pounced towards them .

Zhao Yue immediately rushed out and used the soft sword from her waist to separate their attacks . However, more and more assassins rushed in and wildly attacked Zhao Yue . Although Zhao Yue’s martial arts were outstanding, she was heavily outnumbered . Coupled with the task of protecting the already fainted Bai Zhi, it seemed she could not hold on . But at this moment, Li Min De arrived with Zhao Nan . Without saying anything further, Zhao Nan went to help Zhao Yue to beat back the enemy . Li Min De darted over to grab Li Wei Yang’s hand and urged: "Hurry and go!"

The Crown Prince’s banquet was different from anything else, and his secret guards could not easily enter . Originally, the martial arts of the Zhao siblings were thought to be enough to deal with any unexpected problems . Who would have thought that so many assassins would unexpectedly break into the Crown Prince’s residence, and that the other party would hold the banner of stopping the rebels, leaving people no way to respond in time! These people were ruthless and precise . They killed everyone in their sights, and they seemed to be frantically looking for the prince . Amidst the chaos, Li Min De searched everywhere for Li Wei Yang without a second thought . If he hadn’t incidentally heard Bai Zhi’s scream, he would not have discovered that Li Wei Yang was here!

However, the assassins met them head on . Li Min De stared at them coldly and pulled out his long sword . His sword was three feet, four inches and three fen long, extremely thin and light . It could bend with ease, and ordinarily it could be worn as a belt . The soft sword was very similar to Zhao Yue’s, but it was obviously sharper . The assassins rushed over regardless . Li Min De’s expression was heavy, protecting Li Wei Yang with one hand and fighting them with the other . More than ten people were killed in the blink of an eye .

Li Wei Yang on the one hand was being pulled by him, and on the other, she was extremely astonished . Since when had Min De’s martial arts skills improved to this degree—

However, at this moment, she really couldn’t think any more . The most important thing now was how to not be dragged into this inexplicable assassination . The other party simply killed on sight, regardless of whether you were the Crown Prince’s people or not . In an instant, the banquet had already turned into a scene from Hell, with the countless screams and sounds of pleading blending into one . Li Wei Yang had guessed correctly . If these people were really sent by His Majesty to suppress the rebels, he would not willfully slaughter the innocent like this . There were so many unarmed and defenseless women at this banquet . One was unsure of how many casualties there were . . .

At this moment, Li Wei Yang heard Zhao Yue cry out in alarm and hurriedly looked over . In an instant, a sword tip had pierced Zhao Yue’s back . With a "pfsh" sound, the long sword ran through her body, piercing through her right shoulder .

"Zhao Yue!" Li Wei Yang couldn’t help mumbling, but found that she could not make a sound . Zhao Yue was her yatou . She has been with her for several years, but she was going to lose her life here?

Zhao Yue heard a mournful cry of fear . So it was Zhao Nan who had rushed over and cut down the assassin with one stroke, protecting Zhao Yue with difficulty .

"Be careful!" Li Wei Yang was solely preoccupied with the astonishing scene over there, but neglected the assassin not far behind . She heard Li Min De’s sudden anxious shout . With a pull, her whole body fell into his embrace . Soon after, the assassin in front of them fell with a single blow . At this moment, the assassin toppled over, a cold, sharp light suddenly pierced the air .

The quickly approaching light was actually an iron arrow with a strange dark red tip .

Originally, the long arrow was aimed at Li Wei Yang’s nape . It just needed a moment and that arrow would have pierced Li Wei Yang’s body, penetrating her throat . Without dwelling on it, Li Min De instinctively covered most of her body, tightly protecting it . In a flash, he used his back to block the long arrow’s trajectory—


The iron arrow passed through his chest from the back, and the trembling latter half came to a stop . In Li Wei Yang’s eyes was incomparable terror . Blood from his body trickled down towards the ground . His body shook, warm blood gushing from the wound . At this moment, the secret guards who had been guarding outside the Crown Prince’s Mansion finally arrived and protected Li Wei Yang and Li Min De . Only then could Li Min De release his hands to put pressure on his wound, but every time he moved, the pain felt like skin and flesh being torn apart .

"Min De!" Li Wei Yang stared incredulously as he stiffly fell to the ground in slow-motion, but the iron arrow clearly punctured through his chest . Blood gushed out of the wound and gradually dyed his robes until his whole body was soaked in blood .

Li Wei Yang’s eyes looked at the bloody arrowhead . Such a ruthless technique—if the arrow had shot her, how excruciating it would be . Under the sun, that iron arrow glistened with a cold light . At this moment, her heart almost sank into a bottomless abyss .

Not far away, Jiang Hua furrowed his brows angrily, almost, almost! He had just killed an assassin and snatched his bow and arrow when he happened to see Li Wei Yang not far away . When his thoughts moved, the iron arrow had shot out, but he unexpectedly did not succeed! If it wasn’t for that meddlesome kid! If it was not for him! Hmph! But getting rid of one was also good . That long arrow penetrated through the chest from the back, so there was no way he would survive .

Li Min De, who told you to interfere! Seeing that there were countless secret guards around the two of them, there was no way to start anything . Jiang Hua laughed grimly, turned and disappeared behind the trees .

Li Min De opened his eyes, but he saw Li Wei Yang’s face covered with tears . Bewildered, he reached out to touch her face, but reaching his hand out, he found that her face was stained by brilliant red blood . He realized that the blood was his own, and he couldn’t help but let out a grievous laugh .

Although it felt as if all the internal organs in his body had been painfully rearranged, he just clenched his teeth and told himself that this wasn’t a big deal . Like last time, just bear with it for a bit and it would pass! Fumbling for her hand, he placed it against his heart and murmured, "I’m by your side, don’t cry, don’t cry . . . "

Li Wei Yang wasn’t aware that she was crying . In fact, she had no tears at all since her rebirth, but now her tears flowed uncontrollably, and she hadn’t even known that she’d been crying . She only felt that her vision was a little blurry, and she almost couldn’t make out Li Min De’s face . All the more, she couldn’t make out the chaotic mess of her surroundings . She couldn’t even think that staying here was the same as staying in the midst of danger—

At this moment, Tuoba Zhen was shielding the prince and leading the guards from the Crown Prince’s residence, gradually encircling the assassins, annihilating them one by one...

After half an hour later, the whole bloodbath finally came to an end, but the banquet at this time was already in complete disorder . The people who had a new lease on life looked at each other, but did not know whether they were crying or laughing . At this time, a yatou staggered to her feet: "Crown Princess, the Crown Princess—"

The prince scolded violently: "What’s wrong with the Crown Princess?!"

The girl’s cry almost shocked everyone’s hearts: "Crown Princess . . . Crown Princess was killed—"

Li Wei Yang didn’t care how many people died at the banquet . She didn’t even care whether Li Chang Xiao and Jiang Yue Lan were able to escape . She simply ordered the secret guards to send Li Min De out immediately .

When Tuoba Zhen saw Li Wei Yang, he immediately said: "It’s too late to send him out! Take him to the house, and the Imperial Physician will arrive soon!" He shouted loudly . Not only Li Min De, but too many people were injured this time . No, one should say that many more died . Sending the injured to leave now was tantamount to letting them die because it was too late to provide critical care, and the imperial physician would arrive soon!

The secret guards looked at Li Wei Yang, waiting for her to make a decision . Li Wei Yang violently awoke and gritted her teeth: "Take him in!"

Tuoba Zhen already knew that Li Wei Yang had secret guards around her, but this was the first time he had seen them in person . But he didn’t care to be skeptical of these people and just looked her up and down: "Are you injured?"

Li Wei Yang didn’t look at him . Or one should say that, at that moment, she could not see anyone else in her eyes . She hadn’t heard what Tuoba Zhen said to her at all . She was only concerned about whether Min De was safe and sound!


Translator: joeyburbz

Editor: Erica

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