Hollywood Zenith

Chapter 286 Invitation

" You gotta be kidding me!" Samuel yelled out in frustration.

" Did you tell my mother?" He asked his team. Steve and the others needed to be more knowledgeable about what he was discussing.

" No one informed the madam. We were waiting for you here!" Jane asked.

" How did she know then? Wait what about the police then?" Samuel finally noticed the anomaly. Who informed the police? He thought it was some passerby but was their response time that impressive that they assembled dozens of officers? Besides, gang members would never snitch on themselves, right?

" Police? I didn\'t see anyone informing them. Maybe they did it in secret, you should ask Enrique about it." Samuel looked around to see that his aunt was sneaking glances at him. It was obvious who the culprit was!

" So that\'s why she said sorry earlier!" He marched toward her.

" Why? Can\'t you wait few hours before informing them?"

" Don\'t blame me! They asked me to do it. It was your fault to begin with." She defended herself.

" Still, It\'s bad!"

" Why are you freaking out? When I talked to her she was pretty calm?"

" It\'s not about that, she want me to bring.."


"She wants to meet Liliana and Rosaline."

" That\'s a good thing right? But who is Rosaline?" Amelia was out of the loop. She only met Liliana today and knew about the nature of their relationship.

" Rosaline is, how do I say it, someone I am involved with?"

" What? Don\'t tell me you- what happened to you!" Amelia was lost for words. Samuel, she knew, would never do something like this. Moreover, she had been hearing chatter about Maia and the others too.

" It\'s complicated, that is why I don\'t want to introduce them yet."

" Well, you have to take care of your messes. Beside, I know how she is. She will visit them personally if you refuse her request."

" That what I am fearing the most. I want to be there to smooth things over. I guess I don\'t have a say in this matter." Seeing Samuel\'s dejected face, Amelia suggested something.

" Why don\'t you come with me today? You know kids are revolting since morning when I mentioned you were in town."

" Yeah It\'s been few months since I visited them. Right, are you going next week for the birthday party?"

" Yeah, I would have asked you to travel together but you have lot of things on your plate."

" That would be for the best. I should discuss with Liliana before leaving." Samuel was walking away when Amelia called out to him.

" Hold up! What about Maia, Paris, and Iblis, who have been staying at your home?" Amelia had a gut feeling about asking about it.

" About that-"

" Wow, I know now why you forgot about visiting me! Forget it! I don\'t want to get into your personal business. I had enough for today."

" Please don\'t tell anyone about it. The girls will kill me if they knew that you knew."

" I am not a blabber mouth."

His aunt was very perceptive much more after she became a mother; he got away from her before she fished out more of his secrets. It was not like he wanted to hide it; it was just too embarrassing to talk about it.

Walking over to Enrique\'s house, Daniel informed him they were still inside talking about it. It would probably take some time before they were done, so he called Maia.

" Where are you? It\'s been a whole day! We were so worried about you!" He got an earful as soon as the call connected. He remembered their faces when he left this morning.

" I am fine. Few things happened but fortunately I sorted it out."

" Good, what time are you coming back then? We were thinking about making you something." Maia said.

" I make mean pasta, but it taste better when warm." Iblis said from the side.

" I can mix some drinks to go along with it." Paige knew nothing about cooking but could only suggest such a thing.

" I appreciate the offer but don\'t you remember what happened the last time you got drunk."

" Fuck you! Don\'t remind me of that."

" Yeah, I am still sore."

" I also have trouble sitting down."

" You know I can hear you right? I am sure it was not my fault, you were in my room remember?"

" Do you really want to do this over the phone?" Maia shut it all down. They would have to be on the phone all night if they went that route.

" Right, I was calling to let you know I will not be coming home tonight. I am going over to my aunt\'s house."

" What?"

" I am sorry. It sort of happened; I will be back tomorrow." Samuel was about to hang up the phone; he could see Liliana coming out of the house.

" Wait! I have to tell you something."

" Yes?"

" We were going to London in a week. You know for the celebration, Aunt Laura called few hours ago."

" Right. So?"

" We should go together."

" That may be a little difficult. I will tell you about it in person."

Samuel\'s hesitation was clearly felt by Maia. She decided to leave it alone for now, but he better gives a good reason why he was refusing them.

On the other hand, Samuel was screaming in his head; now he had to worry about the meeting with his mother and the girls getting back together. How would Iblis and others react after meeting Liliana and Rosaline? Only time will tell?

" What are you spacing out for?" Liliana came and asked him.

" How did it go?"

" I can\'t believe I am saying this but for years I wanted to punch my brother on the nose now I would be satisfied with a elbow to the chin."

" Don\'t you think you are becoming more violent day by day. On the different note, I am glad it worked out."

" Thanks to you. I am grateful but don\'t do something this stupid again alright? Discuss with me first, before visiting my father."

" Why he feels like a chill dude?" Samuel said earnestly.

" Chill dude? Only someone like you would say such a thing after meeting him." Liliana was baffled by his description.

" Why what do people usually say?"

" psychopath? Crazy? Insane? these are few colorful things I heard when I brought my school friends and that was when he was tame and hid his \'job\'."

" Well I get along just fine with your father. Much better than I anticipated."

" It means you both are cut from the same cloth. Should I start calling you \'papi\' too?" She bit her lower lip, giving him the \'look.\'

" Really? We are already delving into kinky stuffs? I really don\'t mind, I find it sexy when you speak mexican."

" I will keep it in mind." She wrapped her arms around his. But sweet moments didn\'t last for long.

" I also have to tell you something. But before that Are you free next week?" He asked.

" I don\'t know I have to check-"

" Get rid of everything. I am taking you someplace just be prepared for it." He interrupted her. He knew what was at stake if he failed to bring her.

" Why? Aren\'t you going to tell me?"

" It\'s just don\'t freak out. We are going to London, I am taking you to attend a birthday party."

" That\'s it?"

" Also I am taking Rosaline too."

" Good luck with that, I heard her father was very mad when he found out her lying to him. Seeing your daughter on television attending a strange event with even stranger man? I don\'t think he would be up for it again." Rosaline had told Samuel about some of it, but he didn\'t know it was that bad. Well, as a last resort, he could kidnap her.

" I will take care of it. You are also coming with me, I need your support when I break these news to them."

" But I don\'t want to! Her father is weird about her, also he has a lot of guns. I don\'t want to die so soon." Liliana joked, but Samuel had personally experienced it. This time he might not be so lucky.

" I am serious, you don\'t know what\'s at stake if I don\'t bring you two!"

" Woah, you are scaring me now! What are you not telling me? I watched too many horror films to know I shouldn\'t go with you."

" Movies? It\'s much scarier than that, you will meet my family especially my mother. Also do you remember the girls that you I told you about? They will be there too." It was not an exaggeration to say a Rothschild\'s birthday party is always grandiose.

" Hahaha, why are you so worried about that? You already met my family, how bad is your family going to be? Unless they cast me out because I am not from some rich family."

" That is the one thing I am certain will not happen but they would drown you with questions."

" Relax you are overthinking it. Me and Rosaline will be fine, if you are that worried about it we could postpone the meeting."

" If you do that, my mother will directly search for you. She is a bit impulsive like that."

" Huh?"

" I will tell you about it later. I have to go now, It\'s getting late."

" Wait! Don\'t leave me hanging why would she do that?"

She never got an answer for it. It did make her curious about the type of woman Samuel\'s mother was. Guess she would be found about it in the future.

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