Ancient Tears BloodLine

Chapter 624 Part 1: Fighting Against Seamus

Days passed,

I went to the puppet training room to get familiar with my new strength. The following day, I went to the mountain peak twice to recover the purple essence. In a blink of an eye, the next week comes.

Day of a duel,

9 A.M

The duel was scheduled at noon. Everyone is eager to go to the duel arena.

On the other hand, I arrived at the dining hall. But Ernest and Laverne are nowhere to be seen.

This time I came a bit earlier. Shortly after, both of them arrived.

Ernest and Laverne both have smiles on their faces. They are not worried about today\'s duel at all. Others don\'t know but they have witnessed Zack\'s prowess in the monster zone.

A single lightning attack can injure Super Elite Warriors severely.

After greeting them we walked into the dining hall. At this point, the dining hall is crowded with people. It\'s rather unusual but considering today is a duel today.

Warriors might want to visit the arena earlier.

After receiving the food plate, we found an empty place to sit down. At the same time, I found many piercing gazes on me.

Most of them are filled with ridicule and contempt. I guess most of the warriors didn\'t believe I could win.

Ignoring their gazes, I started to eat.


Dean Rebecca is looking at the screen. Seeing that Zack\'s duel was scheduled for noon today. She doesn\'t know how to react.

Because everyone knows Zack broke through recently. And opposite person Seamus Dave is one of the strongest in the Super Elite ranks.

She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. She sometimes doesn\'t know where Zack\'s confidence comes from.

The next second, she summoned Zack\'s guardians.

Shortly after, the 2 guardians appeared.

"Dean," Both of them greeted upon seeing the dean.

"What do you guys think about Zack\'s strength?" Rebecca asked.

The male guardian and female guardian looked at each other. They are also aware of the duel today.

Like the dean, both of them were surprised as well. Because none of them had seen Zack fighting anyone before.


"Dean, we don\'t know. But since he dares to accept the challenge. He must have a trump card with him," The male guardian said.

"I think the same as well," The female guardian added. In her opinion, Zack is not stupid.

Dean Rebecca eases down her eyebrows.

Recalling Zack\'s past duel. She decides to put her trust in him once again.

On the other hand, Carlos Kent is also looking forward to the duel.


"The flame faction warriors are acting arrogant without the presence of the Faction Head," Carlos muttered to himself.

When it comes to Zack\'s strength. He still has some confidence.

Time files,

At noon, many warriors gathered in the duel arena. Except for the Flame and Special faction head, every other faction head came together with their warriors.

In the special faction spectator area,

Ernest and Laverne are seated to watch the duel. As usual, both of their presence was eye-catching. There aren\'t many warriors in their area.

On the other hand, every other faction\'s spectator area is filled with the crowd.

Shortly after, Carlos Kent enters the duel arena and he slowly walks to the special faction spectator area.


Carlos\'s appearance caused an exclamation. Because he was not present before.

Ernest and Laverne were dumbfounded as well.

Carlos simply greeted them by nodding at them before finding a good place to sit down.


I\'m signing the duel agreement in the office room. The duel is not a life-or-death duel. So any violation would lead to the academy\'s punishment.

It\'s just a formality. After signing the agreement, I walked towards the gate. The gate was slightly opened.

But I can hear the cheering crowd from ahead. As I entered the arena, I saw a spectacular view. The spectator area was filled with crowds.

Then I walked up to the dueling platform. On the other hand, there was no sign of Seamus Dave.

Maybe he plans to arrive after me.

"Harumph," I gave a cold snort in my heart.


When I walked up to the platform. The cheering sound changed. Instead, a booming sound was heard all of a sudden.

A quick gleam flashes in my eyes.

"This was new," I said in my heart.

This shows no one believes me right now. After a few minutes, Seamus Dave appeared.

His appearance brought huge cheering from the crowd. He was the favorite to win the duel.

A referee appeared as well.

Both of them reached the dueling stage. Seamus Dave walked up to the platform and stood opposite me.

Right after, the referee gave the signal.

Seamus shot the black flame towards me.


A black color flame quickly covered the arena in a blink of an eye.

The black hot flame increases the temperature all of a sudden.

Even the referee retreated a few steps backward.

My eyes flickered. The next second, I brought the black sword outside. And I started to charge the sword with the purple essence.

When the scorching hot flame got closer.

"Sword Divide"

I discharged the purple beam towards Seamus.


The lightning beam cuts through the black flame and reaches the target in a blink of an eye.

Seamus, who is continuing the attack, was startled by the purple beam. The next second, he stopped his attack and brought the sword to block the lightning attack.


A deafening sound reverberated throughout the area.

Smoke covers the platform again.

"He uses a sword," I raised my eyebrows in surprise. "This is going to be interesting," My mouth curved into an arc.


Seamus explodes with great speed to attack with a sword.

Seeing that I brought the sword forward to clash as well.


In the blink of an eye, we were clashing using swords. And the metallic sound is reverberated throughout the area.


On the other hand, the audience is letting out a roaring cheer. Earlier, most of them were on the side of Seamus.

But right now, the audience\'s opinions are changing.

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