Crossdressing To Survive An Apocalypse

Chapter 201 - 201 - Birthday Surprise

Days passed, everyone was busy in the barracks while Zou Yue was still forced to take bed rest. Fan Xui would usually leave the room by early morning five and only returns by the evening.

Till then he was left all alone in the room.

"It\'s boring, I\'d rather go haul some bricks than sit in bed all day," he mumbled softly.

The door opened and Tian poked her head in. "he\'s awake,"

Suddenly, the door was fully thrown open and everyone shouted. "Happy birthday"

Juda came in with a cake and set it on the bedside table. "Happy birthday Yue,"

Yue sat up straight. "It\'s my birthday? Oh completely forgot!.... I\'m nineteen! Oh, my god... I\'m nineteen!" he excitedly stood up. His sister\'s previous words came to his mind. "I can do sexy stuff!"

Both his parents choked on spit, coughing loudly.

"Can\'t I?"

"y-you... you can," his father said with a strained smile. Sitting next to him, he hugged him close. "Ahem ... do.. do you know about STDs."


"It\'s... a disease that you must avoid... always... wear..."

"Dad! Stop, I know what that is! And.. I will make sure to.... stay \'protected\'" Yue blushingly, whispered. Hearing his father give him sex Ed was the worst kind of embarrassment he had experienced. Especially when his father looked like he was on the verge of tears.

"Are you crying?"

"No! I\'m not crying! I\'m not.." he sniffed loudly.

"Aww... your dad is getting emotional. His baby boy is getting hitched," his mum sat on the other side of the bed and hugged the both of them.

Yue chuckled softly. "I\'m not getting married. I\'m just going to have sex. Nothing too dramatic,"

"Oh god," his father started sobbing even louder. "My baby boy has grown up... he is ready to leave the nest..."

"Dad... it\'s just sex."

"Ah don\'t say that word. If I hear it, I might imagine it! I don\'t want to imagine it!" he cried cupping his ears close.

Yue\'s mum rolled her eyes with a loud sigh. "Get used to it, he is the dramatic one in the family," she silently whispered into his ears.

Juda, right then, handed a knife to him. "Make a wish~"

Yue excitedly closed his eyes. \'I wish that everyone will be safe and sound and everything will go smoothly,\' he blew the candle and cut the cake. It was a simple vanilla cake with buttercream frosting.

It tasted so so sooo good. The cake got eaten in just under five minutes.

Yue licked off all the frosting from his fingers without leaving a single trace. "Where did you guys get a cake?"

"I baked it, our new place has solar power and an oven that actually works!" Lui said with a bright smirk. "Was it tasty?"

"Tasty? It was heavenly. It was super duper awesome." Yue gave her a thumbs up.

They stayed with him for a long time chatting randomly. But after a while, the three girls had their shift his parents stayed with him though till daybreak.

Even they had to leave.

Yue pouted, waving at his parent\'s goodbye by the gate.

Suddenly, his father came back to him and handed him a small gift. "Don\'t use it too often.... Yue...." he hugged him once again and started to shed tears. ".....take care,"

"Yeah...." Yue glanced at the well-wrapped gift questionably.

Both his parents were now able to walk back home on their own. After that incident, dad found a way to control the pea vine. The trick was the have a physical touch n the plant itself. So his father cut a small branch off it with difficulty and tried manipulating it. Surprisingly it worked.

It acted as his own weapon now. He was more than happy that he was able to defend the house and his family.

Plus, after the punishment, the crimes nearby the military barracks had diminished. Only the area father from the barracks was still having occasional looters and robbers.

Both his parents back disappeared from his sight only after that did he walk back into the barrack.

Silently he unwrapped the gift. The contents fell off.

A few pink condoms littered the ground.

"Oh fuck," he hurriedly picked them off and glanced around. Thankfully no one around seems to have noticed. He stuffed the condoms in his pockets with a bright flush on his face. He ran to a corner and glanced at the condoms peculiarly. They were all size XL.

"Did dad get me a wrong size? I don\'t think I am that big down there....."

"Yue?" Fan Xui stopped in front of him. "Why are you hiding there?"

"N-nothing!" he hurriedly hid his hands behind his back. "You done with your work?"

"Almost.... the testing of ability users is progressing smoothly but the results are not stellar." He started to walk slowly as he was talking.

Yue hopped close to him. "oh what happened?"

"The ability users we have discovered are mostly defense ability ones. Water ability is very rare..."

The rest of his words became a blur. All Yue could see were his lips that moving mesmerizingly. His sharp chin had a small amount of stubble, giving him a sexy look. Fan Xui was actually just wearing a dress shirt, but he just looked so soo handsome...

"Yue?" a finger gently touched his cheeks. "What\'s wrong? You look dazed,"

"Oh.. that.... it\'s nothing. um... Fan, do you have time this evening?"

"Yes, do you need anything?" Fan expectantly looked down at him.

"A... date?"

Visibly Fan Xui froze. " yes... let\'s go on a date.. I\'ll get off work soon. And we shall have our date." He stiffly whispered. His earlobes were already a deep shade of red by now.

Yue chuckled subtly. "You have anything planned?"

"It\'s.. It\'s a surprise! A surprise, yeah. I\'ll pick you up in just ten minutes okay," he hurriedly ran away.

Most likely to get suggestions from others.

"Why is he so cute?" Yue happily hopped back to their room. He cleaned it up as much as he could and set up a few candles in the room.

Hurriedly Yue changed into a new pair of clothes and placed one condom in his back pocket with a heated face.

"Everything is set..... ahh I\'m so nervous," he rolled on the bed squealing slightly.

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