Ancient Tears BloodLine

Chapter 401 Meeting The Exploration Team

Time passed,

Thornton learnt what had happened inside the discussion hall from Arthur. He was shocked to know about the new city lord.

As he had expected earlier, the new city lord Alex is showing his interest in their competition.

But he doesn\'t know the exact reason behind this.


He sighed inwardly. This is something he can find only when he returns. Right now, he should focus on the exploration team.

Earlier, he thought that the trunulesia forest is going to be tough for Zack. But now he realised there is some internal friction exists in the team itself.

But he has full confidence in his friend. No one dares to offend the elite warrior. So the team members will be mindful of him.

Then he saw the time, there is still a few hours left before Compton arrives. Until then he decided to take a rest.

Time went by,

A big air car slowly descended on the ground. When the air car touched the land, I walked out of the car. Then Elder Thornton and Elder Compton stepped out of the car.

I have taken enough rest but still, I can\'t get over the feeling of uneasiness.

The next second, Elder Compton led us to the building. The building looked like a normal apartment. But he has his office on one of the floors.

After entering the building, soon we reached his office. I wasn\'t expecting this. I thought there will be lots of books and maps spread around the table.

But there is nothing here as in my imagination.

The first thing that came into my view was the empty cabin. Seeing that I wrinkled my eyebrows in confusion.

Then I looked at Elder Thornton. Because he wasn\'t looked surprised by this empty room.

I asked, "Elder, why the room is empty?"

Before Elder Thornton could answer anything, Compton answered, "We already packed things two days ago. After doing that, we waited for your arrival."

I nodded in understanding after hearing that. So which means the trip is delayed because of me.

Next, Compton walked into the adjacent room after opening the door. Seeing that, we both followed him.

Fortunately, this new room is a proper discussion or meeting room. Unlike the previous one, this room has chairs, tables and bookshelves.

There is also a large circular couch placed in the middle of the room.

"You guys can sit, my teammates are on the way here," Elder Compton uttered while checking his sci-fi watch.

I sat beside Elder Thornton and waited for the exploration team members to arrive.

Time went by,

After one hour, 5 people walked into the discussion room one by one.

Seeing that, I stopped my conversation with Elder Thornton.

"This?" I was startled by feeling the powerful auras.

When my mind was blank, I heard Elder Compton\'s laughter, "Ha...Ha...Ha..." But instead of looking at him, my gaze fixed on these five people.

Five of them immediately sat on the nearby chair one by one. Two female warriors and three male warriors including that annoying person, Eric Lloyd.

What amazed me was that. all of them are giving me off similar pressure. If my assumption is correct, then maybe 5 of them are at Peak Trainee Level.

In one way, it is a really good thing for me.

On the other hand, Compton saw their reaction of Zack. He found Zack is not giving him any attention at all.

Seeing that, he said, "Zack Lockwood, Let me give you a formal introduction of our team. Previously, you had met with another member. Including me, all five of us are part of the exploration team."

Elder Compton\'s words sounded very stern and serious. Hearing that I retracted my thoughts and looked at him.

"First I\'m the leader of this team, Ricardo Compton. Mid-Elite, Fire elemental warrior,"

"Second, Valerie Lyons. She is the vice leader of the team. Peak Trainee, Water Elemental warrior."

"Erik Lloyd. Third in command. Peak Trainee, Earth elemental warrior."

"Terrell Boyd. Fourth in command. Peak Trainee, Wind elemental warrior."

"Garrett Marsh. Fifth in command. Peak Trainee, Metal elemental warrior."

"And Kara Robles, Sixth in command. Peak Trainee. Fire elemental warrior."

Hearing that, my eyes gleamed with a twinkle. Five of them are not easy. all the common elements of this world can be seen in this one team.

This team also have a metal elemental warrior. I know how rare is it. Last time, I fought someone having the same element at the insect forest.

I\'m also surprised to see wind element warrior. Most of the warriors, I had met with usually had Earth or Fire elements in them. And very few are water element warriors.

So Metal and wind elements piqued my curiosity. I\'m happy to be a part of such a diverse team.

On the other hand, after saying that, Compton glanced at five of his team members before turning towards Zack.

"Guys, he is our new addition to the team. His name is Zack Lockwood," Ricardo Compton said with a smile.

"And that old guy beside him is my old friend, Thornton," He added further.

When he finished his words, I found their gazes on me. I don\'t know whether to laugh or cry. When they entered the room no one took a glance at me.

Now they are doing it after Elder Compton\'s words. Then feeling their gazes I politely nodded in response.

What\'s making me more hesitant is that all of them are seniors. None of them is in their twenties, forget about my age group.

On the other hand, Thornton felt something wrong with the atmosphere. He saw Erik Lloyd smirking. Like he had preplanned something.

Suddenly, Garrett Marsh said in a mocking tone, "Boss, why are we letting a young kid join our team?"

Erik Lloyd beside him revealed a sly smile on his face. He had already spoken with his teammates about this. Erik wants his relative kid back on the team.

So he asked for others\' help. Though not all of them agreed to help him. Vice leader Valerie was against him because she supports the leader, Compton.

Karla denied his request because she don\'t want to offend the leader.

Only two male members of the team were on his side. And they are not helping him for free, because he had made a deal with them.

So right now, Erik couldn\'t wait to hear leader Compton\'s response. He was confident that the leader won\'t be able to support his arguments.

Because he doesn\'t think that a young man named Zack is Peak Trainee Warrior. He has seen this level only from the descendants of Top families residing in Tier-7 cities.

Unfortunately, he couldn\'t able to know anything about Zack Lockwood. Something blocked his sense from probing the strength of Zack Lockwood. And leader Compton shields the kid Zack from him.

Harumph, Erik Lloyd snorted coldly inside.

The reactions of the rest of the members were different. Terrell Boyd, another male member of the team is watching everything in silence. He didn\'t even plan to condemn Garrett.

Only Valerie and Kara were displeased. Kara is worried that the team will be divided because of this. While Valerie thought of a whole new picture. She understands that leader Compton is not stupid.

If he is doing something like this, then there must be a solid reason behind it. But unfortunately, other members are not looking at the big picture.

On the other hand, Thornton slightly began to regret it. Because the team is looking toxic. He feels more than Trunulesia forest, Zack needs to stay away from these people.


I couldn\'t help but sigh in my heart. Because I realise dealing with monsters is easier than dealing with people around you. This conversation is going to destroy everyone\'s mood.

The atmosphere quieted down for a moment. Because no one spoke. Everyone is looking at Elder Compton for some kind of explanation.

But I know from our earlier conversation. Elder Compton is pissed right now.

On the other hand, Compton spoke after some silence.

He asked, "Garrett, do you got any problem with my decision?" The next second, his fiery gaze lands on Erik Llyod sitting right next to him.

He knew Erik won\'t remain silent and he will cause problems later. But he hasn\'t expected him to start right away before their departure to Trunulesia forest.

Erik Llyod stopped smiling and looked at Garrett Marsh.

"Boss, we are going to explore the ruins. It is the most dangerous place out there. So what is the need of taking this kid with us?" Garrett replied.

He felt his thinking was reasonable.

Hearing that, Compton decided to clear some things first. He doesn\'t want to hear the same conversation again in Trunulesia forest.

"Look, I\'m going to make one thing clear."

"I\'m allowing him to work with me as my assistant. It\'s my own decision. There is no need for you to interfere in it," Compton said.

"Secondly, Zack is not going to involve in research. He is joining the team to gain some experience in the outside world. So you guys don\'t have to worry about anything. The exploration will continue as usual with him or without him."

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