Crossdressing To Survive An Apocalypse

Chapter 265 - New Discovery That Could Change The War

Chapter 265 – New Discovery That Could Change The War

Zou Yue excitedly ran towards the barrack. After a long time he got hope that things could get better.

This new discovery can be really useful in the settlement. If it was harness properly the plants could be mutated and can be planted in the walls to take care fi the overwhelming zombie crowding outside.

Day by day so many soldiers are getting wounded and passing away pitifully in the hospital bed. Some even get eaten alive.

If this method could be implemented it can save a lot of lives.

\'maybe it can even be used to grow crops! Oh my god, this is so exciting. Wait until doctor and Qian hears about this. they are going to be elated.\'

"hey you! wait," a voice called him right as he entered the barrack gate..

It was the girl he had rescued in the warehouse. She was still wearing that same outfit but now it had dust and smudge smeared on her pink skirt.

"I have something to do. Please ask the soldiers for help,"

She stood in her way resolutely. "I need YOUR help. Come on then. follow me,"

While she was facing away blabbering something he took the change to run away towards the entrance.


"go ask someone else. I\'m busy,"\' he ran to the below underground floors. The third floor was restricted and three guards stood there.

"stop, unauthorised people not allowed,"

Yue looked at the three. They were all unfamiliar faces. The soldier who knew him where no where to be seen. "fuck, I know Hary. He\'s my friend. He can vouch for me. can you tell me where he is,"

"he is down there sir, but we can\'t allow you,"\'

Yue was more than frustrated. "\'fine. I\'ll go see uncle and get a way to find authorisation,"\' he rushed to the ground floor to his uncle\'s office.

He gently knocked on the door. "uncle?"

"Yue! Come in, come in!" an excited voice came form inside.

Yue walked in. The two generals he was familiar and friendly with were having a small chat among themselves.

"Yue," his uncle happily hugged him. "how was your trip. No one was hurt right? where\'s Tian. I thought she will come visit… ahem give a report."

"she is taking care of juda. Something happened. You might not know this but some people kidnapped Juda and hurt her badly. They even stabbed Lui. They both are recovering at home."

"what? tell me who they were. I\'ll take care of them!" he held his shoulders with a angry look on his face.

Yue patted his back and assured him that everything was alright.

"uncle I came here to ask a favour. I need authorisation to get to the third floor. I want to talk to Qian and prisitsky."

Uncle wen walked over to his desk and came back with a small shoulder medal. "only generals can enter that place. just give it to them when entering they will know. Did you…"

Before he could finish Yue ran out of the room with a huge grin on his face.

"children… sigh…" wen glanced at his comrades. "but isn\'t he cute. I wish Qian was this cute. Every tie I approach him he will have that defensive look on his face,"

"every child is different wen. You have to approach them differently. Especially an exceptional child like Qian. Give him time and love he will give it back ten folds," one of his friends whispered.

Wen nodded. "I must put an effort then. maybe should I make him breakfast?"

"you should," the other two generals nodded with a bright smile on their faces.

Yue on the other hand ran back to the third basement floor and handed the badge to the soldiers they confidently look at it and let him pass.

"oh and general Hary is there. You can meet him in doctor prisitsky\'s office."

"great!" he happily ran to prisitsky\'s office first. If he can meet them both at the same time he could not have to explain it again and again.

He gently knocked.

There was no reply from inside.

"Hary… doctor. It\'s me Yue. I have important information."

There was a small sound o dripping water form inside.

"doctor? Are you guys okay?"

The door opened slightly and Hary stood there with a petrified look on his face.

"you… you okay?"

His shirt was slightly wet with blotches of water drops everywhere.

"you\'re wet… go change your clothes. don\'t get sick,"

Hary just stood there…. "Yue.. he… he is going to…"

"Hary! Weren\'t you on your way out. I have something important to discuss with Yue," prisitsky came up from behind and pushed him out literally.

Yue looked at them both with his eyes wide open.

There was a weird tension between them. Hary had never look so shocked in his life before but prisitsky was calm as usual.

\'what happened between them huh? Did they fight about something…\'

Hary had the habit of arguing to people before he got comfortable with them…

\'sigh… I hope things work out..\'

"Yue, come in please," he pulled him in by his wrist.

Yue watched as the doctor close the door on hary\'s shocked face.

"is it okay to send him of like that. poor guy looked shocked." Yue hesitantly stood by the door.

"he will get over it. what do you have to say to me. don\'t waste to much time," he urged him to continue the topic.

Yue walked over to the testing table. "I have found something very important. You remember that mutant swimming zombie? I saw something that I did not inform you. he was eating something other than the fished. He was eating a rock.. it looked like the meteorite rocks. I think that might have been the reason for his mutation,"

Prisitsky looked uninterested. "there is no concrete proof that it might be possible. unless until we have no proof I can\'t take this information as viable…"

"but…." Yue took careful look at hm. His hair was completely wet and so were his clothes.

He remember Hary\'s clothes were also wet…

\'wait did they play with water… no these two are too serious about their carrier to play like children… unless… oh my god, they.. they hugged.\'

"Yue?" prisitsky raised his glasses. "you look distracted,"

"ha… ha… nothing. just thinking about something. But doctor what I\'m telling is the truth. i…."

He paused thinking about revealing willow\'s identity. That tree was already planted at his house. if he showed it to him this doctor will definitely want to have a piece of that meteor rock.

He had seen how obsessed that little tree was over it..

It will cause a major clash. And this doctor was known to use the military force to get what he wants..

"I just do. Please can you test that. try to plant a tree right over that rock and check of the plant mutates or not."

He suddenly faced him fully, removing his glasses.

Surprisingly this middle ages doctor looked kind of handsome with his grey hair down and his glasses off. His slightly grey black eyes looked down at him with an unusually seriousness.

"how did you know this exactly Yue. Did you plant something like that.."

Yue froze. "no. but I just dreamt of it. try it if you want, if not just don\'t take me seriously. I have never been wrong about something just remember that fact,"

He said his piece and ran away. The more time he spent here the more the doctor will drill him for answers so he silently rushed away.

Prisitsky peered at the open door with a frown. "meteor rocks…. its worth investigating…."

He knew exactly where to find them of course.

He walked out the barrack towards the wen family fields. While cleaning out the soil the top layer was sifted and smaller rocks and anything suspicious was discarded in a small pile away form the fields.

It was left untouched by anyone.

Priestly looked at the pile of black porous rocks with a frown.

Suddenly as he got close his mouth started drooling uncontrollably. It dropping down his mouth.

He hurriedly closed his mouth..


The rocks… it was the rocks… his mouth was watering looking at the rocks!

He squatted down and carefully took one with his gloved hand. the rock looked very normal..

He sniffed it.

His stomach growled loudly.

\'mouth watering and my stomach is growling.. is my body asking mem to eta this.. does that thing.. want this,\'

He didn\'t want to admit it but he really as dying.

His body was rejected any source of nourishment or water. Every time he ate something he puked it out, even if he drank water he puked it out.

Only thing his body accepted was the contaminated water..

\'and this rock..\'

\'Yue said that mutated zombie was eating it… maybe.. I\'m a mutated monster too.. maybe that\'s why my hunger was never satiated with human food..\' he licked his dry lips peering at the rock.

It looked so tantalising..

He bit into it. it crumbled into his mouth. The taste was just like eating activated carbon and ground up sand.. it was…


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