Crossdressing To Survive An Apocalypse

Chapter 323 323 - The One In Red Puffer Jacket

They were moving rapidly in his husband\'s direction.

\'I\'ve got to do this quickly,\'

With a final leap, he landed right on the end of the line of buildings. From here there was a wide gap between the wall and him.

Fan gritted his teeth. Getting close will give him more precision with his attack, but he obviously could just jump into a crowd of zombies.

At this point few of the zombies noticed him. They were all growling and screaming holding their hands up and reaching for him.

"Let\'s get this over with," he held out his hand towards the sky.

A chilling wind passed by him and the whole ground started to freeze. Some zombies slipped on it.

"Not enough… more… come on I need more power,\'

With his eyes closed, he concentrated silently on the ground. The ice grew into icicles instantly stabbing the zombies down. Little by little the icicles progressed towards the wall.

It started to encircle the broken area of the wall with a thin film. But the zombies kept pushing through, breaking that thin wall.

"Fuck," he did not have any explosives in hand.

He shot at them with a huge bolt of lightning. It only managed to stun them for a few minutes but the others still came back strong.

Right then, a huge explosion hit that spot. The zombies fell back.

Fan sped up the freezing and plugged that hole right up. It was not strong but it was only a temporary measure. He took the microphone that was fastened to the back of his pant and shouted. "Team one move. The break is secure! Move! Move! Move!"

Hearing this Yue looked at Tian with a huge grin. "he did it….."

"Fall back. I can hear the military moving in. we\'ll be in their field of shot." Tian dragged him away.

Just as they ran, one of the street lights caved in and fell right before them.

"Shit…" Tian and Yue jumped up and ran.

The hurdles were the only thing holding the zombies back and now that the streetlight had tumbled down there was nothing stopping the zombies.

They rushed to them.

Some even threw fire attacks at them.

Yue just glance at his sister in shock. "Fuck they are strong,"

"Yeah hope, none of those things throws a lightning bolt at us,"\'

Just as she said it, a lightning bolt flew their way.

Tian immediately grabbed him and pulled him aside. "I think I just jinxed it,"

Yue was stuck in shock. The zombies seemed easy to deal with when they were being sliced off, but now that they were free and a bit of space to stretch their hands they kept throwing attacks after another.

One even threw a rock at him.

"A rock?! Shit. I hate this. I feel like I\'m in a protest where people throw potatoes and rocks,"

Tian rolled her eyes.

The military was right in front of them with the tankers and fifteen rows of soldiers with their machine guns ready.

"They have the ability zombies set up an earth user as the vanguard. "Go, go!" Tian gave orders.

The soldiers rearranged themselves. The earth ability users came upfront and raised a wall. Soldiers used this to dock their guns.

"Ready….fire!" Fan shouted from above.

The soldiers fired.

A whole lot of zombies tumbled down.

The first went row shot until their bullets were out and then the next row of soldiers moved upfront while the others were loading up bullets. The tanker shot at ten-minute intervals.

Somehow they could hold them back.

Yue smirked. "We might make it."

"Team two, proceed to the streets. We need aerial vision. Attack with all you\'ve got!" Fan said through the microphone again.

Everything was orderly. Everyone was fighting with all they\'ve got.

This gave him hope.

"We can do this… we can actually survive…"

Tian held his gloved hand. "We\'re going to survive… Yue. We did it…"

She glanced back and gestured for Hary to come down from his post.

Hary just smirked and continued to be their lookout. If any one of the dangerous ones came close, he shot them down.

It was unified action.

After half an hour, team one fell back and team two took charge.

The entire evening only the sound of loud gunshots and bombs going off was heard. The marketplace that was once flourishing was completely destroyed. The human who were still hiding out in their homes were unaccounted for.

Yue bit his lips. It was the loss they had to manage. The remaining survivors in this area could not be salvaged.

Fan jumped down next to him and handed a protein bar. "we\'ve got almost all of them. Some of the zombies had scattered away from team one\'s shots, special team two is chasing after them. The ability users would be able to take them out easily,"

"That\'s great," Yue hurriedly ate the protein bar. Since the morning they had nothing to eat. His stomach was aching badly. "What about the wall? Freezing is only a temporary measure,"

"I\'ve ordered a metal ability user and an earth ability user to go fix it."

The loud sound of a chopper was heard above them. The furious wind whooshed above them.

"Looks like they are on their way right now. You want to take a look,"

"Yeah definitely," Yue wanted to see how history was made. He wanted to be a part of it.

He held his husband\'s hand, and they both jumped roofs to get close to the wall. The hole that was frozen over had held very strongly. The chopper flew close and a rope ladder dropped. Two people started to climb down.

"It can be fixed in a jiffy…"

Yue smirked at him. "You\'re amazing."

"No you\'re amazing…"

Chuckling, they both glanced at the wall. Suddenly, Yue felt his skin prickle up. it was a strange feeling. It was as if a beast was looking at him.

He keenly looked at the zombie crowd. A man in a red puffer jacket was looking at them.

"Fan do you see him.. That\'s a zombie right? Or is it a person?."

Fan squinted his eyes. "I\'m.. not sure…"

The person in the puffer jacket looked at the chopper and suddenly let out a loud screech.

The nearby zombie picked up a car that was in the pile up outside and held it above his head.

"Fan.. we have to stop him. Someone shoot him! Take him out!"

"screeechhhh!!!!" the zombie tossed it right at the chopper. It hit the tail Fan and it went down in flames.

\'Oh fuck…."

Giving them one last look the zombie in the red puffer jacket screeched once again. The rest of the zombies fell back. That zombie alone stood there looking at them intensely.

"What is that…."

"With that out there our chances of winning is less… Hary can you shoot it down," he shouted through the microphone.

He saw harry shake his head from the distance.

The next second he saw the zombie had disappeared.

"What do we do?" Yue glanced at the zombies. They had not moved from that spot in a while.

It was weird to look at them all, standing still. Most of the zombies were missing a body part and some of them looked like they had no skin at all. The skeletal zombies were also a part of the group.

Yue shuddered just looking at them. Only their brains were left behind in their heads. With that alone they started to massacred and kill humans. They mostly could not eat human flesh but still their brains retained the urge to bite and kill humans. They were the most dangerous of all zombies he had met in the apocalypse.

They spread the virus so easily with a scratch of their bones and… the ones who were infected with these zombies always ended up dying in the end.

There were also a few smaller zombies hiding in the crowd. Some looked just like Zi Chen from the distance.

He could not bear to see t ay longer.

The sight of zombie children that once evoked fear in his heart only brought him a sense of pity. Those cute children must have felt so scared and hurt…..

\'I...if we don\'t deal with this..our son will become like those pitiful kids…. If we don\'t solve this hoard we don\'t have a chance…\'

He stepped back slightly trembling.

"It\'s okay. I\'m here. Don\'t worry so much Yue. We have all the weapons man power and ability users. We can definitely defeat them for sure. So don\'t give up hope so soon,"

Yue gave him a small smile. "We… we have to defeat them.."

"We will."

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