Hollywood Zenith

Chapter 83 Confrontation

Breakfast went uneventful; we talked about several daily occurrences, nothing substantial, mainly Naruhito, his wife, and his younger brother joining the conversation. The other two princesses would chime in occasionally, but for the most part, they would mind their own business and eat their meals. Other family members stayed silent throughout the discussion. Something was going on, but they were hiding it pretty well.

Iblis was still aloof, so Samuel decided to confront her directly. They came here to enjoy themselves, not to act alienated. After breakfast ended, Samuel pulled Iblis aside to discuss what had been going on with her.

" Iblis can I talk to you for a second?"

" Hmm," Iblis replied with a short phrase.

" Is something wrong? You are not acting like yourself since this morning."

" Do you really have to ask me that? I already know, alright, you--" Iblis was acting out, speaking loudly. Samuel was confused; he felt the hostility like the first time they met.

" Have I done something? You can tell me we are friends, right?" He asked genuinely.

" Friends? FRIENDS? we are not friends. I was duped, you are not my friend after all you have done."

" What did I do? I don\'t know why are you acting like this after all we have been through, I thought we resolved our differences."

" This was a mistake; I should have never come here with you, how dare you use Adele for such nefarious reasons. What did she do to deserve this." She has been going on and on, but Samuel was oblivious to the cause; he was unaware of Hanson and Rothchild family\'s differences in the past.

" Please, don\'t spin this on me, I never did anything. You again accusing me of something without telling me anything. "

" No I will tell you, you Rothschilds are the reason for my family\'s destruction. You who have been using Adele to get close to me, now you are acting oblivious. How can I believe you ?"

Iblis was yelling the whole time, which prompted Karoline and Oscar to take notice. Karoline entered first to see the situation, but Iblis, who had been yelling at Samuel, started yelling at her next--

" You, you knew but you never warned me. Who is paying you? You are also one of them aren\'t you. How much did they paid you? You knew he is from that cursed family and yet you stayed quiet this whole time. How could you do this to me?" Iblis began berating Karoline as soon as she saw her.

On the other hand, Samuel started to get the gist of it; it had something to do with him being a Rothchild.

" That is why she has been acting like this since morning. She must have heard my name when I introduced myself to the Imperial family." He thought.

" I know alright, but I have my reasons." Karoline rebutted.

" Reasons, What could possibly justify all this other than your greed. Do you know what they did huh? they killed my family, I know, I have seen my brother and mother\'s grave with my own eyes. Father always talks about that terrible day when he lost both of them. After knowing all that I am here \'enjoying\' with a member of such a family." Iblis went ballistic on Karoline; she even spewed curses.

" I have to protect my family, what do you think you would do in my situation? Let them die!" They started arguing with no end in near sight.

Adele also heard the commotion but was conflicted about what to do to calm them down.

Oscar entered the room; he had heard enough. He went straight toward Iblis and gave her a sudden slap. It was a harsh one that rang throughout the room, silencing everyone. Others were shocked by this development, Oscar stood there emanating a terrifying aura, but his eyes had tears forming.

Iblis stood there looking at his face; it was sudden, but she had never felt pain like this. She began to become even more furious.

" How dare you hit me! y-you will pay for this. I w-will--"

" JUST STOP! Don\'t talk bullshit if you don\'t know anything. You don\'t know shit about that day." Oscar bellowed at the top of his lungs.

" Y-you what do you know? Don\'t act high and mighty, you are just a lowly butler."

" This is why I hate the Hanson family , always believing themselves to be above other. You know nothing." Oscar felt disgusted; you could clearly see it on his face.

Samuel and Adele were shocked, too; they had never seen this side of Iblis. The girl who cared so much for others snapped back to something they didn\'t even recognize.

" Iblis what are you saying? How can you say that to Uncle Oscar?" Adele walked up to her and spoke her mind. Karoline, who has been with her for the past year, had never seen such behavior.

Iblis, recognizing her own words, became distressed and timid and started apologizing.

" Leave her be, she will come to her senses in few minutes. It is a trigger when a person goes under duress." Oscar explained from the side. It felt like he knew a lot about it.

Adele took Iblis near an empty sofa to lay her down. She lost consciousness, but her erratic breathing subsided.

" Oscar please, explain what is happening? Why is she acting like this? and what is our connection with the Hanson family. I need to know everything." Samuel said with a severe expression.

Karoline saw a complex expression on Oscar\'s face upon hearing Samuel\'s inquiry; she moved forward and held his hand to calm him down. They would always fight, but this time Oscar needed someone to support him, not someone to pull him down.

Oscar feeling the warmth of Karoline\'s hand, woke up from his mental struggle; he exhaled to gather his thoughts.

" It is a long story, b-but I think it is time to tell you about it." He said.

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