Crossdressing To Survive An Apocalypse

Chapter 189 - 189 - Vines

Fan Xui walked him over to his house and stopped a little over a street away.

"Aren\'t you coming this way? You remember your house is this way, right?" Yue playfully tugged at his hands.

"I know.... but I\'m slightly worried about Qian. He did not look that good. I\'ll go check on him." he gently squeezed his hands and let go.

Yue was reluctant to part with him, but he too was worried about Qian. "Maybe I should come with you... I haven\'t met Peng Peng for a while,"

"oh..." Fan Xui swiftly took his hand. "Okay then. Let\'s go right ahead..." as they were walking away, the ground started to tremble violently.

Yue glanced around in shock. The tremors were coming from the direction of his house. "oh fuck.. no....." his heart started to pound faster.

He dashed there. The door had small dents on it. Even the lock was pried open. He drew his sword and ran into his house without hesitation.

The vines of the ground slithered like a snake grabbing a caught hold of his legs. He cut them, but the vines were as hard as steel. By the corner, his dad was squatting down, holding Blackie in hand. "dad! Wha..where\'s mum?.."

"Yue.. Yue go out! Run!" his dad shouted, with tears streaming down his face. "the plants… they are killing them. Don\'t touch them. Run!"

Yue glanced at the vines that were wiggling around. After his father shouted at him, the vines stopped moving closer, leaving a path for him and fan Xui.

"Calm down dad… calm down…" suddenly his eyes spotted a red spot on the floor.

His pupils trembled, gazing at the blood pooling down his father\'s lap. "no..." he ran to him and checked on him. "Where ... ah, where are you bleeding from? Dad.., dad..."

His dad started sobbing loudly. "It\'s not me... it\'s not me.." he delicately lifted Blackie onto his lap. Her stomach was bleeding profusely. "They shot her.... Yue.. I\'m so sorry..."

"shh... shh it\'s.. It\'s going to be okay... where.. Where\'s Trexa and, mum….. where is mum.."

"Mum is in there.. Trexa.. I don\'t know. They flung her off. Yue.. Yue..." he gripped his hand tightly. "I\'m scared…"

"It\'s okay. It\'s okay… I\'m here now. I\'ll take care of everything… shh… don\'t cry…" Yue hugged him close, gently patting his back. In hindsight, he noted three pod-like structures wiggling, hanging from the ceiling. The thick vines were aggressively squeezing them tight.

Muffled screams came from them.

\'They must be the intruders…. fuck… I let down my guard…\'

Fan Xui walked up to them. Silently he gestured for him to hide his father\'s eyes.

Yue nodded and hugged him close, placing a hand over his eyes. "everything is going to be okay.. It\'s all going to be okay,"

After a few small stabbing sounds, the muffled cries became silent.

Fan Xui walked close, stepping on the bloody pool on the ground. "Are you okay, mister Zou? Can you get up? Did they hit you somewhere? Do you feel any pain in your body parts?"

His dad shook his head no.

He gently pulled him up and sat him down on the sofa that was pushed up next to the kitchen counter.

"They ... they did not do anything...not to me....." his dad mumbled, glancing at Blackie. "Will she survive?"

"I will see what I can do. Fan, can you go check on my mum? She is in the room. and please take my dad with you. I\'ll clean up things in here," Yue whispered, gathering Blackie in his arms. a small figure jumped and clung to his pant legs.

Fan Xui could not make out what that was. "Okay, call me when you need help,"

"hmm...." Yue gave him a reassuring smile.

Just as fan Xui and his dad walked into the room, he closed their door. "Trexa, come here, see what you can do," he hurriedly pulled her up.

Trexa hobbled a little on her right foot. "squeak..." she jumped onto Blackie\'s body and softly started to sniff.

"Squeak... squeak..." she pointed to the open wound shaking and nodding her head

Yue could not understand. "Can you heal it? Is it possible? Just nod once if it\'s possible. Shake your head if it isn\'t..."

Trexa nodded vigorously. But she pointed to the wound.

Yue also took a look at it. The bleeding had slowed down but the wound was still gushing a copious amount of blood. "She was shot.. the bullet might still be in there...wait with her I\'ll find the emergency box,"

He pulled the medicine box from under the kitchen counter. It had all the emergency supplies he needed. But it did not have any forceps.

Without any option left, he had to opt for a chopstick. he washed it clean with rubbing alcohol and ran to them.

"I\'ll remove the bullet. You take care of the wound, okay. We can\'t waste any time." He got to work.

The bullet was embedded deep in her skin. he gently touched around the area. It was right by her thighs and her hip joint. The bullet did not hit any bones, thankfully.

"It must have hit an artery..." he swiftly caught hold of the bullet with his chopsticks and took it out carefully without hurting the poor cat.

Blackie flinched and mewed pitifully just as the bullet came out. "now,"

Trexa laid down on her back and placed a paw on her wound. Right before his eyes, the wound started to close up, leaving no trace of the injury.

Blackie stood up, glancing at her butt in shock. She tenderly licked that area and meowed in a surprised tone.

"Oh thank god.... thank god..." he hugged her close.

The huge cat gently laid on his lap exposing her tummy..

Even Trexa was happily jumping on her stomach, squealing.

"Trexa..... you are the best.. Thank you... thank you so much...." he picked her up and kissed her softly.

His little rat squeaked cheerfully and hugged his face with her cute little paws.

Chuckling, he wiped the tears off his face. "let\'s go see dad, he was worried sick about you," he lifted the huge cat in his arms.

She was a handful, but weighed nothing.

Blackie purred softly, peering at him with her content green eyes.

"dad... mum," he opened the door and glanced inside. His mum and dad were hugging and crying while Fan Xui sat with them occasionally uttering words of comfort.

"Yue!" his mum ran to him and glanced at him from top to bottom. "You are not hurt, right? Did those bad men do something to you? Tell me, I will go cut them to pieces."

"No... They didn\'t.. and see who is here," he held up Blackie.

His father stood up in shock. "She... she is alive! Oh thank heavens," he pulled the huge cat into his arms and hugged her tightly.

Blackie just laid there in his hold with her arms and legs flopping to the sides. "meow?"

His dad kissed her huge head as well. "My darling was so brave… so brave and majestic.."

Blackie meowed once again, nuzzling against his dad\'s hands.

Through all this, Yue could feel a gaze focused his way. He glanced up to see Fan Xui watching him intently.

He walked up to him and held his hands with his blood-soaked ones.


"Your secret. I know. It\'s a very precious power... but at the same time.. it very very dangerous to have. Don\'t ever reveal your powers to anyone. Not even Qian got it,\' he hugged him close and whispered.

"No, I think you misunderstood... it\'s," he glanced around. Trexa was nowhere to be seen. \'where did she run away now?\'

In fact, Trexa had never liked being close to Qian or Fan Xui. Whenever they came over, she would run away and hide in his bathroom.

After calming his parents down, he went out to deal with the dead bodies. Fan Xui joined him as well. They both pulled the vines off of them.

The men\'s bodies were totally mangled up. Most of their bones were crushed and poking out of their skin.

"Wow.. Who knew this pea vine could be so powerful?" he released the strand of vines. They shrunk up and went back to being just a decoration on the ceiling and the walls.

Fan Xui carefully tape don one. it did not react at all. "it\'s dangerous to have. But if we can control it, it will be an extra layer of protection,"

"I was thinking that..." actually the vines were definitely being controlled by his dad. He knew of that, but he did not say that out loud.

He pulled two of the bodies while Fan Xui dragged the rest out.

On the street, a few men and soldiers who were passing thought saw this and walked over to them. "What is this? Killing is banned in this place! You both you need to come with us!"

But Yue could definitely notice the men\'s weird gaze fall on him.

"is that so? They were not killed by us; they just hung themselves in our house. What can we do? We are just pitiful people." Yue pitifully looked up at him, batting his lashes.

The man who seemed like their head looked at him lewdly. "it\'s not believable at all. You... if you want to escape prison, then come with us.. I will take good care of you~" he reached out to touch his face.

Fan Xui grabbed a hold of him. "Don\'t you dare.."

All ten men pointed their guns at him in an instant.

Yue\'s heart started to pound loudly. Fan Xui\'s expression was turning cold by the minute. If he didn\'t do anything, he would easily kill them all. Killing this many soldiers will definitely get them in trouble...

\'what to do...\'

He wiped his eyes, making them tear up.

"Sir... sir, who is the one who gave orders. Can.. can you tell me? I\'ll try to talk to him. please don\'t hurt my brother. He is innocent..."

"Under commander Kung," the men said, surrounding them. "if you don\'t come peacefully, we might have to use force," they all laughed loudly.

Yue silently sighed. He had left his sword inside while he was tending to Blackie. If he had that, it would have been very easy to deal with them. but now all he had were his fists. \'not that\'s not god enough. Need something else...\' he gently nudged the rock at his foot.

"we... we are good citizens.. Please don\'t hurt us." he knelt down, picking it up subtly.

"That\'s it, just come with us girl. We will take care of the bodies for you," the man tried to touch him again.

"Sir.... don\'t hit my brother. He is very very innocent. Didn\'t the barrack set a rule not to hurt citizens..." he dodged his hands.

The man weirdly looked at him. "Girl, why do you need to know that."

"My brother... I don\'t want him hurt... you won\'t hurt him, right?"  he cutely looked at him.

"haha we have every right to hurt him. According to the recent order from the Barrack, we have every right to violently punish anyone we need to. So if you don\'t want your brother hurt, just come with us, yes?"

"I see~" Yue smiled at him softly. The hand reached out again. This time, he smashed the rock right onto it. Smashing his knuckle.

He leaned back down, kicking their knees.

The loud sound of bones breaking was heard, followed by the desperate cries of the soldier

Fan Xui plucked the guns off of their hands and dismantled them in no time. "General Kung is it? I think we might have to have a talk with him. He is not the head to enforce laws like that?" he simply touched them all.

A small wave of electric shock hit them all, knocking them unconscious.

Yue stood up, patting his knees. "We were careless. We should have burned the bodies inside."

"No, we need a new rule... any intruder can be hurt or killed," he said, kicking those men. "you okay?"

"Yep," Yue worriedly looked at the rock in his hand. It was covered in blood and bones. "do you think my power is useless?"

"No, it\'s not. At least you have an ability. Not many people get the chance to have one," Fan Xui nonchalantly whispered, pulling him close.

"Let\'s go meet your uncle.. We have a lot to discuss with him.,"

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